Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1883600-Lost-in-the-Wastelands
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Personal · #1883600
It would seem she is lost to a thing simply labeled as "ED."
I watch her. Sitting there, in her own world - far off in corners of the earth and distance and space. In her own reality - her own sanity that is no longer there.

I reach out, begging for her to see - but I fear we have lost communication. So far stuck in this - she and I - traversing the same path, but alas, we've grown apart. Much like the flowers in spring wither and die come winter - so too has the ability to see ourselves as respectable human beings.

For we are not.

We are nothing more than the disease that plagues us. Nothing greater than numbers on a scale, and bones protruding from our wasted bodies. For she has claimed us long ago, in the distant past when we willingly chose that 'No. I shall not eat.'

I look at her, and see through my eyes a reminder of self. But not my friend I once knew. Not the innocent girl whom I spoke to not too long ago. Not the girl who once frolicked in the flowers of yesterday - and whom knew nothing more than boys had cooties and that her mother's chocolate chip cookies and kisses cured the worst of booboos.

What happened?

Is society to blame? The pushing of propaganda filth that only thin is in, and anything over an ounce of weight should be shunned in the depths of ourselves. To binge and purge and spiral into the depths of hell we have so labeled 'Eating Disordered.'

Where have you gone my friend? Where have I gone? And further more - When shall we meet again?
© Copyright 2012 Rhayven (amayis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1883600-Lost-in-the-Wastelands