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this happened to me in may 2010 and I, like many still miss him.
It started like every other day; I got up, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and got dressed
But something felt wrong….I couldn't think straight
My head ached and everything was suddenly sore
I fell to the floor landing flat on my back unable to move
The pain was so intense that I passed out

I awoke in a hospital hallway, I tried to ask a nurse where I was
But she passed right through me and I saw I was transparent
I was here for a reason but why?
I ran through the halls, something was calling me
As I followed it the call got stronger
And I found myself in a private room also there were people gathered around a bed

I felt sick then but managed to walked over to it and I saw a man lying there, connected to tubes
At first I didn't recognize him but as I leaned closer my eyes widened in horror
And the heart monitor let out a long high pitched beep
I staggered back shock held me tightly
I felt tears running down my face and I let out a scream

My eyes flew open I was back in bed
Was it a dream?....It had to be
Again I got up but I couldn't eat
I just brushed my teeth and got dressed
I sat in the dark of the shed as I usually do when this sort of thing happens
I drew a pentagram with white chalk and lit two large candles
I knelt in the middle of the pentagram, closed my eyes I concentrated on breathing
To clear my mind but I heard a voice, faint at first but as I focused it became clear
I opened my eyes and there before me stood a man in a simple white robe
I knew who it was right away

“Am I…dead?” he asked
“Yes…you are…” I replied fighting back tears
“I knew it would happen sooner or later…”

I had bent my head and was fully crying
I then felt a hand on my cheek

“Why are you crying?” I looked up he had entered the pentagram and had taken on solid form
“I saw you die…in that hospital…” His hand dropped away
“You were the transparent girl screaming near my bed” I nodded “I couldn’t bear the thought that you were dead and I still can’t!”
He frowned “But I don’t know you and you don’t know me”

“Through your music I do. You gave me hope when I thought it lost. You gave me the courage to dream that I could become something……..but now you’ll disappear to the other side and the younger generation will not know you….you’ll fade from the world’s memory”
He smiled “I will not fade as long as there are those that still remember me, teach the younger ones of my music and the music of others like me”

He kissed my forehead “Go forth my child and rock”
The candles blew out and he was gone.

I still hear those words as clear now as they were then
My little brother knows him now and loves his music
As well as many other artists of metaldom

I spread as much of my knowledge as I can whenever I can
To whom ever is willing to listen

Forever remembered by those whose faith is true
Forever loved by the fans you left behind
Never shall we forget
And someday we’ll meet you on heaven high
Before you shoot us to hell

R.I.P Ronnie James Dio
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