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How to do the Weekly an Monthly Reviewer Rewards.
How to pick the Weekly and Monthly Reviewers

This involves some work, so I hope you’re up to the task. If you've spent any time crediting, you are familiar with the scoreboard and how the scores are added and how they should be written. The way they are written is very important. If they’re not written in a way that you can get the individual scores, this will cause you some problems and take up your time because you will have to go back through each review for that week and find those scores, and trust me, you don’t want to spend hours doing it. If you run into that problem, notify me immediately.

For the purpose of this lesson, I’m going to assume that you don’t know anything about it. If you do, than you are ahead of the game, but read on because you may find something you didn't know.

Start by going to "Invalid Item. From here you can do anything that you need to in order to complete most of this task. Your first stop will be the group scoreboard. This is where you will find each member and their scores for the week. Once you open it, you’ll see a member’s name with a number beside it. Don’t be misled, this is of little use in picking the winners. Sometimes it works, but not all of the time.

Click on the number beside the first name on the list. This will take you to another page where you will find each post that the creditor made for them during that week. If they have noted the scores right, they should read something like this: Missy ~ EnjoyingBeingAMommy (1) 5pt, (2) 4pt. If I reviewed for more than one day, there will be an entry for each day I reviewed. Each creditor writes these in differently, but you should be able to determine the individual scores no matter how it’s written.

I suggest either making a place to put these scores on your computer, or using a piece of paper. It can get a little tricky sometimes to pick the right winners. I wouldn't worry about writing down any that fall below at least 5 if you already have a person who’s done a 5 point review further up the list. Most of the time, anything below that is useless and has no chance of winning.

Anyway, write down the name, click on the number beside their name, and start where the note for the new week is and work your way up. Let’s say that I reviewed a couple of times that week, and my score is 23. The first day I reviewed I had (1) 3pt, and (2) 4pt reviews. The next time I reviewed, I had (3) 2pt, and (2) 3pt reviews. You’ll need to combine these scores in order to narrow the list. You’ll need to write something similar to this as my scores for the week: (3) 2pt, (3) 3pt, (2) 4pt. This breaks it down enough so you can see how I did all week. You’ll do that for each person.

Now you have your list to go by to pick the winners for the week. You look through those to find your Golden and Rainbow Reviewers. For that, you need to pick the ones that have done the best reviews. As a rule, anyone who did  4 and 5 point reviews is slated for the Golden Reviewer. Those who have 2 and 3 point reviews are slated for the Rainbow reviewer. Don’t assume that only the ones who have 3 point reviews and lower are automatically in the running for Rainbow reviewers. It breaks down like this:

Golden Reviewer ~ (2) 5pt or (3) 4pt or a combination of the two for a minimum of 10
points (If nobody reviews to that standard, there won't be a Golden Reviewer.)

Rainbow Reviewer ~ (6) 3pt or (10) 2 pt or a combination of the two for a minimum of 20
points (If nobody reviews to that standard, there won't be a Rainbow Reviewer.)

One point reviews won't count toward the weekly prizes.

If there is no one with a 4 or 5 point review, you’ll not have a Golden Reviewer that week. If you have two reviewers with the same scores that fall into the Golden Reviewer section, you’ll have two Golden Reviewers. You have 2 slots for Rainbow Reviewers, but if you have 3 reviewers that have done a great job, and it is hard to pick just two, you can have 3 Rainbow Reviewers.

Once you have settled on your winners, you’ll need to clear the scoreboard for the next week. Click on the Add score to member link. It will bring up another page where you will find the last scores that have been entered, then a drop down list of all of the group member, a place to add the score, and a place to make a note. Open the scoreboard back up from here so that you can see the names of the members and their overall score.

We’ll continue to use me as an example. I stated before that I had a score of 23 for the week. You’ll click on the arrow beside the names of the members and a drop down list will appear. You’ll go down that list until you find my user name. If you’re not sure what it is, just hover your mouse over my handle on the scoreboard and it will show you. Once you find my name, you’ll choose it then move down to the add score section. Since I have a score of 23, you will need to write -23 in that box. That’s a negative or minus sign in front of the number. You will need to make a note in the note section that shows the board is cleared for the new week. Once you have finished all of that, you will click on the add score button.

If you've done everything right, in the box at the top you should see my name, and the note on one side, and the total points on the other side should be 0. If it’s not right, add or subtract the amount needed to make it 0 and add a note to let anyone who sees it know that the post is a correction.

