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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1960967
what she is to do
          I began to shake uncontrollably and there were no tears for me to cry, but I longed for some. I longed to die and go to where I belong instead of standing here and looking at the evil done. They did not deserve this! I do not deserve this!
         Erebos began to cackle in my ear, “Do you feel the thrill!” he laughed. “Do you long for more! This is who you are meant to be! This is what you are made for!”
         I jumped up and shoved him as hard as I could away from me, sending him flying through the air. All he did was laugh hysterically and jump back on his feet. He got in front of me and grabbed a hold of my chin, using his better strength against me to make me look at him.
         “Why the anger my love?” he asked me with a smile. “Did you not enjoy the feast?”
         I forced his hand away from my chin and slammed my fist into his face. “I do not want this!” I screamed at him. “He did not deserve this! I do not deserve this! I am not a monster! I am not a killer! I do not want to be anything like you!”
         He picked up the dead corpse and threw it at me. “You are a killer! You are a monster!” he yelled at me.
         I stared down at the body then looked back at him. “I did not ask you to make me this way.” I growled at him.
         “But it is who you are now! I gave you eternal life and you repay me like an ungrateful child!” he hissed at me.
         “It is not yours to give!” I lunged at the nearest tree, making it fall to the ground. I smashed my hand into the trunk and snatched out a sharp piece of wood. I can still hear his screams to this day, as he knew his life was over. He killed that man and I gave his family the justice they deserve even though they will never know it.
         “Yes Ereobus,” I said, “I do feel the thrill.”
         I threw the wood onto the ground and took off from that spot as fast as I could and found myself in an open pasture. The night began to change into day and I watched the sun rise. And ever since that day, I knew what I was to do. I still call humans my family and a vampire is only the title I have. Rid this earth of all my kind and save my family.

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