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Rated: E · Poetry · Friendship · #1877460
This is my observations on human interaction
"You try too hard on people"

Now, normally I don't think much on how other people opinionate on me. However, this really made me think.
Trying too hard on people....this would mean i would go out of my way in an scheme i normally wouldn't. This would also mean in a way, i'm pushy and would get pushed.

I don't know if this is the case. Yes, i try very hard to keep the friends i have, and yes i try to make friends. I do like to think that i try hard. Who's to say that this is a bad thing?

I have gone through a lot of chains socially, in a short period of time. I have been the "smart geek" the "retarded genre" the "popular girl" the "lesbo" the "unique nerd" All in 3 years of middle school. I have made a lot of friends, i have lost a lot of friends. I don't have much of a home, nor much of a family.

Being in this situation, made me realize that human relationships and evreything that comes with it, is precious. It can all be taken away from you in a second. So you have to make the best of what you have. This, is what i try to do evreyday.

I like to think that physical touch is as important as the emotional connection between people. No, i'm not talking sex. Just a handshake, a hold, a hug, a kiss. You can massage, pet hair, snuggle. All these things...shouldn't be limited with just a dating relationship genre. These things, touches, are gestures that stimulate the human connection and bond between one and the other. Making them closer, and more intament.

The emotional stature is the most important in any relationship. Your secrets, your feelings, your intrests, coping with the simmularities with the other human somehow makes the emotion stronger. This creates trust, and ones own individuality and uniqueness.

Then, the things that make us diffrent. Humans always have talents or experinces that nobody can do, or compare. This in some ways makes us cast from the rest of the world; but in other cases binds us together stronger than we could ever really see. This makes us who we are, and who we will come to be. In turn, this makes other people interested and intrigued because one has something the other does not.

All of these things bind into one social experince making all relationships important to make, and to have intensity within ourselves and what we come in contact with.

So, yeah i may be the person who wants to carry your suitcase, or the girl who gives you flowers evreyday "just because". I may be physically indured and flirt evrey chance i get. Hey, it's okay. That's just me. I realize the contents of a human being, and i love them for who they are. I realize that life is short, and relationships can be shorter. Therefore, i make the most out of my moments. I try to make the most out of the people i come to know.
I know i will never truly know one human being in thier fine contentment because i have only been in my own life; i can step into shoes, but i can never experince another persons true life, feelings, and experinces. They are not mine to share anyway; God made certain situations for certain people to carry out His plan in thier life.

However, i do know that life is precious. People are precious. The things on earth is a gift, not a right. I make the most out of what i have not just because it can go away; it's the only way to truly understand one thing from another...it's the only way to make anything full and rich. I don't want to live this medeocre average life with average values. I'm not that kind of person. I'm me, and that's all im ever going to be.
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