Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1868752-Adonis
Rated: XGC · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1868752
Finding the man of your dreams isn't always that hard
Playtime. That was the name of the bar that I found him in, the bar that changed my life forever. He was beautiful, the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my short life. He had dark curly hair that just covered his ears; his grey eyes told stories of many seductions. I was hard just looking at him. My friends encouraged me to hit on him but I resisted, there was no way a man like that would ever go for me.

I went to the bar, and ordered yet another sex on the beach. It was my fourth of the evening and the alcohol was making my head swim. When I felt a hand on my shoulder, I assumed it was one of my friends coming to join me for another drink, or maybe a shot at the bar.

“I’ve been watching you all night and I have to say that you are just about the cutest guy in here,” The man of my dreams purred in my ear. His voice was deep and sensual, I found myself turned on. “If I could, I would take you across this bar and fuck the shit out of you, and make you realize that I am the man for you.”

Too late I wanted to say, I’m already in love with you. Of course those words would not come out of my mouth; it would be creepy and scare him away. Here’s what I did say to him, “I noticed you too. You’re gorgeous and could have any man in this bar.”

“Good to know. Because the man I want in this bar is you, and I want you now.” He grabbed my ass, sending chills throughout my body. He signaled the bartender with the other hand. “Want to do a shot with me?”

“Uh, sure, uh, yeah,” I could not believe I was stuttering like an idiot in front of this Adonis. I felt the red rushing to my cheeks. “I don’t do many shots. In fact I almost never do them.”

“Tammy, two Java shots and another bud,” He looked over at me and smiled “Put his drink on my tab too.” In what seemed like two seconds the drinks were put in front of us. The shot was dark brown and smelled really good. Not as good as the man that stood next to me.

“What’s in these?” I asked as he held his up, waiting for me to make a toast.
“Coffee liqueur and Baileys, it’s one I created myself,” He signaled to Tammy to bring us more. “One more won’t kill us,”

One became three and soon I was in his bed. I vaguely remember telling my friends I was leaving with this gorgeous man, whose name I think was Simon, but I kept calling Adonis. Once we were in his house, he pulled me close to him, and stuck his tongue down my throat.

Soon my clothes were in a pile by the couch and I was on the couch with my ass in the air. Simon sank his teeth into my ass cheeks sending a chill through my body, then his tongue darted into my hole and I groaned my approval. His tongue explored the inside of my ass, moans escaped from my throat, which encouraged my fantasy man to keep at what he was doing.

“Now it’s my turn,” He growled in my ear. I turned and watched him strip off his clothes; the perfection of his body was too much to take. “Kiss my body.”
It was a demand I could take, and so I began with his lips and worked my way down. His nipples were large and already engorged; I bit down gently on each of them. I continued kissing down his flat stomach with the eight inch cock that awaited me; it took all of my will power not to rush right to it.

There was a tattoo when I got to the small of his hip. It was in cursive, at first all I could do was lick it. Tattoos have always been a turn on for me, especially when I can lick them. Finally I made it down to his cock but before I could take it in my mouth, Simon hauled me onto my feet and smiled that charming, dangerous smile.
He threw me back on the couch and opened the bottle of lube that was conveniently by the couch. His fingers explored the same areas as his tongue had just moments but the sensation was different and I felt my orgasm building up and was ready for release.

He removed his fingers and shoved his cock into me. It burned for a moment, and Simon sensed that I was in discomfort so he held me close. Once we were both comfortable, he began pounding my ass the way a jackhammer breaks into cement.
I tightened my muscles around his cock as his cock began to pulsate with his orgasm, mine was near also. Both of us let out a guttural groan as we shared a mutual orgasm. “That was as good as I knew it would be.”

The next morning I looked at his tattoo, it was my name: Eric.
© Copyright 2012 Author Ed Anderson (spaz11081 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1868752-Adonis