Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1874802-A-lesson-of-life---Chapter-2-The-meeting
by Lucas
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1874802
"Well,well Sam that was a fun game,most fun in deed,but how about we play another"
The next morning I woke up with a start, causing what could only be described as a whiplash effect sending my hands shooting to the back of my neck with the sharp pain. A cold sweat had started to form, as my throat still felt dry and raw. Reaching over for a glass on the bedside table, the dream shot through my mind again, it was so vague though all I could remember was hearing a voice calling me just three small words “Sam I’m waiting” but who was she? The question was brought to an abrupt halt as a small spark of pain ran down my neck once more causing a little yelp to leave the now parched lips. Still groggy I stumbled to my feet, swaying a few times just to make sure the balance was in working order, before stumbling over to the nearest wall where a quick glance in the mirror said everything I needed to know. There was certainly nothing extraordinary about the face that stared back at me, short mousey coloured hair, dark hazel eyes, and a rounded face with rough stubble to go with it. It was a face that kick up the same reaction every time I saw it, “Sam, old friend, you look a wreck” turning away from the image I started preparations for the inevitably long day ahead. Lecturing had begun the same time every week for the past 3 years, Tuesdays – Thursdays, 11 – 5 at Valebrook college. So every Tuesday – Thursday I would role in at least 15 minutes late, creep up the lecture room steps, avoiding the ever watchful gaze of the tutor, seeking out my normal place between the calm and the storm. “Oh look who finally turned up, its Houdini himself, well it’s about bloody time.” It never did take long for the storm to pick up. “Hey Lil, guess what? For my next trick maybe I could make you disappear” It was a given comeback, just couldn’t help myself, the major simply slumped back in her seat, waiting for another opportunity to jump in. “You know Sam one of these days you’ll get caught skulking in like that.” Alex had finally woke-up from one of his many regular day dreams; trying best he could to look like a teacher scolding one of their naughtier pupils. Although his attempt was commendable, all I could do was chuckle “Well Alex, my friend, when that day comes I hope that you’ll be right here to laugh at me.” Which brought the smile right back to his face. “So who do you think the new guy is Sam, ever seen him before.” It was only then I noticed him sitting at the very front of the hall, his head buried deep in some text book. The ‘new guy’ Alex referred to seemed strangely familiar; a tall, skinny build accompanied by a smart formal suit and glasses combination, “I don’t think I’ve met him” I replied a strange unease surrounding my words, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that, even though the book seemed more interesting, that his gaze was fixed on us. This trans-like daydream was soon broken by the bellowing voice of Mr Renshaw who had so far waited patiently for everyone to take their seats. “Now I know we are almost finished for this term” sighs of relief rippled through the crowed. “Of course I wish you all the best for the future, but before we leave I have one last speaker for you, let me present Mr Eli Gerosa.” As the peculiar visitor closed the text book, slowly removing his glasses and placing them on a nearby table, his face was clearly visible the small pointed nose, short black hair, and eyes like charcoal without the glasses he was even creepier. A sudden shock of pain came flooding to my head causing an instant flinching reaction and my teeth to clench firmly together. “Hey, Sam everything ok” turning to face Alex I saw a worried look. Removing my hands from my head and unclenching the teeth I tried to regain composure once more “yeah, coarse, all good hear. Guess the major gave me more ear ache than I thought.” The worry soon washed away replaced by a smile once more and applause as Mr Gerosa approached the speaking platform. “Good morning, ladies and gentleman, I am here today to talk to you about the rewarding, wonderful, sometimes surprising career of teaching.” As he spoke an emphasis seemed to appear on every single word as if it each one was a key piece of knowledge that must never be forgotten, one thing was sure this man new how to hold an audience with his well-spoken words. There it was again, the surge of fiery pain going straight through my head, this time more excruciating than the last, blood, I can taste in the back of my throat an almost irony tang to it. “Alex, I need you to do me a favour, cover for me.” Without another word I gathered my stuff and made a dash to the isle, it was no good I just had to get out of there. No point in sneaking out now as I crashed through another set of double doors, almost running head long into a group of wondering students. Just had to move, got to keep going, try and escape this pain somehow. It was the next left positive it was; the toilets were just up ahead and would be derelict this time of day. Not stopping to wait for others to cross the corridor I lunge for the wooden door, slamming it so I knew it was shut and that I was alone at last. My legs felt so weak by now my own weight almost collapsed them but I held out just long enough to stumble to the sinks. My head was on fire, water, I need water as I shoved my head under the cold river that flowed from the icy taps the searing started to slowly subside, what the hell was that? Brushing the last of the water from my eyes I looked up into the mirror to find it was still me, no redness, no blotchy skin, nothing. “You know what Sam? You’ll scare yourself to death one of these days” grabbing a nearby paper towel to dry up what water was left, “and I’ll tell you something else, talking to yourself, in the mirror, that’s not a good sign either” with a small chuckle I left the sink to return to normal lessons, but how I was going to explain my absence I’ll never know. Wait, no, something’s not right, my eyes everything’s blurred. My legs they won’t move, what’s happening to me? Before I even had chance to think I was down, my shoulders hitting the bathroom floor hard as I landed with my head taking a small ricochet of the sink basin. My arms had started to go limp, lifeless as speech became practically impossible, the vision just kept getting worse as the outside world turned from colour to grey I last just long enough to hear footsteps entering the door. Thank god! Help at last. I could just make out a pair of dark, smart shoes as they made their way across the tiled floor towards me. “Well, well Sam that was a fun game, most fun in deed but guess what? I found you. So how bout we play another.”
© Copyright 2012 Lucas (lucas93 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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