Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1887824-Worth
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Drama · #1887824
A dramatic one shot script. How would you handle watching someone else suffer?


                                       This is probably where I'm supposed to reflect back on everything that happened to bring me here. [Laughs] It doesn't really matter what happened, not if the result is this. I'm not some charity case who needs pity or anything, so I don't expect to be treated as such. But I suppose [pauses], I suppose that things could have been done differently...

SFX - Train in the far off distance along with ambulance and police sirens

                                                                                                   CUT TO: 2 Days Prior

Int. Nursing home

SFX-Dishes are rustling as waiters and waitresses are coming in and out of the kitchen. A door closes.


                                       I'm guessing you wanted to talk about Anne again? [Sighs] We already know about the issue.


                                       I know, it's hard not to. But, don't you think we should be doing something about it?


                                       Like what? She won't open up about it.


                                       That's the problem. Does she have anywhere to turn to?


                                       She can come to us if she wants. We can't force her.


                                       What about tonight? Is she at least coming to Ryan's?


                                       She said she was.


                                       I hope so.


                                       We know you care about her, but she has to handle it on her own.


                                       I suppose you have a point.

The door opens as Alex heads back into the kitchen. Before he leaves, he feels the hand of one of his friends on his back.


                                       Things will work out. We'll have fun tonight, a much needed break from everything that's going on.


                                       Yeah, I hope so.

                                                                                                   CUT TO:A FEW HOURS LATER

EXT. Ryan's House

SFX- Music playing, people muttering to one another while drinking.


                                       You're not just going to stand there the entire night right?


                                       I'm waiting.


                                       For what?


                                       For the table to clear out. Some one needs to end Ryan and Rob's winning streak.


                                       Good luck, I swear they get more accurate the drunker they get!


                                       [Mocking] We'll get the job done!


                                       [Sounding excited and loud] That's right! Get off my table! Who's next?


                                       That's your cue I take it?


                                       Seems like it.


                                       [Running over towards the garage with enthusiasm] That's us!


                                       Oh, Jack, just, can you...


                                       I'll let you know if she shows up.




                                       I mean, when.



Alex heads over towards the table while Dave is setting up their cups. Karen approaches Jack, handing him a beer.


                                       He's still worried about her?


                                       Of course. You saw her earlier today right? I'm wondering if he's right.


                                       You're referring to her appearance, I take it?


                                       She's lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, not to mention the eyebrows.


                                       It's her way of dealing with it. She won't accept our help. Lex will just have to learn that on his own. No sense in forcing him.


                                       Well no sense fretting over it now.


                                       Bottom's up!

SFX-Two bottles clanging together.


                                       [Slightly drunk] Drink up! That's another clutch moment brought to you by yours truly!


                                       That's all you.


                                       [Reluctant/Annoyed]You just had to pair me up with him. Sometimes I think you plan it that way.


                                       Pretty much. But don't sweat it, we're only down by one cup anyway.

Ryan throws the plastic ball but it hits the edge of the table.


                                       Dude! You gotta make those!


                                       Quit bitching! We got this!

                                       You alright? You're looking pretty anxious.


                                       I'm fine.

Alex sinks the shot, forcing Ryan to take another drink.


                                       This is getting a bit too close for me. They're tied up now.


                                       I'd like to get that in the diamond formation if you'd please.


                                       He'll miss, he's been a horrible shot all night.


                                       Hey! I take offense to that! [Grumbling] Just for that, I'm going to make sure you eat those words!

Dave proceeds to watch as the ball bounces off of the first two cups and begins to spin around the third.


                                       [Pleading]Please go in...please...please....

The ball finally falls into the cup.


                                       [Boastful] That's what's up! I told you! How do you like that!


                                       Lucky shot.


                                       That was all skill!

SFX-Phone vibration

Alex takes his phone out of his pocket to see a text from Jack. Both Rob and Ryan end up missing their shots.


                                       Damn it!


                                       Oh come on!


                                       Hey, you going to go or what?


                                       Huh? Oh...sorry.


                                       Is it that important?


                                       I guess it isn't.

                                                                                                   CUT TO:A FEW HOURS LATER


The party has died down for the most part. Ryan is passed out in his chair. Alex, Jack, Dave and Karen are in the kitchen rummaging through his shelves.


                                       [Sounding devious] This is perfect!


                                       You can't be serious.


                                       Oh I am. You can't just black out in the middle of your own party. It's just plain rude.


                                       The man does make a very good point.


                                       But flour? Really? Isn't this a bit, you know? Juvenile?


                                       Are you really that surprised?


                                       Lex, you have the camera ready, right?




                                       I still say this is a bad idea.



