Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1954122-The-Highland-Girl
Rated: E · Prose · Children's · #1954122
this poem reflects how we are lost when we grow up..
There she stood
In the breeze
Amidst the green fields
Among the swaying shoots of woody shrubs,
With her long hair covering almost half her face
And she was trying to fix them behind her ears
Amidst this,
I cruised through in my luxury car
Through her highlands

She looked at the cruiser,
I could only imagine what she might have thought
Least likely ,She might have caught a glimpse of strange me
More likely, She might have thought of the luxurious car,
The thought of travelling round the world might have struck her
She might have wanted to be in the luxurious cruiser
And be at ease
And visit the world
Most likely, she would have ignored everything

But the sight if her, made me think
Was luxury in the vehicle ,I was
Heading to a destination, I didn’t know ,
Earning, not living life
as the kid in me wanted to…
Or the luxury was being a child like her
Careless, free in the lap of nature
Happiness lying in those little things..
No need to choose
No opportunity cost,
No need to care
What others thought,
No need to impress a boss,
Or the colleagues
She was free to do
what she pleased

I could see her and smile
Remembering me as a child

Her future, I wondered
Might not be rich
She might never get a chance at worldly riches
But it didn't matter
One could be rich by just being happy
but one cant be happy by just being rich

As I imagined a life she would live
it felt cruel to restrict her in the little world
my mind was capable of imagining
I wished she went beyond the limits of my or any else’s imagination
She would live a happy life, I hoped and prayed

The world she lived in
Might someday seem small to her
But to my eyes
Her little world was everything I longed for

How, i pondered
Does our childhood ambition
Which foremost, is to be happy
becomes lost in the realm of dreams
and Life turns into a race,
Heading nowhere,
But ,which no one can afford to lose
The race is still a race

She now looked at a cat that passed by
And I looked at her
To frame the moment in my memories
And the cruiser
Went on sprinting with the trees
And I was lost
In her smile..
© Copyright 2013 pattrick (prate at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1954122-The-Highland-Girl