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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1929749
Revelation 11:9
Earlier today Revelation Eleven came true. I'm inside today as the great city has declared all citizens to remain indoors, but I can still see their bodies down the street. I remember seeing a man being pulled up away from the river after he had drowned and the paramedics were not able to bring him back to life. I've been to funerals before, but nothing like this. Yesterday a massive animal killed the Two Witnesses and no one has done anything about it - we were just all told to go indoors. The bodies of the Two Witnesses are not even covered - they are just laying there in the wet street. The pouring rain also is a good reason to stay indoors. The sackcothe they were wearing has been ripped to shreads and their bodies are so devestated that they look more like a pile of grain or crumpled up paper covered in mud than humans.

I think most of the people here are happy they were killed. But I'm not. These men were telling the truth - they had powers like no one else I've ever seen. I hope you are sitting down when you hear this - these men could command fire to come out of their mouths. Ok - so you don't believe me. I wouldn't either unless I'd seen it - and I saw it twice. Sure you've seen the fellow on the street corner swallow some gas or chemicals and then spit them out over a small fire and make it look like he could breath fire, but these guys really could. One time the Two Witnesses were taking the train across town and when they came out in the international zone - the free trade area - four men ambushed them and tried to kill them. Well, I happened to be coming the other way as the crowd screamed and people stared as the four men were torched to death. Not like stunt men who wear special suits and can deal with the heat for a short time until they go off scene and the fire is put out. No, these men were roasted - if cannibals were around, they would have been delighted to have a freshly roasted meal. The four attacker's bodies were so burned and disfigured, they looked like melted chocolate with bones jutting out randomly.

Word about that failed attempt quickly spread - they were expected to come to court, but after numerous witnesses testified that four men attacked two men and in self-defense the two killed the four, the case was dismissed.

The truth that these Two Witnesses spread was too much for people to take, after the four men were killed, a coalition of forces was formed to trap these two men and kill them. Since they used fire to kill attackers, this coalition force decided to use fire against them - so they built a stage to be a fire place. The intention was to invite these Two Witnesses to speak from the stage and then they would burn up in front of the audience. I wasn't aware of the plot, but was invited to attend and gladly accepted to hear more of what they had to say. The coalition used the grande theater in the Russian District to build the flamable stage and then invited numerous dignitaries to the event. I've never been a dignitary, but often was invited to such events as I was used by God to design this city.

The Two Witnesses came and spoke and said harsh words, and wouldn't you know it, about 40 minutes into their prophecying, the stage started on fire and the Two Witnesses were trapped on the stage. Of course most people in the theater ran out the emergency exits thinking the fire would spread, but the coalition members stayed, knowing that only the stage would burn as barriers had been set up to prevent both the spread of fire and the escape of the two witnesses. I was terrified and also left the theater, but as I was exiting, I noticed the fire wasn't spreading and stood in the back row and watched sickly as the coalition members moved closer to the fire to make sure the Two Witnesses were killed. The coalition had done a good job in ensuring the fire protection system wouldn't put out the fire, but what they failed to think about was the rapid response of the city's fire department. Within two minutes, the fire department had put out the fire and I watched in horror as the Two Witnesses blew fire from their mouths and killed all the coalition members with such hot fire that their bodies also burned the front of the theater. Thankfully the fire department saved the rest of the grande theater. The Two Witnesses then walked out of the theater and acquired new sackcloth and continued witnessing as if torching people was part of a daily routine. No one else was injured in the fire except for the coalition members and no case ever came against the Two Witnesses as they found evidence of arson from coalition members who were later killed by fire. It was declared a group suicide. It never pays to play with fire.

But now it was their bodies who were lifeless on the ground - blood and water flowing toward the storm drain. The rain was baring down hard on their bodies.

Fire breathing was not the only skill they possessed. God also gave them the ability to spread plagues, turn water to blood and stop the rain (see Revelation 11:6). I observed them during their stay in the city, their pattern was to honor those who listened to God's message of salvation and warning - but to cause plagues on those who ignored their message. The Italy District, the Argentina District, the Romania District, the Singapore District, the Uganda District, and large portions of the South Korea District for example held these Two Witnesses in high regard and hung on every word they said. It was no coincidence to me to see these seven districts also blessed - their land values, their economic growth, their prosperity and popularity continued to grow. God was blessing them. On the other hand, the Denmark District (very similar to their Freetown Christiania back home), the North Korea District, the New Zealand District, the Azerbaijan District, the Vietnam District, the Albania District and the Sweden District all rejected the Two Witnesses. These districts were constantly dealing with plagues, poor economic conditions and disasters. I don't think there was a coincidence. I also heard about huge parties in these seven districts, and others, after the city announced the death of the Two Witnesses.

It was probably the longest three days of my life. I cried, I sat quietly, I was unable to be distracted away from my grief. It hung on me almost physically - like I had on a tight contraption around my chest, squeezing me in from all sides. I couldn't sleep. I felt as if a sever injustice had been done and those in authority gladly watched the injustice being done - with no thought to change their ways.

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