Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1915666-Iam-next-Door
by ash00
Rated: 18+ · Draft · Drama · #1915666
Who could've known
It was like anyother night this last week. It was cold out and I was sitting outside having a smoke. The clouds were creeping in and covering the tiny town I lived in. I was wrapped in my house coat that had pink and purple hearts on it and my boyfriend was inside watching the hockey game.
Our home team was losing but that didn't matter because I noticed something out of the ordinary, I noticed a light on for the first time in the apartment building across from me. In the two years I had lived in my unit this was the first time I had ever seen a light on that balcony.
To anyone else it would appear normal but to me it was a red flag and when I say that I mean I have never seen that light on before. I sat out on my very own balcony and thought as I finished my smoke why now and then I thought maybe I am just way to noisy and I should mind my own business and forget whatever it is that I was thinking of.That's exactly what I did but now thinking back I wish I had trusted my own gut feelings because that would be the night that would change my life forever. Who could have known what would happen next......
"Lena, Hello are you even listening to me?"
To be honest I had no clue what my friend was even talking about, my mind was running circles.Why was that light on and why was I still thinking of that night? I just couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. But why wasn't it right? Shit I have way more important things to think about, like my job and why I have been in a slump. My job is customer service, I sell insurance over the phone, you wouldn't believe how many people could care less about that. It seems everyone on my contact list is against me. Its a no brainer to me but seriously people who have a family why would you not want to protect them?
"Sorry Bri, refresh me Iam having a brain fart"
" I said come out with me and Fred tonight, we have someone that we would like you to meet. Fred has a new guy at work who is new here and wants to hang out"
"Bri how many times do I have to tell you Iam quite happy with Cyrus, I have no need to go out and meet any new guy."
Bri and I have been friends for a few years and she has never liked Deakon. I have no idea as to why she will never tell but she constantly tries to fix me up with other guys .Any other person I would drop kick for even suggesting so but she was the only one who was around to comfort me when my dad had passed away. So I figured that if it was a group outing what could it hurt? Cyrus was free to hang out with who he wanted to and I assumed so was I.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1915666-Iam-next-Door