Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1874651-Criminal-Action
Rated: E · Other · Contest · #1874651
Unlikely criminals
“Criminal Action”

         The two sat patiently, salivating at the thought of the prize of a lifetime. Conducting surveillance silently they conspired to move forward with their criminal plan.

         An unlikely duo, combining efforts to achieve a shared goal, one peered into the kitchen while the other searched for the unsuspecting homeowner’s whereabouts. Instinctively blending into the shadows, patiently they waited for the opportune moment to launch the nefarious plan.

         On the kitchen counter rested a perfectly plump, juice-dripping roast. The savory sweet aroma wafted throughout the house, enticing and distracting the criminals. But stealth, concentration and timing were essential to the plan. The pair worried that their growling stomachs would reveal them.

         They each had their job to do. Each knew his. It was time.

         In a burst, the cat rocketed into the living room and jumped on the mantle knocking grandpa’s portrait to the floor with a thud. Making his way to the far edge, with an effortless leap he pounced onto the birdcage, knocking it over with a sickening crash. Immediately the birds started squawking and screeching loudly as if their lives depended upon getting help — and they did! Everyone scrambled from all corners of the house towards the disturbance. With this distraction it was time to commence “Phase Two” of the mission.

         The dog leapt onto the chair and hopped to the counter where the perfectly plump, juice-dripping roast rested, waiting to be devoured. Snatching the roast in his jaws, with a stealthy leap off, the only sound was a slight squeak from the doggy door as he made his way to his hideaway in the backyard. A moment later “naughty cat” was unceremoniously tossed out the back door.

         ”They’ll never suspect us…” he grinned to the dog, with bloody juices dripping down their furry little criminal faces.

© Copyright 2012 Dobie Mom (dobielove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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