Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1953220-Dyre-A-Synopsis
by beetle
Rated: E · Other · Writing · #1953220
A synopsis of my novel, "Dyre," which will shortly be sent out to literary agents.
Dyre: A Synopsis

In a world where Packs of werewolves exist side by side with a none-the-wiser humanity, a young female werewolf called Des is bound by a blood-oath with the guarding of the aging leader of all the Packs in North America: the Dyre. It’s stable employment—nice work, if you can get it . . . at least until the silver bullets start to fly. One dark and stormy night, Des fails in her duty, and the Dyre is murdered. But he lives just long enough to choose his successor, and swears Des to another oath to protect this new Dyre.

One murder turns into many as leaders of the North American Packs are killed. A new Dyre reigns and her name is Ruby. At the next full moon she experiences her first Change into a werewolf. It is a chaotic time for all Packs, and Ruby’s enemies waste none of it by attacking Ruby and Des with tranquilizer darts, abducting Ruby, and smuggling her out of the country.

Des awakens to find that her rival for Ruby’s affections, Thierry LaFours, has already taken off to Paris, the place where the abductors’ trail goes cold. After joining Thierry in Paris, Des discovers a startling new ability: she can project her mind into the bodies of others.

Ruby, meanwhile, is being held on a private island by the Dyre of the European Packs, Lazslo Kiraly, who also heads a faction that wants to do away with the North American-style of Pack government. He’s willing to kill Ruby to do so. Des, Thierry, and a Tarot-card reading werewolf named Nicolae have mere days in which to get Ruby away from him.

Ruby is in no less jeopardy once Kiraly realizes she’s pregnant. Since he cannot Challenge a pregnant Dyre for her Right to Rule, Kiraly kidnaps Ruby’s blood-oath champion, Des, and kills Thierry LaFours, who is the father of Ruby’s child. Des and Ruby are reunited, at last.

Ruby has a vision, in which she is told by the previous Dyre, a way that Des might win the Contest: by fighting it in the Forest Primeval, a place where werewolves go when they die or, if they’re like Des and Ruby, when the Moon, Herself, calls them to fulfill a purpose.

When the time comes, Des enters the Forest Primeval to fight and gets tricked into following Kiraly into an ambush. But because of Des’ past rabidity, which has flared up again during the fight, Kiraly is reluctant to get her blood in his mouths, or even on him.

In the meantime, Ruby is making her escape, carrying Des, and helped by one of their kidnappers, who believe that using Kiraly’s yacht they can escape the island.

Unfortunately, one of the other kidnappers catches up to them. The first kidnapper is killed and Ruby is shot in the side. Des—awakened by the sounds of gunshots after killing Kiraly—kills the second kidnapper and carries Ruby to the yacht. Their Mayday is answered by a fishing vessel. Eventually, they return to the U.S. and being rebuilding their lives. Together.
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