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Rated: E · Other · Political · #1850497
My thoughts on America
Over the past few years I have really got into politics. After researching online, watching the news, and reading some books; I have realized that fixing the state of our union really has nothing to do with politics at all. In fact, we all know the difference between right and wrong and I think by now we realize that what is happening in Washington is wrong. Over 200 years ago, our fore fathers fought to gain our freedom and now we are sitting back and watching as our great nation dissolves from the inside out. Well I, for one, am tired of sitting idly by, watching the politicians in Washington and the wealthy citizens of the United States feast on misfortune of others and do what is best for their political agendas while the middle and lower class Americans feed on left over scraps. Times have changed and it is not about being a Republican or Democrat at this point. It is about returning America to what it once was; a nation by the people and for the people. It is about realizing that the “American Dream” has now become a nightmare thanks to politicians who thinks that they have to write a million page law in order to help everyone except for the people who voted them into office. We need to make Washington realize that every law they write has consequences and lately all of them have had a negative effect on the nation as whole. We should not have to give up any more of our freedoms or capital in order to fix the mess that they have bestowed upon us. My generation and generations to come have already been burdened with 13 trillion dollars in debt that the government expects back in order to solve our national debt. Our fore fathers are turning in their grave because of the state of our once great nation. Although I am angry about the current state of our nation I do not wish to fix these problems with violence I think Glenn Beck said it best “Thomas Paine and fellow revolutionaries shed their blood so that future generations would have access to weapons immeasurably stronger than muskets or bayonets: the weapon of democracy.”. We all need to make a stand and show that we are not gonna take anymore or the lies and deciet from Washington and that we are gonna take back OUR nation and inject a good healty dose of common sense into America and rid this great nation of the politicans that are infected with greed and corruption.
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