Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1878733-The-Bedroom
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1878733
First sexual encounter in a new relationship
         We've been dating for a couple of weeks now, you and I. I like you a lot, with your honey-colored hair and your dark brown eyes and that throaty laugh that always makes me want to wrap my arms around you and kiss you until you're wet and needing me in a breathless and quivering kind of way. There's a sort of laughter or a light in your eyes that I just love, it brightens me and it's one of the first things I noticed about you. We have a lot of fun together, and we have the best conversations; you've come to know more about me in just a few short weeks than most of the women I've dated in the past have known throughout the entire relationship, including desires I've never shared with anyone, desires I wasn't fully aware of until meeting you.

         Still we haven't been together, not in the physical, most primal sense anyway. Yes, we've kissed. Sometimes sweet and lovingly and sometimes so hot and for so long that I'm still surprised you haven't pushed me down on the couch and taken me yet. But every time we seem to get close, you stop. I didn't understand at first, I had to ask you why? Was it something about me, something that kept you from wanting to make love to me? You just laughed that laugh that I love, held me back when I tried to kiss you again and you leaned in close, so close that your bottom lip brushed mine and made me want to moan as you whispered "sometimes anticipation makes things sweeter." Then you brushed a light kiss on my cheekbone before we parted for the night. Later, when I woke up sweating and panting from a dream about the two of us, about how it could be when the time was right, when all of this wanting and needing and craving you were built up and we were finally together and how explosive it could be, then I knew you could be very, very right.

         I think you knew before I even did that I would love it, the waiting and aching for you; that little bit of torture before the pleasure. I also know when you stop us from continuing and I see that wicked glow in your lusty eyes that you love being the one to cause that ache in me because you'll more than make up for it, just not until you are ready. Just the idea that it's going to be on your terms, that you make the call and not me makes my heart pound in my chest, my breathing becomes more shallow and my legs clench with a need and a thrill I never expected to have. I knew already that there were people who enjoyed control being taken from them in the bedroom, I just never thought that I was one of them. Of course all of that changed with you.

         I can't help but notice that something seems different with you tonight. I may be getting worked up, all of the need and craving in me making me think things that aren't real, but somehow I don't think so. You seem to look at me with something new in your eyes, something close to hunger, although I can tell you are trying to hide it. You packed a light dinner and made plans for us to eat it sitting by the lake where it's warm and beautiful when the sun sets. After dinner we sit for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the small waves quietly lapping at the shore as everything takes on the orange glow that signals that the day is leaving. You are behind me, with your arms wrapped around me sweetly, and you tilt my head back in what begins as a sweet kiss, but once you touch your lips to mine it deepens, your tongue sliding into my mouth and caressing mine while one of your hands drifts lower to rub my breast, taking my breath away. You break the kiss when you realize what you are doing, and what you are doing to me, and we get ready to leave. We drive back to your home with things seeming pretty normal, the usual casual conversation making me think I really was letting my lust for you lead me into imagining things, but the way you look at me after we enter your house makes me realize that I wasn't wrong at all.

         You shut the door and secure the locks, and you lean in to kiss me again. Again it's a long and deep kiss that has me near the edge, so close that I feel like I'm going to go crazy without more of your touch, more of anything you're willing to give me. And then again you break the kiss, but this time you silently take me by the hand and lead me up your stairs and to your bedroom. I almost expect you to stop, but you don't. My heart is beating faster, I can't seem to form words as you open your bedroom door and lead me inside. When you kiss me again I'm in heaven. Tonight is finally the night that I will know what it's like to feel your bare skin against mine, to know what you taste like and how you move, and I can't wait. My arms are around you holding you tight, my hands are in your hair like I never want to let you go as you slide your hands up my shirt and across my back. You pull away from my lips just far enough to speak, but you keep your hands on the bare skin beneath my shirt, knowing I'm putty to you now, as you tell me in a voice thick with lust that you want me to wear something special for you. You know at this point I won't say no to anything you ask of me, not that I think I ever would anyway, and since I can't seem take my eyes off of your swollen lips long enough to make words come I just nod.

