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Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #1886249
A beautiful wife takes it upon herself to rescue her husband's floundering business.
It was a party on the evening before the first Indian Grand Prix held in Delhi. This race was an event in the calendar of the FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile) Formula One World Championship. It had drawn the finest racers from across the world some of them hunky looking ones.

One of them was Alexander Giuliani, a twenty year old Italian who had burst onto the world racing scene like a comet. Given his young age and immense talent, he was widely expected to dominate the world of racing for many years to come. For the time being, he was surrounded by a bevy of beautiful young ladies many of whom would be my daughter’s age. I spotted one famous film actress in the crowd vying for his attention.

I felt bored. My husband was lost somewhere in the crowd probably cutting some deals which is what he got paid for. I lighted my cigarette and went to the bar. The bartender knew my choice and pushed the shot glass before me. I downed the fifth tequila of the evening, licked the salt and sucked the lime. Then, I stepped out into the cool Delhi night.

The chilly winds exposed the inadequacy of my attire. I had put on a slinky tube top cocktail dress which ended just below my butt. The expensive fabric made the crimson color look even more special. Hours spent in the gym had helped me age well. My lithe frame had blossomed voluptuously into a curvaceous body that drew attention wherever I went. I wore my waist length black hair in a ponytail with bangs. The tequila seemed to take effect. I felt a little light and tipsy.

“What’s the lonely lady doing?” I heard someone say behind my back in heavily accented English.

I turned and faced Alex. Up close, I realized how handsome he was. His chiseled features and wavy black hair would make any woman want to kiss him deeply. I thanked my high-heeled shoes which added at least a couple of inches to my five feet height. Sizing up his six feet frame, I put on a coy smile and asked, “Wow! The great man himself!”

He looked genuinely happy with the compliment which wasn’t unusual. I had come across very few men and women who hadn’t fallen prey to the flirtatious charms of my smile. Actually, my hazel-colored doe-eyes did the trick. They were the best features of my face, and I always took immense care to highlight them with makeup. Depending on what I wanted, my eyes wove a silky web around unsuspecting victims. Today, they shined as if I was in total awe of this young man. I knew he would find it appealing.

“May I ask your name?” asked Alex.

“Manisha,” I replied.

“Manisha,” he repeated. The word sounded cute in his Italian accent.

“It means intelligence,” I said, paused and added, “And desire.”

He gulped at the way I uttered the word “desire.” It was all a carefully orchestrated plan. The crimson- colored dress, the open toe pumps, the Capri Night perfume, silver hoopla earrings and the collar bone length necklace were all decided after meticulously researching Alex’s taste. It helped that he had a thing for mature and married woman who were confident and sexy. I was all of that much more than any other women present at the party.

The tequila was an old trick of mine. Normally, my favorite was whiskey and that too either neat or on the rocks. The tequila came into play only when I wanted to turn on my seductive charms. I could drive any man or woman insane with the way I licked a piece of sliced lime. They would all be hoping that it was something else I was sucking. If I had not married my wealthy husband, I would have made a fairly successful porn star.

Chances of him spotting me in the crowd were dim indeed, but fortune does favor the brave. And if the brave one is a woman with a face like mine, tits like Salma Hayek and an ass like Jennifer Lopez, fortune favors even more. I knew that he’d watch me suck the lime. There was no way he’d have missed from where I stood and the color of the dress I wore. I knew he expected me to be a part of girdle of admirers around him, but I behaved as if he didn’t exist. That did it. I had provoked his male ego, and he had followed me out to conquer me.

My eyes shined like a teenage girl as if I was thrilled to see him. They gleamed with so much innocence as if I was a baby girl in a woman’s body. I thanked myself for putting in so much of effort in dressing for the evening. My hubby had thought it was for him. It was good for me. It kept him happy and ensured an even healthier pocket allowance for my expensive tastes. For the time being, I looked away so that Alex's eyes could devour my curves and honey-colored skin of which there was plenty on display including the upper swells of my breasts.

