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Rated: E · Novel · Entertainment · #1902315
Always obey the law and be prepared.
Nov. 6th
While Farris had waited for Haley to show up, he checked his bicycle for any additional problems that could cause him to have an accident or slow them down. He wanted to buy a new bicycle but since he was not at home much lately, he decided to borrow one of his brother’s bicycles. It rode well for a three year old bicycle but sometimes his brother, Aiden was not as careful with his things as he was. In fact at first glance, before he left home, Farris noticed that the reflector was about to fall off. He fixed it and then put the bicycle on the rack of his car.
Farris was looking at the weather and surroundings when he got a ringing on his cell phone. He chuckled to himself with the thought that it could be Haley saying that she would be an extra ten minutes late but she would hurry.
“Farris here. Now Haley you can have…” his eyes opened wide. “Where was the accident? Is anyone hurt?”
He listened with 100% attention. He even mapped out his plans as he was given bits and pieces of information. “Ahuh. Yes. You are sure?” He seemed to relax just a small bit. “I’m on my way. I’ll meet you at the hospital.”
Two girls rode past him and came to a stop at the garbage can to throw away some sports drink bottles. One of the girl’s leg, that had a prosthesis, slipped off the peddle. She almost fell down, but her friend caught the bicycle’s handlebar just in time.
Farris closed his phone and turned around to head for his car. He felt that there was no time to call Haley and that she would understand later. From what he could tell by his younger sister’s call, he needed to go to the hospital immediately, and not five minutes later.
Farris carefully tied his bicycle to his car and backed out carefully. He had training to do things under pressure. He had survived when bullets whistled over his head. He even spent 48 hours on a mission with little or no sleep. But when it came to family, it seemed like he was a kid again. He depended on those loving people he called parents. Now it seemed it was the other way around. Sometimes.
Farris decided the freeway was the easiest route to go to his destination. He turned on the radio for information on construction delays or other accidents and did not hear any notices. The gas tank was full. The cars were moving. He changed lanes with care and passed a couple of broken down vehicles. He did not stop. He had one goal, the hospital.
With all of the careful driving, Farris did not count on a policeman turning on his red light to signal him that he needed to pull over. Farris was sure that the warning was not for him, so he drove on. He even changed lanes to allow the policeman to go ahead but instead, the policeman waved him to the shoulder of the road. Farris was so amazed that he drove on for one more minute. Then when he saw the policeman pull even with him again, he realized that it was not a good sign and he had to pull over.
Farris gritted his teeth and put his hands on the steering wheel. He felt all of his muscles tense up in a fight for your life response. The policeman got out of his patrol car and talked into his microphone that was on his duty belt. He then walked carefully to the driver’s side of the car with his hand on the butt of his gun. He checked to see if there was a hidden passenger or any dangerous object in the back of the car. He looked at Farris.
“You have a problem with pulling over when the police gives you a signal?” said a low, rough voice.
“No sir.”
“I will need to see your driver’s license, insurance and proof of ownership.” said the officer slowly.
“Yes sir. But.”
“I’ll do the talking. Just shut up until I see those things I asked for.”
Cars were whizzing by. One car even honked as it passed. Farris could see children’s faces from a back seat as their car passed by. Farris found his driver’s license and insurance but remembered that this was his brother’s car and he did not have proof of ownership. All that he had was a military ID.
“Officer, my father and mother were in an accident and they need me at the hospital. I am sorry that I went a little fast but I need to get there ASAP.” responded Farris with as contrite look on his face as possible.
“If I have heard that one, I’ve heard them all. But that can’t get you out of the fact that the license plate has expired and there are two long overdue tickets that goes with it.” The officer shook his head as if he caught a rookie robber coming out of a bank.
Farris’s phone started ringing. He tried to reach for it and the officer pulled his gun.
“Don’t move mister. I’ll shoot if I see anything suspicious.”
Just then, another police car pulled in front of Farris’ car and another policeman, bigger and meaner looking than the first one got out. He noticed that the first officer had his gun pulled out, so he pulled his tazer out also.
“I got him covered!” he yelled as he walked up to the window of Farris’ car.
“Now get out of this car.” the first officer demanded.
“Please officer. I’ll” Farris was starting to say and raised his hands in gestures.
Zap went the tazer. The next thing Farris knew was that he felt electricity all throughout his body which started shaking like he had never done before.
© Copyright 2012 Dorianne (jumacu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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