Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1870849-The-Grass-is-Always-Greener
Rated: E · Other · Sci-fi · #1870849
Sci Fi Acrostic Poem based on a story - Things are not always better when we move on
The Earth is dying, the cry goes out
Hope has fled away.
Escape is our only option in which to save the day.

Gather round all that are left.
Ready the ships for flight.
Anchor them no more to heed Earth's call.
Send them spiraling into the night,
So to ensure the human race still runs.

Into space the intrepid flee.
Survive they will, if tomorrows to be.

Around the long arm of the Milky Way,
Long past the stars that shimmer and spark,
Wondering if they are cursed,
As if by some mad god that is trying his worst.
Yellow suns and red suns passed,
Searching, ever searching, for that ideal world.

Grand plans and designs created,
Random chance instigated.
Encountering of a world that fits the specs,
Examine, survey and double check.
New Haven has been cleared.
Egress from the ship is under way.
Rising is the sun for a brand new day.

Optimism runs rampant
Never doubting their find,

The forests are bountiful
Haven is Heaven, so sublime.
Everything appears to be benign.

Others, though, begin to notice,
That everything is not what it seems.
Human beings are disappearing
Everyone listens for the screams.
Rather than to admit defeat

Security is enforced.
Idle thoughts are dangerous
Disillusionment is everywhere.
Even with a second chance, will the race end here?

37 lines
© Copyright 2012 Shawlyn (shawlyn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1870849-The-Grass-is-Always-Greener