Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1874552-Whatsername-the-Rebel
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1874552
A love poem about the thrill of spontaneity and how far first impressions go.
My routine changed
When I put my hands on the wheel
And I was in charge again
They should have never let me drive
They should know I’m bad with maps
They should know how easy it is to remember
What “impulsive” means
Programmed into this gas pedal,
It can mean danger
Or fun

I wandered, I browsed
Craving no thing, craving no one in particular
Blank without peace
Aimless became need for the monotone
As the train dulled to the slow roar
Of my frustration,
My “it” became the “COFFEE” sign
And I shifted
I turned my right to my left
I put my drive into park
And she changed my mind

I could tell you about her face
I could tell you about her hair
I could tell you about the dress
I could even mention her voice
But not one thing caught my attention
Her presence hit me in waves
Not to mention,
Smitten is a dirty word these days

Caffeine-lust adrenaline
Burned through my attraction
Sweet energy soothed my veins
And sped up my reaction
Pupils dilated in shock, no fear
For this instant mocha addiction

It was only a moment
But it took forever for me to catch up
She smiled, I stammered
She laughed and I remembered
What my name was
She leaned out the window
The warmth of her hand in my rear-view mirror
As I thought:

She smells like coffee
Sounds like a friend
She looks like trouble
How could I resist?
© Copyright 2012 Cym Lauing (cym_06 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1874552-Whatsername-the-Rebel