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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1903602
A girl has a crush on another girl and slowly looses the will to fight it.....

~~~~Character Description~~~~

The crush:
-Age 15
Looks: She had slightly longer than shoulder length light brown hair, which hangs down in soft curls. She has blue eyes with a darker blue circle on the outside and a dazzling smile. Her clothing style in not to girly but has a sexy touch every now and then that shows of her best features in the right ways. She has a dream figure and a normal sized chest, long legs and a nice neck. She has a friendly and very sweet personality which charms most people. Her parents are divorce and she lives at her mom’s most of the time but visits her dad and so also the crushing one every few weeks.

The crushing one:
-Age 15
Looks: She has very short jet black hair that is cut in a boy hairstyle manner. Her eyes have a green but in the middle slightly brown color. She wears boys clothing, her standard outfit are boy’s shorts, a loose shirt, her cap and a pair of Flip-flops or sneakers depending on the season. She is slightly overweight and has slightly smaller breasts than her crush which she hides with her clothing. She has a protective and caretaking personality but most don’t know that.

It was not easy. I always had to control myself around her; I mean I could not risk our friendship that I had just earned only so I could fulfill my desire of us going further. I had only known her for 5 months which were not even complete; I would only see her every 2 or 3 weeks for 1 or 2 weeks. But I still established a good bond with her. Every time when my control would crack I would remind myself of the things which made me try to keep away from her, her asshole of dad which was my mom’s Boyfriend which meant she could turn out to become my step sister. Obviously this reason was more than enough but still although I am only 15 it was quite hard to keeping my needs in check especially when sharing a room and bed when we were on a group vacation. Since I was also a girl she did not mind to walk around the room in only her underwear or towel while brushing her hair. Once I even had started to tickle her just to touch her smooth and very attractive curves that made me go crazy 24/7 . One night I had a slip in my act and had given her a kiss on the cheek while she was already sleeping, it was hard to not wake her up and proceed further. But in the end I had managed to keep a low profile with her until a certain evening after we came back from our vacation.

The evening after we came back started in a very difficult manner, she had decided that we should watch her favorite movie together since I had not seen it jet; Titanic. Not only did the fact that it was a love story make me nervous but it also got some fantasies into my head which did not make keeping me in check any easier. Since I was a gentle”man” when around her I made popcorn, drinks and got chips laid out on the table in the living room. I got the movie started and told her to come to the “L” shaped couch. I was calmly sitting in the corner of the couch with the popcorn on my lap watching her sit down half a meter away from me and quietly sighed in relief but also sadness. I shut off the lights with a clap and pressed play on the remote observing the TV screen change in color ever so often, but as soon as the actual movie started she came closer to me until our shoulders were touching, I was grateful for the fact that the lights were off since I could feel the blood flooding my cheeks. After calming down from my panic wave I realized she was cold so I grabbed the blanket behind me and swiftly wrapped it around the both of us, the blanket showed effect instantly making her cuddle even more into my side. After that incident I focused on the movie grabbing handful popcorn every now and then or sipping on my drink, but as soon as the scene of the nude painting came on I was immediately reminded of the beauty that was holding on to my arm. I looked down to my shoulder and found her eyes sparkling at the TV and a soft smile lingering on her lips making me blush once again. As soon as I focused on her lips it was over, I could not look away or think of anything else. They captured my whole mind at once making me go crazy with lust. I thought through all the factors that might ruin what I was planning, checking them off in my mind, my mom and her dad had went to bed before the movie started and my brother was playing on his computer upstairs in his room. Everything was perfect so I moved my free hand to her chin softly turning her to look up at me and changed my body position putting the popcorn on the table ,moving my lips to hers burning the softness of them into my memory. After a few second I slowly pulled away and stared at her eyes, I saw confusion but then before I could ask if she was okay she brought her lips onto mine again making my eyes go wide. She pulled away and looked at me with eyes filled with lust, I reacted instantly pulling her onto my lap and kissing her again but this time I started to lick her bottom lip making her gasp from surprise. Taking my chance I started to slowly explore her mouth, I was startled shortly when I felt her tong connect with mine. As soon as our tongs touched she started to become more dominant and sat up in my lap pushing me down onto my back while managing to hold our lips locked. Too soon for my liking she pulled away and I saw her flushed smiling face. I stared at her angelic features and gave a smile of my own while sitting up and pushing her into the corner of the couch reconnecting our lips once again. My feeling of time was lost and I started to wonder how long we had been kissing, I pulled away and looked at the clock I saw it was 1 am and decided that I should get her and myself to bed so we were fit for the day. I picked her up bridal style earning a quiet sound of protest. I carried her up the stairs to her room and carefully lay her down on her bed pulling the blanket over her. I pressed my lips to her forehead signaling it was time to sleep and started for the door, but felt something tugging on my wrist. Looking back I saw her looking at me with lust but we both knew I could not stay since we could be found by either her dad or my mom, so took her hand in mine and kissed every finger and stared back at her face and then got up to go to my bed downstairs. As soon as I opened my door my face went red and I sat down on my bed reflecting on the events I had just experienced, but found myself drooping backwards and closing my eyes falling asleep.

© Copyright 2012 Ruby Soul (eleieli123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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