Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1866268-Sneeze
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1866268
Just A Poem About Sneezing
So slowly the wind lazily calls the trees to play,
Shaking their leaves teasingly,
It carries with it the smell of the autumn day,
And wondrous messages for the trees to see.
They are so carefree like I wish to be.

The wind notices me and my book,
Sitting there peacefully,
So they come closer to take another look,
Stroking up and over my knee,
Stirring the cup that holds my tea.

"No," I told the wind,
"Go back to playing with the trees,
For and vicious itch your hand does send,
I think I am going to sneeze!
Just go away I beg of you please."

But the wind doesn't listen,
Pulling the pages of my book till I loose my place,
So I close my book and tears a glisten,
Running vertically down my face,
I close the book in haste.

"Go away." I say yet again,
"Before I sneeze and blow you away,
For there's no way you can win,
No matter what you say,
For I will jump from here I lay."

The tickling sensation gets stronger and I try to sniff it back,
So that I won't hurt the wind or the trees,
I try oh so hard to put my sneeze in a sack,
Try to not sneeze,
Oh man oh man oh jeez.

The wind no longer ruffles my hair,
I see a sky so blue,
I didn't even know it was there,
I think I feel the wind's glare...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1866268-Sneeze