Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1917169-Simple-Answers
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1917169
Contest entry
"This can not be happening!", Jack said for what must have been the hundredth time in the last three minutes. Today was the big meeting that would decide whether he would be promoted or fired. Needless to say, being late was not an option but here he was, like a mindless zombie, repeatedly pressing the elevator button for the 6th floor. He had been there so long that the cup of coffee he had purchased next door had gone cold and had a foul taste. Time was running out and Jack could feel anxiety seeping in. "Why, of all days did this have to be happening today", he thought as he continued to violently press the button. Everything indicated that the elevator should be in working order. The lights were lighting up where they should and he could even hear an occasional "ding!" echo through the shaft. He looked down at his watch in dismay as the finally seconds ticked off and 9 o' clock struck. He was now, officially late, and still the elevator door made no shudder to budge. As he left the lobby, out into the cold morning air, he never once looked up to see the sign reading "STAIRS" above a door just 20 feet from where he had just stood.

215 words
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