Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1927294-My-Sister-is-Missing
by odyfox
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Death · #1927294
Finding My Sister.... Facing a life situation.
September 19,2010

The phone started to ring, My sleep fogged mind finally got me to answer it. Hey, its Jacob Aunt Jen. I croaked out  hello Jacob. He told me then that my sister was missing. As sick as I was my mind seemed to snap to attention,What makes you say that ? Are you sure? When and for how long?  I asked. She didn't come home last night.She went to the store but never came back! I was starting to pick up the panic in his young voice. Calm down Jacob, are you and the others safe or are you alone at home? He said they were safe .All this time my mind is racing telling me she would never leave them alone for long. I got him calmed down and we spoke for a few more minutes. He was to call as soon as he heard from her.
    Anger set in, Where was she ? How could she not come home to her children? Then I started thinkin of what could of happened. I called the police and the sheriff's department ,but she had not been missing long enough for them to be concerned. I called Jacob and told him to stay put at her friends where she had left them and that I would be there if we had not heard anything by Monday morning. I wanted to give her time to come home . My gut feeling though was that she wasn't going to come home.  Sunday I again called the sheriff . He said if I had not heard anything by Monday morning to call him back.
    Frustration sat in ,being sick and worried had me in tears. I kept thinking about all the what ifs! You know the ones that say to you Is she sick somewhere or passed out somewhere? Is she hurt? Are the kids really okay where they are? God please help her? Keep her safe! I need to find her! Where is she? Has she lost her mind? You know all the things you would ask yourself when you know someone  well and this was not like them. I called the Sheriff again later that day. I checked in with Jacob again  that evening and told him no matter what I would be there Monday morning. He seemed to calm down again and I talked again with my sisters friend. She said they had searched for her all day and all night Saturday and today. I told her I would be there Monday morning early to get the kids.
    Monday couldn't get here fast enough for me! I was on my way to get the kids by 6:30 am . I called the Sheriff's office in both counties where my sister was located. I finally got through to one of them who had recently lost a loved one. He asked me where she had been going and on what highway? I gave him the information.The other one wanted me to stop in and file a missing persons report .
  I had called all the hospitals in her area but she had not been admitted . I stopped by the Sheriffs office  and filed a report  on the way to get the kids. It was a frustrating experience to say the least. They still did not seem concerned that she had not come home. I was just trying to keep it together.  I had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach . She had not called or been in touch with her children since the wee hours when she left Saturday morning. That was not like her at all. She loved those kids and she would have been there if she could . I knew in my heart something was terribly wrong.
    After filing the report I called the kids and spoke with Jacob. He told me to please hurry.He was really scared and worried. I'm on my way Jacob ,It won't be long ,can you give me directions or can your moms friend? I got the location and how to get there . This woman sounded okay but there was something in her voice.... it seemed like she was not real concerned about Lily or where she might be, even asked me to leave the kids with her . That was not a happening thing. I told her I would be there soon to get them.
    I rounded the curve about a mile from the kids,and there were two vehicles off on the side of the road. One was the Sheriff . I pulled over because I knew they had found her. I got out of my van walked over to the sheriff ,asking was just a formality. My baby sister was dead! I walked up and informed him who I was. I  asked him if they had found a car down in the creek bed and he informed me they had . I ask if Lily was in it and he said yes , At that point I said is she alive and he said no. I lost it! I  kept thinking  how am I going to tell those kids that
Lily  is dead? What am I going to do without her laughter in my life? I had to call someone .............. I grabbed my cell phone . I layed my head on the steering wheel and cried.My phone had no signal....God give me strength..... I saw Jacob get out of a car across the highway from me............ I jumped out of my car and ran to him. I had to get to him before he went into the  creek .... oh God help me say the right things!!!

    It has been two years six months since that day and I still miss her. I see her everyday in these kids and they are who give me joy ,love and laughter. It has not been easy but we survived and are a family.God's grace  got me through this. If not for his love I couldn't have made it through everything.The only thing thats not true are the names. I changed them to protect my kids.
© Copyright 2013 odyfox (odyfox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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