Jack runs into the living room and tosses the open bag of flour onto Ryan. Ryan sneezes initially, but doesn't completely wake up.




                                       This won't end well.




                                       He's still sleeping...[sighs of relief]

The door in the living room opens when Anne finally arrives.


                                       Hello? Sorry I'm late.


                                       [Groggy/barely awake] Huh....


                                       Oh crap...


                                       [Shocked] What happened over here?


                                       Take the picture before he wakes up completely!


                                       I already took it, we're fine.


                                       [Waking up] Why is there....flour...all over me?


                                       You don't remember? You and Rob got into a wrestling match...[stumbling his words] in the kitchen....and....you hit the front of the fridge and the flour box just fell on both of you. He's upstairs taking a shower and you passed out.


                                       Oh hey, Anne's here.

Rob walks through the door from the kitchen.


                                       Shower huh?


                                       Oh crap...

Jack drops the box and starts to run across the room and out to the backyard. Ryan slowly gets up, dusts off his shirt and follows.


                                       Knew that was going to happen.


                                       Sorry I'm late. Got into it with my parents again.


                                       Oh...is everything alright?




                                       Good....you know, we were....


                                       I need a drink.


                                       [Sighs when she notices something is off] Come on, I'll get you one. It's been a long day.



Anne and Karen walk off while Dave and Rob approach Alex.


                                       That could have gone better.


                                       Here, just drink this. It'll be fine.


                                       You saw right?


                                       Her sleeves?




                                       I missed something, didn't I?


                                       You can see blood stains on it. Not a lot, but it's there.


                                       I definitely missed something.


                                       It's clear she needs help. Why aren't we doing anything about it?


                                       What makes you think she'll accept it?


                                       I don't know...[frustrated]but we have to try!


                                       [Sighs]She's not the same since she got back from her first year at college. She's not the person she was when you two started talking.


                                       I know...


                                       But let Karen handle it. Girls tend to open up more to other girls.


                                       I hope so.

                                                                                                   CUT TO:EXT RYAN'S HOUSE


Karen sits down next to Anne, handing her a drink.


                                       So, had it out with your mom again?


                                       Yeah...I don't know how else to explain it without sounding selfish but it seems all she cares about is my sister. She knows I'm having problems, but every time I want to talk to her about it, she just goes on and on about Megan.


                                       You feel like no one cares?


                                       Maybe...[confused] I don't know. I can't explain what's really going on. I just have no energy...I'm finding it difficult to even look at myself in the mirror sometimes.


                                       Anne...you know people care about you. [Almost mocking] You know, Lex has been concerned about you ever since you got back from school.






                                       It's nothing. What time is it?


                                       2:15, why?


                                       I have to take my medication




                                       Yeah. I should probably head back home anyway. I have to work the morning shift.

                                       You sure you're going to be alright?


                                       [Forcing a smile] Yep! I wish I could have stayed out longer though. I'll see you tomorrow at work!



                                                                                                   CUT TO: STREET


Alex approaches Anne who is about to get into her car.


                                       Hey...you're leaving already?


                                       Yeah, sorry. I have to work the early shift in health care.






                                       Are you alright?

                                       I'm fine.


                                       You sure? I mean, I don't want to intrude or anything, but it's just that...[pauses] well, you've been different since getting back home. I'm worried about you.


                                       No need to worry.


                                       I just...don't want you to face this alone, or, I mean, think you have to. We're friends.


                                       [A little taken back, but firm] I appreciate it, but, I don't need anymore friends.


                                       [Startled] What?

                                       It's just as I said. I don't need anymore friends. Have a good night.

Anne shuts the door and turns on her car while Alex is standing there just as it begins to drizzle.

                                                                                                   CUT TO:Work the next morning


Alex is pacing back and forth in the kitchen.


                                       Getting a little antsy, don't you think?


                                       I'm waiting on my last table to leave so I can finish up already.


                                       What's the rush?


                                       I told you what Anne said right? There's something really going on.


                                       [Sighs] Yes, you did tell me. And I told you that she probably wants to just deal with it on her own. Seems to me like she doesn't want to drag anyone else down with her.


                                       Not acceptable.


                                       Not your decision to make.


                                       Is it really okay to just let her go down by herself? Everything that's been going on, it's been steadily increasing.


                                       What do you think you're going to do then?


                                       She needs to know her worth. It's obvious that she's oblivious to just how many people care about her.


                                       I think you're getting too involved. I know you two were developing something before she left for school. But she's different now. You should just move on.


                                       Like it's that's easy.


                                       We're all concerned for her too, don't get me wrong. But she needs to figure it out on her own.

The door to the kitchen opens as Karen enters


                                       Your table finally left.


