Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1884633-Tears-of-a-Virgin
Rated: XGC · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1884633
A photographer loses his way deep inside the Amazon forests.
Numbed by fear, Gary Perkins couldn’t even contemplate the dangers he faced. On a photography expedition, deep inside the Amazon rain forests, he had broken off from the rest of his team members. His frantic efforts to retrace the way back to the base camp yielded little result. He cursed himself for not carrying a compass.

With the advent of dusk, morbid thoughts filled his mind. He gave in to his weary legs and flopped onto the soil below a tree. Tears trickled down his cheeks as he stared into the pitch darkness. When one teardrop touched the earth, a terrifying reaction ensued.

Thick white smoke billowed from the spot where the teardrop hit. A dumbfounded Gary saw the fumes coagulate into a mammoth form. He wanted to scream and flee, but terror rendered him immobile. Trembling, he watched the vapors solidify into a nude giant.

“Don’t worry. I'll not hurt you,” spoke the giant in a kind voice.

“Who are you?” Gary asked. He was wonderstruck by the enormous phallus dangling between the giant’s legs.

“I’m Bordomor, the Spirit of this forest. A wizard’s spell imprisoned me in the roots of this tree. You delivered me from the curse.”

Gary blinked. The words made no sense.

“Only a virgin's tear could break the wizard’s spell,” Bordomor explained.

Gary now noticed the halo around the Spirit’s being. It lighted up the inky darkness around them. His fears vanished. He rose to his feet and strained his neck to gaze into the tall being’s blue eyes. Mops of black curls scattered over his forehead. A chiseled jaw and bronzed complexion gave Bordomor the appearance of a primordial God. Gary was drawn to him like a magnet.

Bordomor touched Gary’s forehead. Instantaneously, his clothes dropped to the ground. He could feel the giant’s eyes devour his nakedness. Shyly, Gary stretched his hands forward and flattened his palms against the muscular chest. Bordomor’s arms folded around him. Inhaling the masculine scents of his companion, Gary raised his face when the giant tipped his head. Their mouths pressed while their hands explored each other’s nakedness. The kiss was like rain on parched soil. It calmed the restlessness that had bothered Gary since his adolescence.

The giant’s cock poked at Gary’s stomach. Curious, Gary released himself and kneeled to take a better look. Gasping with awe, he touched the fascinating object which throbbed with vitality. Though soft, it was still huge. Fat green veins jutted against the pink skin. The large testicles felt smooth and heavy. He unleashed his tongue on the beautiful specimen of manhood which responded and became longer and thicker.

Grunting with pleasure, Bordomor shoved his hard cock into Gary’s obliging mouth. The inexperienced young man almost choked, but recovering fast sucked the uncircumcised monster with aplomb. The musky odor thrilled his senses, and enticed him to stroke his own arousal. Bellowing like a bull, Bordomor exploded in Gary’s mouth whose valiant efforts to swallow the delicious manna failed. Milky rivulets trickled from the corners of his mouth. Overwhelmed by the manly essence, Gary exploded in his own hand.

The giant now crouched between Gary’s thighs and lowered his mouth. The young man shuddered on feeling Bordomor’s lips on his limp manhood. When it stiffened, the giant twisted Gary’s body and turned him onto his hands and knees. Gary Perkins was only too happy to surrender, but his mind worried about what the giant’s monstrous member would do. He closed his eyes when strong hands parted his ass cheeks. Delight coursed through his veins when a wet tongue unleashed upon his anus. He moaned with pleasure. Abruptly, the licking stopped and Gary felt Bordomor get behind him.

This is it, thought Gary as he braced for an assault on his virginity and winced when the bulbous head pushed into his unyielding softness. The excruciating pain unleashed by the muscular rod’s relentless advance almost made Gary swoon, but in the process it also uncovered sweet spots he never knew existed. The ache felt sweet because it marked the rite to sexual emancipation.

Gary pleasured his own arousal as his companion plundered him with deep strokes. Delicate feelings rose from his stretched sphincter, and enormous orgasmic waves overwhelmed him. His cock spurted thick globs of cream onto the earth. The animal lust dissolved into tender emotions when Bordomor erupted inside him.

The two lovers lay on the forest floor. Gary felt a calmness he had never experienced before. After their torrid lovemaking, Bordomor had licked Gary’s anus. The magical properties of his saliva had healed all wounds, and Gary felt no pain at all. He now realized that it was the same saliva that allowed him to accommodate the enormous phallus with such ease.

Bordomor’s baritone pierced the tranquility. “I’ll take you to your camp.”

Gary was aghast. He wanted a lifetime of companionship with this wonderful lover. Bordomor slipped an amulet into Gary’s hand, kissed his eyes and murmured. “Keep this. I will be there whenever you need me.”

Bordomor guided Gary to his camp. Before parting, the two lovers kissed deeply. Happy and contented, Gary rejoined the distraught members of his crew.

Word Count 863

© Copyright 2012 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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