“Did you come alone?” he asked.

“Hubby,” I said and held out my hand before him so he could see the large diamond ring.

He visibly relaxed. He liked married woman who had rich husbands. It made things less complicated for him. They were not after his money but after him. Another tidbit which I had gathered on him.

“Not wise to leave a wife like you unattended!” he said joking.

I turned on my schoolgirl charm, and with my face a mask of incredulity, I asked, “You really think so?”

He nodded. I allowed his eyes to feast upon me. It seemed riveted to my cleavage. I could understand that he was mentally undressing me. It was my turn now.

“Gosh, it must feel great driving a Ferrari,” I said with rueful smile.

“You haven’t been in one?” he asked, a bit surprised.

I shook my head.

“Mind if I steal you from your hubby for a few moments?” he asked.

Inwardly, I smiled. I almost had him. I batted my natural eyelashes in response and said, “I don’t think he’d miss me if I went for an hour or so.”

He clutched my hand, took the elevator to the ground floor and walked the short distance to the racing tracks. The party was being held in a ball room built inside the stadium which made it convenient. He used his special pass to enter and soon, we stood facing the glittering red-colored Ferrari which he’d be driving the next day.

I’d been in expensive cars before but never a Ferrari. It was a beautiful piece of workmanship, and I really fell for it. I spoke something sincerely for the first time that day. “Mind if I touch it?”

With a indulgent smile playing on his lips, he said, “Of course, Manisha.”

I caressed my hand over the sleek surface. The touch sent a shiver down my spine. I felt a gentle throbbing in my pussy. Though, I ‘d been the one seducing the hunky Alex, it was difficult to not fall a prey to his charms of which he’d many. The Ferrari only catalyzed it.

“Want to go for a ride?” he asked.

It was my turn to get surprised now. This wasn’t a part of the plan. It was supposed to be a quickie somewhere in the toilet, but the temptation of being driven around in a Ferrari by a hunky driver on a Formula One racing track was too big to resist.

“We won’t get caught?” I asked with genuine amazement.

“It’s worth the risk,” he replied. He opened the passenger side, and curtsied to me. Laughing at his playfulness, I got in and settled upon the luxurious leather upholstered seats which kissed my butt and produce nice sensations. He went round the bonnet, and I saw what cute hips he had. I fastened my seat belts when he got into the driver seat and revved up the engine. And then, I was on for the ride of my life.

I’d never known before that speed is an aphrodisiac. The Ferrari accelerated to 100 km/h before I could even say thanks for the offer and soon we were doing 300 km/h. My heart thumped. Along with the thrill came fear, and though I knew I was in the safest pair of hands in the world, I began to tremble a bit. He sensed it because he lay a arm on my bare shoulder to steady me.

I turned side and saw him focus hard on the track ahead balancing the car with just one hand now. Suddenly, I felt very vulnerable, but protected and happy. When he stopped the car in the middle of the track, I leaned across to him as far as the seat belt would permit to peck his cheek, but instead found his mouth clamp over my lips. He set my belt free and pulled me across to him. The next moment I was sitting astride his lap and kissing him as if there was no tomorrow. My hands flung behind his head pulling him even closer as his tongue slided between my parted lips and explored my mouth. His hands snaked between us and pulled my dress below and exposed my large tits which he cupped and squeezed.

We didn’t have much time otherwise this foreplay could have gone on forever. He kicked opened the door, and I got out first with my naked breasts dangling in the cool Delhi air. He followed me, took my hand and walked to the front of the car. I allowed him to take the lead. It’d give him the true pleasure of conquest. I kicked off my pumps when he scrunched my dress across my waist and made me sit on the bonnet. I spread my folded legs and he drove his head between my thighs.