         I thought you meant some sort of lingerie, maybe even some sort of costume, but instead you return with a silk scarf in your hands. Without asking, without a word you lay it across my eyes and tie it securely at the back of my head. I let out a shaky breath, knowing that I am about to give up control of everything that happens from this point to you, and despite the little twinge of fear I have, the thought of you being in control of me and all that's about to happen seems so erotic that a small whimper escapes from between my lips. You are back in front of me, and you're talking to me while at the same time leaving light yet scorching kisses along my lips, my cheeks and all down my neck. You're telling me that from this point on you are the one doing the touching, the kissing, the pleasuring. It's my job to feel and not to question you; tonight, I belong to you. I nod silently, eagerly. You continue to leave kisses all along my neck and down to my collarbone, and then I feel your lips leave so that you can lift my shirt above my head. You move behind me and I feel your hot mouth moving down my spine while your arms circle my waist to unbutton and unzip my pants. After you slid them down and I step out of them I can hear your breathing change, your hands roaming all over my body. I'm shaking with anticipation and vulnerability, I've never felt so exposed and at someone's mercy. It's both terrifying and so exciting that I feel it rush through my body, quivering and waiting for your next move. With your mouth on mine, you reach back and unhook my bra, sliding it off my arms and letting it fall to the floor. You kiss your way down my neck and between my breasts, stopping only long enough to wet each nipple with your hot mouth and blow softly on each before continuing downward. I moan in protest, needing your mouth on me longer, sucking and teasing, but you continue kissing down my stomach as you remind me that I don't call the shots, you do. I'm on fire and aching, and so very close when I feel your fingers curl under the elastic of my panties and slowly slide them off of me. Once they are gone you kiss your way up one thigh, stopping so close to where I need you so badly, and then you pull away.

         I don't feel any part of you on me, and I need to feel you so badly. I wrap my arms around myself; somehow, without your touch, just standing here with nothing on and no way to see what's happening makes me feel even more exposed. That's when I hear you coming up in front of me again, and you move my arms away from my body, lightly kissing the side of my neck as you tell me that there will be no hiding from you. Then you lead me to your bed, the covers already pulled down, and tell me to lie down. I do as you command, and I feel you pulling my hands together above my head, and then I feel something around my wrists, something holding them together, and I'm sure that you are tying them to the bed. I feel you do the same to each of my legs, so that I am open to you and only you. I have more room to move than I thought, and I realize that the point of the bonds isn't to keep me from moving at all, but to prevent me from being able to reach out and feel you as you have your way. Knowing that I'm restricted to simply feeling, that you are free to have your fill of me and I'm helpless to do anything but accept it sends another rush of excitement and need through me, so strong that I barely realize I am already lifting my hips off the bed, needing you and trying to urge your mouth onto me.

