Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1945336-lonely
by alex
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Personal · #1945336
andrew tate suicide
Jessica's big blue eyes filled with tears. she couldn't believe what she had just seen or her. Memories filled her mind as she drops to the cold cracked wooden floor. rocking back and forth screaming "my love, my one and only love!!!!" her boyfriend Andrew Tate had shot himself before own eyes. suddenly Andrews father slams open the door and runs to Jessica and yells "Jessica what's......" his heart drops as he see's his only son lying in a pool of blood. he frantically runs to Andrew and starts shacking him "my son, please wake up my little boy don't go with mommy yet" a tear streams down his nose and falls on Andrews four head. Jessica immediately grabs her phone and calls 911"911 what's you emergency?" "um yes we need an ambulance my...." she starts to cry "my boyfriend he... just come fast! "she answers" okay we'll be there as soon as possible" they replied. Waiting for the ambulance seemed like a lifetime, finally Jessica could here the sirens and ran out she couldn't help but to cry harder when she saw them carrying him on a gurney into the back of the ambulance. and started running back tords the house. Andrews dad still sitting there on the ground with a blank stare... "hey! lets go to the hospital! ill drive!" said Jessica and helped him up. they literary ran to Jessica's little blue Honda. and passed every vehicle they saw. finally they arrived. they sat knee shockingly in the cold hospital hallway for hours. out of no were the doctor in blue scrubs appeared and me and Andrews dad stood quickly. we both looking into eyes with hope. when the doctor looks down in shame as he bring his hands together slowly bringing them up to is eyes we both knew this was the death of Andrew tate.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1945336-lonely