                                       About time. Now I can get out of here.


                                       Well aren't you in a rush.


                                       I need to talk to Anne. I thought about what she said to me and there's something I need to say. It's been on my mind all day.


                                       You know she left already right? She was down in healthcare, they get out an hour before us.






                                       [Sighs] That's fine. She works tomorrow right?




                                       Ok, good. I can talk to her tomorrow then.


                                       Still insistent on this, good luck.


                                       Yeah, well, something's wrong.

                                                                                                   CUT TO: Alex's living room 1 am


Play some background audio from a movie. Alex is on his couch typing on his laptop.


                                       [Frustrated] Ugh, still can't sleep. Is this really bothering me that much? Maybe they're right...maybe I should just let it go.

A message pops up on his laptop screen. Use sfx from Skype. All dialogue should have an effect similar to thoughts.


                                       GO TO SLEEP.


                                       Hah, easier said than done.


                                       Suit yourself. But don't you have a meet tomorrow morning, coach?


                                       Coach? Now she's just being sarcastic. It's true though, the middle school does have a track meet in the morning. I should probably get some sleep.

Alex's cell vibrates on the table.




                                       Yo, you busy?


                                       Not really, why?


                                       Can you pick me and Ryan up? We just got back in from Penn. We're at train station off the expressway and need a ride.


                                       Can't you guys drive?


                                       A little drunk.


                                       [Sighs] Fine, I'll be there in a bit.

                                                                                                   CUT TO: EXT. TRAIN STATION


Alex turns his car down the road to go to the station. He notices a car parked on the side of the road that he recognizes.


                                       Isn't that Anne's car?

Alex pulls over to the side just behind the car. He exits the vehicle and walks forward.


                                       Yeah, this is definitely her car.

The alert goes off for the train tracks not too far ahead. Alex turns around to notice someone standing in the middle of the tracks.



He runs forward when she turns around upon hearing his approach.


                                       What are you doing?


                                       You wouldn't understand.


                                       How do you know that?


                                       It doesn't matter, just leave!

                                       You can't tell me this is the only solution you could think of.


                                       It's the best one.


                                       That's bullshit! Don't you realize what this will do to those who care about you?


                                       No one really cares.


                                       What is wrong with you? Are you really that blind? Get off of there and we can discuss this!


                                       Just go away, I've made my decision!


                                       I refuse to accept that. So what if your mom is a bitch. You have a lot of friends that care about you. I care about you!


                                       My worth was determined a long time ago. I just don't see the point.

The approaching train can be heard now.


                                       This isn't the time for this!

Alex runs onto the tracks and grabs Anne by the arms.


                                       We can discuss this later.


                                       There is no later.


                                       Stop being so selfish! How can you not see your own worth!? You have friends that want you around, friends that cheer for your accomplishments! Isn't that enough?


                                       My family doesn't accept me.


                                       So screw them then! Live your own life!


                                       I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough.

Anne pushes Alex off the tracks as the train approaches. He falls down the hill just on the other side as he hears the train come to a screeching hault. He hesitates to look back, he could already figure out what had happened. The brief dull thumbing sound from the impact, followed by what he could determine would be the result of the impact.


                                       [Subtle/Quite/Shock] You've....got to be joking.....


                                       I think there was someone on the tracks!

                                       Was that really...a better option than what I was offering....am I....am I really that worthless...

The cops arrive and sirens from police cars and ambulances echo across the street.


                                       Can you tell me what happened here?


                                       Sort of obvious, don't you think?


                                       We can't seem to find any id for the victim. It'd really help us out  alot if you could fill in the blanks.


                                       This is probably where I'm supposed to reflect back on everything that happened to bring me here. [Laughs] It doesn't really matter what happened, not if the result is this. I'm not some charity case who needs pity or anything, so I don't expect to be treated as such. But I suppose [pauses], I suppose that things could have been done differently...


                                       If you wouldn't mind.


                                       Her name was Anne Johnson and she...couldn't see just how much worth she held. I should have acted sooner.

                                                                                                   FADE OUT



                                       The funeral was held the following week. It was the first time I had see her mother in almost a year. I don't know if it was from being overrun with grief or if she actually didn't care. But the entire time, she was talking about her youngest daughter, showing her off like some trophy. It made me angry to see how she was still disrespecting Anne. Everyone else is disgusted by the act. It's hard for me to look back at this and not blame myself. To not wonder if there was something I should have done differently. If I shouldn't have let her drive home that night after she tried to push me away. I'll never get the answers I need or want. I'll just have to move forward and make sure no one ever questions their value again.


© Copyright 2012 Christopher Tilford (ctilford at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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