Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1919834-Fear
by Ash
Rated: E · Sample · Fantasy · #1919834
Just a brief idea
A shudder courses through me as terror clutches at my stomach. It’s a blinding fear that worms and crawls from my bowels into my chest and up my throat, but no sound escapes. Why? What is happening?

“Be still and know that I am God.” I whisper almost soundlessly to myself. I close my eyes and still my racing heart. I believe as hard as I can, but when I open my eyes the monster is still there. It slithers closer.

“Come here.” It hisses, it motions with its grimy claws, ordering me closer. I cannot resist, how can I say no when I am so powerless?

“There is nothing to fear my child, unless you deny me.” The beast’s voice sounds like the low rumble before an earthquake.

I take a trembling step forward, my knee buckles and I quickly right myself. I roll my shoulders and take a quick breath, I will not show fear. However the smell of the brute trickles into my mouth and nose and I can’t help but gag. Death, corruption, decay, mold, rot, blood. I can barely focus on anything but the stench.

“I am growing impatient!” The fiend screeches and lunges towards me, one of its claws hooking into my right shoulder. I cry out and fall to one knee grasping its hand desperately. It releases me quickly and steps back. “There now that wasn’t so hard. Now look at me.” I slowly raise my head and take in my captor.

Taller than an average human, its bulbous head scrapes the ceiling of the cave. Its face is hidden in shadow but I know it well. Blank violet eyes, small pointed noise, mouth with rows upon rows of pointed and poisoned teeth. The creatures arms, largely disproportionate to its body, dangle listlessly as if it is merely waiting for a bus, and not my death.

“Do you know why I am here child?” It attempts a smile but it comes across as more of a growl.

“Because Xavier sent you.” I close my eyes tight at his name, God it still hurts.
© Copyright 2013 Ash (wildcatpride14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1919834-Fear