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Rated: E · Other · Adult · #1907814
what I feel about aging.
Aging. Well,we all know that very few of us are going to be around forever. None of us are going to live one hundred years or more,or at least it's quite unlikely. My grandmother(God bless her) is ninety-two years old,and she is in good shape,still,mentally. Nelson Mandela is ninety-four years old,and his mental status is being reported as being quite acute. So why do some folks tend to age better than others? I think it's a combination of factors-most folks would attribute it to eating well,getting lots of sleep,studying,working hard,exercising,having a good social network,faith in a higher power,and a positive attitude towards people and life in general.

People with mental illness,unfortunately,on average,live shorter than people who don't. But,in the United States,and in other developed nations,we can generally expect to live until your 70s and 80s even in some cases. Financial status,unfortunately,is a criteria as well. But,as we have been told,that it's not only the QUANTITY of years,it's also the QUALITY of years. Why live until a ripe old age if you're miserable? Some people age better than others this is true.

But,we are all in consensus that being busy is the way to go. Idleness and/or boredom tends to lead to all sorts of problems and dillemas. So,aging is inevitable,but it can be slowed down(the process).Keep busy,stay focused,and live life to the fullest!         
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