Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1886819-When-things-turn-out-unexpectedly
by Aelyah
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1886819
When all hope is lost...
Heather and dirt flew behind the horse as it cut its way across the grassy expanse around the Aleryn castle.

Its rider bore a dull brown cloak, with the cowl pulled low and a sword strapped to his back. The mantle covered the rider's legs and left visible only a pair of suede leather boots.

The traveler pulled with vigor on the reins, and his horse reared. The rider stared at the castle, his eyes trained on the large banner flowing in the wind, tied to the battlements of the highest tower.

Green and blue, it announced the marriage of Duncan of Aleryn, the new lord, with Alyssa of Aleryn, the widow of the former master.

The rider's shoulders slouched and he slowly pulled the reins with shaky hands. The horse snorted but didn't obey and the horseman dropped the bridles and covered his face with his hands.  His shoulders were shaking, and his hands trembled when he reached into his cloak and pulled a piece of parchment.

"You must come. Hurry!" it said.

The rider bent and gathered the reins with slow movements. He turned the horse and trotted to the edge of the forest surrounding the keep. He entered the woods and followed a path known only to him to a glade crossed by a clear stream.

There he untied the sword from his back and placed it with great care in the duffel bag tied to the horse.  He lowered the cowl and unfastened the leather mask that covered his face. Then he pulled off his coif and shook his head to free the curly tresses that fell to his waist.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes at the sweet smell of flowers and herbs surrounding the cozy cottage smiling in the glade.

He knocked at the door, and a young woman with red hair and green eyes opened it.
"Dochia, thank goodness you made it."

The red-haired woman went inside and motioned at the other to follow. She sat at the table and pointed at a carved chair.

"You've been crying...Oh dear; you've seen the bans."

"Why did you send for me, Rose? Your message made me believe he's in danger."

Rose lowered her head.
"He is dying, Dochia."

Dochia snorted.
"The bans prove otherwise."

"The man we knew is dying. He drinks until dawn, and he raids and he..."

Dochia closed her eyes to stop a tear from falling.
"There is not much I can do about it; it is a done deal. He belongs to another now." 

Rose eyed her sharply and then looked pointedly at the ring on Dochia's finger.
"You and he were married in Valachia, weren't you? His marriage with Alyssa is illegal."

"We never married in church. We followed your custom and were only handfasted."

Rose let out a curse and rushed to the chest in the corner of the room. She pulled an ivory dress made of fine spun wool and embroidered with gold.

"We have little time. There is clean water in the pail, wash and put the dress on. I will help you with the rest."

Dochia looked at the dress and shook her head.
"We have little time for what? If you think I'd go and pay my homage to the lady of the keep, you're mistaken."

"We have little time to change his mind. This is why I sent for you and hoped against hope that you'd make it in time. The wedding is in two hours."

"He doesn't want me, if he did, he wouldn't marry Alyssa. He knows I..."

Rose turned sharply and sent her a piercing stare.
"Does he? Tell me, are you married to that scoundrel, Miklos? This is the reason Duncan left and accepted to marry the widow."

Dochia blanched.
"How did he find out?"

Rose's eyes sparkled with fury, and then she shoved Dochia to the wall.
"Is it true, then? Did you marry Miklos? How could you? Erzsbet..."

"That's how he found out. It serves him well then."

Dochia pushed Rose away and strode to the door.
"I am not Miklos' wife. I pretended to accept his proposal until he released my father out of prison. Duncan chose to trust Erzsbet and not me."

She opened the door then she turned.
"On a second thought, now that I am here, I should present my best wishes to the newlyweds."

Rose smiled and handed her a towel.
"Wash and call me when you need help with the laces."

The door closed and the tears fell, this time unbridled and free, in rivers on Dochia's face. Sobs racked her body, and she wept for a love lost and dashed hopes.  Then when tears would come no more, she straightened, tall and washed her face in cold water.  She washed the grime of three weeks of travel and scrubbed her hair carefully. It would dry before they would reach the church for the wedding.

She went to the door and called for Rose then took the silver comb and begun to untangle her hair.

The door opened, and strong fingers caressed her back and went to tie the laces of her dress. A callused hand covered her shaking fingers and took the comb then continued to smooth the tangles in her hair with long, soft strokes.

A warm breeze caressed her neck as he whispered, close to her ear.
"I... I couldn't go through with the marriage. You could have trusted me with the truth, Dochia. "

"I am sorry." she whispered.

"I brought the priest with me, shall I call him?"

She turned, her cheeks red with shame and regret and hope.


They were married, this time in the eyes of the church and Duncan swept her in his arms. He carried her outside and helped her mount his gelding.

Heather and dirt flew once more as his horse cut its way across the grassy expanse towards the Aleryn castle.
© Copyright 2012 Aelyah (aelyah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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