         I hear that laugh in my ear, soft and sexy and mischievous. You whisper "patience," as your hand brushes my side and moves down to my hip to make me lie flat on the bed. Your tongue sinks into my mouth, claiming me and shaking me, and I feel you crawl onto the bed. I feel skin brush against my hip and I realize that you've taken off your clothes. I want so badly to see your body, to drink you in, to reach out and feel your skin that I actually forget for a moment that I'm tied down and I try to reach out a hand, only to remember that I can't. Knowing that you are there, just inches from me and I can't put my hands on you again has me arching my hips. You just chuckle softly and push me back down on the bed. Before I realize it, you move over top of me, and I feel that body of yours on top of mine, your legs straddling my hips, skin on skin, your stomach and your breasts against mine as you cover my mouth with yours. Oh yes. Please, please don't take this away, I beg you, telling you that the feel of you on me, against me, is more than I ever dreamed it could be. Your hands are on me, starting at my shoulders and sliding down my arms as your mouth moves across my chin to that sensitive spot behind my ear, then down my neck. I gasp as I feel your hands on my breasts, caressing lightly, your mouth moving down my collarbone and this time it continues to where I need it, but it moves so slowly. You are taking your time, tasting me, and then your hot and eager mouth closes around my nipple. I moan out loud, needing more, needing everything. I feel you sucking and teasing, teeth lightly grazing over me, tongue moving across me pulling me farther into your mouth as your hands continue to rub and tease, making me arch my back, trying to give you everything. You pull away, but only long enough to move to the other breast and continue the bliss you're giving me, your hands moving to slide down my stomach and up my sides. You move down, tongue and mouth running across my torso, and hands on my legs, moving up and down my thighs, always stopping just short of where I'm desperately urging you to go. You kiss below my belly button, then move to trail your tongue and lips down the inside of one thigh and up the other. I'm writhing beneath you now, so desperate, so wet, trying so hard to make your mouth move over me. I cry out when I feel your teeth sink into the inside of one of my thighs, but it's not from the pain as much as it is surprise and pleasure. I'm panting your name, begging you now. Please, please put your mouth on me, I want to feel your lips on me, your tongue moving across me, inside me. You move your tongue over where your bite mark is and leave a warm, wet kiss there, almost as if it's your claim upon me, and then you give me what I've been begging for.

         You move to place a soft kiss on my clit, and the sound that escapes me is a mixture of desperation and pleasure, need and passion all at once. My back arches and I again pull at the restraints, wanting to wrap myself around you, hold you to me, but I'm still unable to. I feel your hands on my hips, guiding me back to you as your mouth moves slowly down me, kissing the inside of my swollen lips, teeth lightly nipping at me, making me gasp. You brush your tongue against my clit just once and I almost come undone. You move lower, tasting me and kissing me as you rake your nails lightly down my thighs, and then you slide your tongue into me. Oh how I love the feeling of you inside of me, making love to me while I'm helpless to touch you or see you. You twist and curl your tongue, making my breath come faster as you continue to move in and out of me. I feel one of your fingers move inside of me and your tongue moves back up to my clit, rubbing across it, circling around it and causing so many sensations that I feel I'm no longer in control of my own mind, let alone my body. I truly am at your mercy, moving beneath you as much as the restraints allow, unable to do anything but accept the pleasure you're giving me, going wherever you take me. I feel another finger slip into me and you begin a rhythm of moving in and out, while curling your fingers upward. You're hitting that spot, oh that sweet, sweet spot, as your mouth continues to move across my clit, driving me mad. I can feel the sensations building up, I pant out that I can't hold on any longer and I hear you telling me to let go, that you want to watch me, and it pushes me over. Every inch of me seems to explode, to come apart with the orgasm you're giving me. All the time, all the needing and waiting and painful ache I've held for you were worth this. I cry out your name, overcome with it all. I can feel myself clenching around your fingers, the only part of my body capable of pulling you into me, and even that I'm not in control of, not right now, when all I can do is let go and feel the explosion rocking through me.

         Every nerve ending feels super-sensitive as I feel you moving across me to untie me. When you move up to my face, you kiss me as you remove the scarf covering my eyes, and I can taste myself on you. I slowly open my eyes, and I get my first look at you. You're gorgeous. I softly whisper your name as I move to kiss you, to touch you, wanting to feel your skin beneath my hands. You're perfect. As I'm sliding my hands across your body, you smile that wicked smile and remind me that you're in charge, which means you get to decide where I touch and how. I grin and nod my willingness as I start kissing up your neck, loving the taste of your skin in my mouth, ready to listen as you tell me where to go and what to do to you. Already I'm excited again, it's like all the time spent waiting has left me desperate for you and no amount I can get is enough. I'm more than ready to do whatever you want me to, but somehow I think you already know that. I kiss you again and begin to make love to you, following your commands, again giving you all the control, and loving it.
© Copyright 2012 BluSmilie (blusmilie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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