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Instructions for updating the Showering Acts of joy Garden Forum.
So, you’ve been given the task of updating the showers in the "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Now I guess you’d like to know how to do it, and have most, if not all, of your questions answered so you don’t have to waste time trying to figure out what you don’t know, right? So that’s where I come in. I’m going to hold your hand and walk you through all of the ins and outs of it. Don’t worry about taking notes, I’ll let you read over this again if you forget something.

If you’ve never edited anything, good for you, but you still need to know how to do it. It is a requirement. Go ahead and open the forum up on edit and see how everything is lined up if you haven’t had the chance to ever look at it. If you’ve worked on taking care of showers, you know exactly what that looks like and how it works.

Depending on how many members are reviewing and how much, you may be able to get by with updating the garden once a day, and some days you may feel like you’ve updated all day. It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it, so don’t worry.

There are a couple of ways to do this that I’ve found, but feel free to find a way that’s more comfortable and easy for you. You will start at the last post where it’s noted that the board is updated. In the subject you should find the name of who the review is for, and how many reviews were done for them. Example: 1 (one) for Missy. If you hover your mouse over the subject line, it will show you the first part of the post which will include the review number. It will look something like this: [link to review #0000000].

Occasionally you will need to open up the posts to get the review numbers because someone posted in a way that keeps you from seeing the numbers, or didn’t post who the review was for in the subject line. When you open the post, click on the review link, and at the top will be the review number, and below that is the information for who the review was for.

You may choose to use just a pen and paper to write down the review numbers and who they are for before you update the board. You will need to know their user name in order to post the reviews. If you’re not sure what their user name is, just scroll up the board of showerees until you find the name posted, then hover over any part of the name and it will give you the user name.

Next you will click on Edit which will bring up the settings and body of the forum. All you have to worry about is the body, so don’t mess with anything else. Take your time and scroll down the body until you come to the list of showerees. You will see them written like this:

1/1 ~ Date ~ The date the shower was posted
{user:missy0201} - - - 10 reviews ~ Who the reviews are for, and how many.

(0) ~ This is for how many reviews have been done.

There may be some things added, such as color, or above the date my be a heading announcing it’s that members anniversary, or if they are a newbie. We’ll cover that in a minute.

You want to link the reviews so they will be easy to access if someone wants to read it. To link the review, You will type in {lreview:0000000}. You can use an upper or lowercase L before the review number. It’s your personal choice. So now it should look something like this:

{user:missy0201} - - - 10 reviews


If you’ve gotten it all right, it should look something like this once you save and view the page:

Missy ~ EnjoyingBeingAMommy - - - 10 reviews
Review of Fake Article by JoeBlow *Luggage* (That's as close as I could find to a case.)


Another way to do this is to open the page in edit and go back and forth between the pages. This may work for you, but for me it just felt like it took too long. Everything else I’ve written about it is pretty much the same.

Between the date and user name on some of these, you may notice a line of writing ML. This will either announce that it’s the showeree’s anniversary month, or that they are a newbie. Sometimes you have to look closely to find the user name. These look like this:

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiR* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiG* ANNIVERSARY MONTH *ConfettiV* *ConfettiR* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiG* 

{e:confettiV}{s}{e:confettiR}{s}{e:confettiP}{s}{e:confettiG}{s}{c:red}{b}ANNIVERSARY MONTH{/b}{/c}{s}{e:confettiV}{s}{e:confettiR}{s}{e:confettiP}{s}{e:confettiG}{s}

*ButtonR*N E W B I E*ButtonV*


At the top of the list of showerees, there should be a hidden copy of each of these for you to copy and paste if you notice that one on the list isn’t marked. The members who set up the showers most of the time do this, but sometimes it may be overlooked when they post the showers. Since we have no way to know how long each shower will last, the anniversary or newbie status may end before the shower is finished, or last until the showerees anniversary. In these situations, you should remove the headings, or add the headings accordingly. Don’t worry about trying to write all of that ML code, just copy and paste it where it needs to go, or delete it.

When a shower is finished, you will need to delete it from the board and notify the leader handling the shower that it is finished. You can find out who’s handling that shower by going to the "SAJ Leaders Forum and looking down the list of leaders handling the showers. The list contains each leader’s name and the showers they are handling. Move down the page until you find the name of the person whose shower is finished, go back up just enough to see which leader is over it, and send them an email. Occasionally you’ll not be able to find the showeree’s name on the board. Don’t worry about that. It just means that more than likely the leader knew the shower was over, finished it, and removed it.

You don’t have to wait until you update to remove a completed shower and notify the leader. If you just happen to be in the garden and notice that a shower is finished, go ahead and remove it and notify the leader. Some members don’t think to check the posts to see how many is needed for certain showers, so they may be giving an extra on to someone without knowing it.

Sometimes when a reviewer posts a review, they either don’t think about it being the last one, or they forget to put it in the subject of their post. If you can tell by comparing the posts to the amount of reviews left on the shower that it is finished, remove it and notify the correct leader. You don’t have to worry about adding those reviews to the board before you remove it.

Now that the board is updated and squared away, and you’ve saved and are viewing the forum, you will need to post a message letting everyone know that the board has been updated. You’ll need to note it in the subject line so that it is visible to anyone looking through the posts. look over the showers as you go down to make sure that everything is showing up as it should, and the number below the reviews matches the finished reviews. Sometimes you may make a little mistake when typing in the ML like forgetting to add a colon, or bracket.

One thing to note: Sometime between you getting the board updated and you posting that it’s updated, a review or two may slip in. Just go ahead and deal with them according to what should normally be done. There’s no need to post again that the board is updated.

Just in case the question pops into your mind, Yes, you can still review all you want to, and No, nobody has to update the reviews you do.

That wraps up your lesson on updating the "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. If you have any other questions that I haven’t answered, or are unsure about something, email me and I’ll do my best to help you figure it out.

Missy ~ EnjoyingBeingAMommy
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