Once you have gone all through the scoreboard, close it and open it back up to make sure they are all set to 0. You don’t have to go down the whole list. If the first name is 0, all of them are 0. The scoreboard lists the members from highest to lowest score.

Once all of that is finished, You’ll head over to "The Grammar Garden's Gardeners to place those winners where they go. You will need to click on edit. This will take you to the guts of the item. You’ll move down until you find the area for the Golden and Rainbow Reviewers. First you will need to change the date to reflect that week. Next you will add in the user names. You don’t have to delete everything and redo it. Just go inside the brackets for the user name and change the name. It saves time. Save and view to make sure everything looks right, and then move on to "Showering Acts of Joy Memory Lane.

Once again you will go into edit. Go down to the correct month to add the winners for the previous month. The first week is always at the top of the list, so the last week should be at the bottom of the list. There’s no need to repeat the names on the list. It’s fine to list one person as a Golden and Rainbow Reviewer, but don’t list them over once in each section. Save and view to make sure it’s right.

Note: If there is a week that goes into the next month, you will put the winners in the following month because the week ended in the next month. The weeks run from Saturday at midnight to the following Saturday at midnight WDC time.

Now, just because you did all of that, it doesn't mean that you can toss out that list of scores you have for your Golden and Rainbow Reviewers. You’re going to need this list to do the Monthly Reviewer and Honorable Mention rewards.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, you’ll need to send out an email each week to the Golden and Rainbow Reviewers congratulating and encouraging them, and include 5,000 GPs. Feel free to add you own personality to the email. Don’t be afraid to use Writing ML if that’s what you want to use. We have two images that you will need to use at the top of the email.

Golden Reviewer

Golden Reviewer 2 by SherryB

Rainbow Reviewer

Rainbow Reviewer by Black Willow

I've found that it saves time if you make up a template in either your note pad, or some other place where you can just copy and paste it. You can also include a personal message before you send it if you want to.

Once all of that is finished, you will need to return to "Invalid Item to reimburse yourself for the GPs that you sent. You will click on give GPs to members which will bring up another page. You’ll put in your user name, the amount that you sent, and then make a note that it was for the weekly review rewards, or something along those lines. It will give you a chance to confirm the information. If it’s correct, send it, if not, edit it. The GPs will be sent to you from you and will be credited to your account.

At the end of the month, or the beginning of the following month, you’ll need to pick your Monthly Reviewer and Honorable Mention. This should be done as soon as you have all of the winners for the month.

You’ll need to look through all of the scores that you have given to the weekly Golden and Rainbow Reviewers for the month. Don’t assume that you only choose from the Golden Reviewers. Most of the time, a member may be picked for a Rainbow Reviewer for a couple of weeks and have better scores than one of the Golden Reviewers. Once again you will need to combine each person’s scores to find the best Monthly Reviewer. The second best will become the Honorable Mention.

Once you've picked your winners, you’ll need to send an email to ~A.J. Lyle~ to let her know that you will need a image for the Monthly Reviewer. Be sure to include their name. Once she has sent the image, clear off any messages and sigs, add a message of your own, and forward it to the person. Joy may have already made it into an image and give you the number. If she hasn't given you a number, contact her to see if she’s made it into an image. If she hasn't, she will either direct you to send it to Pat to make the image, or she will make it herself.

Once you have the number for the image, go to "The Grammar Garden's Gardeners and put it in place of the month before. If they have put up the plaque for the new Leader of the Month, hover over the image to get the item number so you can change the one on "Showering Acts of Joy Memory Lane. Here you will need to finish filling in the monthly winners and replace the old trophy and plaque with the new ones.

The prizes for Honorable Mention and Reviewer of the Month

Honorable Mention ~ Merit Badge

Reviewer of the Month ~ 1 month upgrade

You can choose to pay for the Merit Badges with "Invalid Item GPs. You'll have to use your GPs for the rest of the gifts, so be sure to reimburse yourself when you're done.

Note: Sometimes we have group contests, so these winners will need to be added to the board also. Place them above the month that they were done in. Create the heading to match the headings of the months, list the winners and their prizes along with any other relevant information. If you’re not sure how to do it or what should be added, check with me. You can also check out "Showering Acts of Joy Memory Lane Awards for an idea on how it's done.

Once the year is finished, I’ll create a item to hold all of these winners, and clear what’s not needed to start again.

I think I hit everything, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me. Missy ~ EnjoyingBeingAMommy
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