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Rated: 18+ · Editorial · Political · #1883597
We are the Ninety-Nine Percent!
In the coming days, and the years that have led up to the current year, the United States has lost its shine. The glimmer and idea that every man and woman was created equally in the eyes of the World. An idea that our country was founded on, and in which its morals have been based.

In a time not so long ago, we hit a dead-end in the common man of this Great Nation of ours. No longer is it that every man is created equally, for equality is a figment of our imagination. Something we dream of, from a time of old. It is no longer true that everyone has the same rights and principles upheld in the eyes of the Government. It is no longer true that everyone has the same opportunities as his fellow neighbor in order to grow and succeed in this country.

When the wealthiest of American's occupy our nations wealth, and is held in the hands of the top One Percent while the other Ninety-Nine struggle to get by on a daily basis, we have stepped aside and lost our way. A Shepperd who has lost his sheep. No longer do we follow the opportunistic values that Thomas Jefferson layed down many a year ago. No longer do we abide by the principle of equality. When a man's worth is judged by the money lining his pockets, how we can be truly claim to be a Free country?

It is true that our freedoms have not been swept away, but the freedoms of the rich far exceed the other Ninety-Nine percent of this country. A man who can line his pockets with Gold, who can buy his way out of Government Mandated taxing, as a means to cheapen our society while furthering the Wealth Gap has no right to call himself an American. The American Principle – the ideas – the foundation of our country has been spat upon.

I hear the rich crying out that if taxed, the measly 'Four Hundred Grand' they take home after paying for their food and homes is not enough to live upon. I hear the poor crying out, because their homes have been taken away, or they have been living upon the streets for many a year. When was it that this switch in our minds clicked, and we stopped caring about the well being of others? When was it that this fascism took over, and the true idea of the American Dream was swept away by the flowing tides of time, and bought up by the hungry jackals who would rather strangle the common man, than to fix our crumbling economy?

In these trying times, people go without the essentials that they so desperately need. Jobs are declining, while the rich claim to be creating. They cry out that they are job creators, when they do no such thing. Cheating, lying, and scamming employers out of benefits they desperately need – just so they can line their pockets of greed with more of the toxin of wealth.

In these trying times – a mother may go without medication, or sacrifice her own health so that she can place another meal on the table the next day. Meanwhile, the top One Percent are eating thousand dollar meals like it is nothing more than a back-street, run down restaurant. Bottles of Three-Thousand dollar champagne drank like nothing more than a can of soda.

In these trying times – people go without medication for Mental Health, because the expense is greater than what they can afford. Simply put – the cost outweighs the benefit of keeping sane.

A lack of insurance further choking our nation, choking the common man as the stranglehold tightens around our neck.

The common man is nothing more than peasants of a new age. Commoners who would once beg in the streets, and be spat upon for being so lowly. Peasants who at one time would be murdered and maimed – just so that they would not dirty up the streets, and make a bad impression on the rest of society.

Societal acceptance is null and void. The common man fights amongst themselves, while being fucked by the politicians who allow for this to happen. We smile at the con-man, Shake his hand while he is fucking us with the other. We are so blind to the state of society. Or is it that society has just given up?

Everyone cries out for a solution, but we are so used to being led by the shepherds noose that we no longer think for ourselves.

We are in a society that is so keen on using technology as an advancement, to substitute for critical thinking that we no longer have the availability to think for ourselves.

A society, a nation that is taught to trust in the internet, trust in Google, and the things we read. Trust in blatant lies that are being force fed down our throats by the corporate conglomerate that wants nothing more than to bleed you dry, and sell your organs for spare change.

This nation is no longer a nation under the caring-ship of a loving being. We are no longer being led in a direction that benefits the common man.

As 'One Nation Under God' as so many preach ignorantly to the masses – We are still being led astray. Even Jesus would frown upon the way that society has collapsed under the weight of its own ignorance and greed.

If we do not open our eyes, and wake up from this sleep that has been forced upon us by the Big brother that watches over the masses, then our society shall collapse. It is an inevitable factor that no one seems to want to face.

We are so ignorant in our minds that have been poisoned with lies. So trusting of the same people who would rather sell you off as cheap labor – Modern day slave trade – than to look out for your well being.

Wake up America!

We may be the minority as far as the wealth factor goes – but we hold so much power. The power of numbers.

Log out of the Matrix, and see the world for the collapsing structure that it has become.

We pride ourselves on being such a great nation – A power house amongst the masses – when other countries are flying past us every day in every aspect of the world.

When the 'Great Nation' is surpassed by countries that hold fewer people than some of our islands – it is time for the masses to rise up in revolt against the Corporations that have poisoned our minds, and strapped us into the Computer Generation that we have become.

We may not hold the great sense of wealth that the One Percent holds – But we hold the other Ninety-Nine percent of this population in sheer numbers.

It was once said that it takes but one voice to start up the spark for a revolution – But we are holding much more than flint sparking off the cave floor. We are a mass to be reckoned with – Armed with the knowledge that we can make a difference. But by staying ignorant – we can never make a change.

Viva Revolution!

Stop the stranglehold of the minority mass. Raise your glasses in the air – and strike with a vengeance.

Wake up, so that we may save this great nation, and restore it to its former glory. Don't let the Wall Street billionaires take away the common freedoms of fellow man. Stop the destruction of our beautiful homes. Speak up! Speak out! And never forget the power we hold by standing together!

United As One, we shall never fall!
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