Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1908103-The-Last-Time
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest · #1908103
A short story.
Snow was falling gently outside the window. A fire was roaring in the sitting room. It was cozy there with her attendants bustling around her. Though she had gone through all of these preparations before they never became dull. The hair just so, the make-up perfect, the dress ideal. It was magical every time. The marriage itself might become a lesson in tedium but weddings were sublime.

This would be her fourth marriage. And although the previous three hadn’t been what she had dreamed of, she had high hopes for this one. Husband number four was the perfect man for her. She couldn’t wait to walk down that aisle, to say “I do”, to marry the man she loved.

She knew what people said about her. How they gossiped behind her back. She had stopped caring long ago. Things may not have worked out the first few times, she could admit that. Was it her fault the men weren’t who or what she thought? That husband number one had been a cheater? That number two had stolen from her? That number three was downright crazy? No it was not. Should she turn away a good man because of past mistakes? No. If she could no longer believe in love what did she have left?

This man, her man, had shown her what true love was. He treated her like a princess and loved her like no other ever had or ever could. From the first moment she knew this one would be different. When he got down on one knee and spoke those four precious words she was lost.

She shook her head and brought herself back to the present. Glancing at her watch she realized it was almost time. One last mirror check showed her happy glowing face staring back at her. She picked up her flowers, gathered up her dress, and followed her brides maids out the door.

As she descended the stairs her eyes searched for her man. She wanted to watch him watch her as she approached. When she found him her radiant face split with a beautiful smile. There he is she thought. My perfect man. She reached the bottom step and took a deep breath. Then she walked down the aisle toward her waiting groom. It felt so right, so real. It felt like it would be the last time.
© Copyright 2012 Jessikah (eden_aurora at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1908103-The-Last-Time