I think he was thirsting for some good Indian pussy. Fortunately, I had shaved and waxed and cleaned. His tongue touched all the right spots and made me squirm and shudder. The tip of his tongue uncovered the clitoral hood and worried the sensitive bud concealed there. My smooth legs locked around his head pulling him deeper into me as his tongue teased and nibbled on my clit. My body tightened, and I screamed with abandon coating his face with my nectar which he lapped up with gusto. When he stood up, my body was still convulsing with pleasure. He allowed me a few minutes to relax before pulling me down. Now, he leaned his back against the car, unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock.

The length and girth were just perfect, nothing hideous, but the perfect size to bang a married pussy. I knelt before him and rolled my tongue along the length of his manhood. My manicured nail tickled his balls which were heavy and smooth. I looked up to see the smirk of victory on his face which vanished when my mouth closed around his hardness. He looked down to catch my slutty smile, and I twirled my tongue over the knob head of his member. The way he began to heave and push into my throat showed that I was pleasing him well. My fingers caressed his balls where I could feel his liquid simmer.

I didn’t want him to spend in my mouth. It’d have made me messy and difficult to get back to the party. He understood when I rose and balanced my hands on the bonnet and wriggled my ass at him. I felt him get behind me. His cock slid between my ass cheeks and the head probed my entrance. He growled with pleasure at the contact with my wet flesh. I reached my hand between my legs and pressed the crown of his penis into my pussy. Then, he rammed home and buried himself into my heat.

Only a woman who has had her pussy stuffed by a hunk’s cock while crouched over a Ferrari on a Formula One race track can describe the feeling. The solid meat thrusting inside me made me feel dizzy. My knees felt wobbly with the wondrous sensations emanating from my stretched vagina. I thrust my hips back every time he plunged into me then moved forward when he withdrew so that only the tip remained inside me. He'd then push forward again, and I'd shove my ass back for my greedy pussy to gobble the length of his shaft. His hands were cupped over my breasts mauling and pawing them. I used all my Kama Sutra skills to generate exquisite bites and contractions over his pulsating meat. I twisted my neck sideward so our mouths could press, and our tongues could wrestle.

We thus indulged in the sweet sport that Nature had willed adults to play. The stud proved true to his reputation of possessing endless libido. I peaked innumerable times before he finally erupted inside me. I could feel his warm liquid flood my womb and trickle down my legs. His softening cock remained embedded within me perhaps savoring the sweet sensations of being milked by my convulsing love muscles.

I loved the way he cleaned and dressed me and set my makeup right. We returned to the party. Before entering the hall, he made me stand before him and addressed me, “Manisha, a woman like you just doesn’t happen even to Alex Giuliani.”

I was genuinely confused before the import of his words sank in. “What do you mean?” I said feigning gullibility.

“You were trying to seduce me for some special reason. Not just for getting fucked. Tell me what it is.”

I felt cheap. This young man had intelligence far beyond his experience. I pulled in a deep breath, “I was trying to get you to sign the contract with Aegis. It is my husband's firm. ” My husband’s firm specialized in doing celebrity endorsement deals. I’d overhead his conversations and realized that competing agencies stood better chance of landing the deal.

“Did your hubby send you?” he asked.

I shook my head. He hadn’t. It was I who was trying to save his floundering career otherwise I’d soon not be able to afford my lifestyle.

“Then why weren’t you telling me?” he asked.

“Because I couldn’t bring myself to do it.” I spoke with honesty. I had nailed him on the track and could have easily coerced him into signing the contract but my mind couldn’t bear to betray someone so young and beautiful. After all he had rewarded me with the ride of my life. He seemed to read my mind.

“Ok, Manisha.. Your hubby will have the contract but on one condition.”

“What is that?” I asked.

“You’ll come to my hotel room and get it signed yourself.”

I smiled and said, “I’ve one condition myself.”

He queried his eyebrows.

“You have to win,” I said.

“I can’t promise, but shall try,” he said, smiled and melted into the crowd.

Word Count 2397

© Copyright 2012 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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