Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1906199-the-life-of-nobody
Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #1906199
Edward Slyvestor eacaped scotland yard and needs to be put to justice.
I woke up with the bright sun on my face and a bitter chill ran down me as I pulled the blankets from over top of my head.Not the way I want to wake up, but its better than most mornings.I struggled to get out of my bed,and sore muscles made sure to keep that struggle living strong.Just before I could completly stand up I manage to fall onto the floor.Not at all ready to work,I get dressed and walk towards the pantry for some breakfast.Just before I opened the pantry door,I hear a knock at the door.I walk over to awnswer it, then just before I reached the door the knocks started getting much more repetitive and loud.Then,once I opened the door, a scrawny boy almost stummbles onto the floor of my home.He was clearly out of breath from running what looked like the moon to England."Mr.Haynes!" The boy says."Whats the matter little boy?" I ask him. he looks at me as if I just back handed his mother."Whats the matter! didn't you get the paper yesturday! Edward Slyvestor escaped his execution by escaping scotland yard! No one even knows how many people he killed already!"
© Copyright 2012 Reese Abernathy (epicreese2000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1906199-the-life-of-nobody