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Musings, Utopia
While daydreaming, I found myself imagining an advanced science fiction society where there's no need for competition and no cruelty. Science and technology have solved all the problems in this society. There is no need to kill and eat animals or plants. There is no hunger. People can somehow absorb energy or make food from non-living minerals or matter. No jealousy, no need for competition, no need to earn daily bread, there is no concept of "class" or "money" or differences based on caste/religion. (Maybe the only competition is for mating, but even that does not make people compete or want to destroy each other for supremacy).

Then I got to wonder, what would be the spice in such a society? As much as I (and most people) hate cruelty and conflict, most inventions on earth were born out of conflict and necessity. War movies are more interesting than "peace" movies. How would a society without needs develop? There is no need to compete, prove oneself better. There are no challenges, no problems to solve. What would provide a sense of satisfaction? Whether people admit or not, the most natural way for one to feel satisfied in most of our Earth societies is to one-up someone. Then I said to myself maybe my imagination is so limited, I cannot imagine how such a society would develop. Maybe, there are challenges on a grand scale. Or maybe the society and individuals are constantly programmed to improve themselves though there are no conflicts or necessity. Maybe there is no boredom and no need for spice.

What kind of arts and literature would develop in such a society? Most of our classic literature that is considered greatest is about conflict and war. What would provide the spice in the literature of such a society? - Tragic love stories? No, because there Romeo and Juliet would be allowed to marry each other. Great War stories like the endless WW2 stories and other classic Greek/Roman war stories that we have? No, because there would not be any war. Stories about businessmen/criminals shrewdly working to outsmart each other? No, because there is no need to outsmart. Every life is considered precious and happiness is guaranteed by inventions in psychology or neuroscience. Mushy love stories? (Oh please. With their overflowing sweetness, they make you revolt unless you are falling in love for the first time). Or would every story be artsy? I guess other arts would have fewer problems - Visual arts can entice with new concepts, beauty of nature. The same would apply for music and other fine arts. Maybe there are sports that provide the spice (without the thrashing spree that goes with a competitive sport like football or ice hockey).

I got only thus far with my imagination before I was jolted out of my daydream. I had to get back to my other thoughts - how to get a job after a break, how to outsmart my competitors, how to make myself attractive over others, how to be richer than the others, how to be the centre of attention.
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