Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1961439-The-Story-of-the-Realm
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1961439
A once upon a time which created the plains of existence
Once upon a time, two souls were bound by a helix of destiny. Souls
intertwined through the ages. The two met through the chaos of a town
market. Their eyes glanced through the mass hordes of farmers and
townspeople. When they saw each other flames sparked within the
destined pair. The woman was snatched away into a carriage to return
to her leaving the man stood awe struck by what he just felt. Neither
forgot the feelings they felt for each other and their belief in
their love for one and other drew them together.

Every man, woman and child has the ability to create a world from just
believing and truly wanting it to be, that it would come into
existence as another dimension linked to the world through those who
believe in their own subconscious utopia. As the pair slept their
dreaming minds and the flames that ignited when they glanced at each
other collided creating a dominion of their passion for the other.
They both lay dreaming of the other that night and their minds met in the world
they had created together through their subconscious and beliefs.
Within their reality was a perfect copy of the world in which the
physical bodies of the lovers lay. They both found themselves
wondering the city of London, the city which they first laid eyes on
each other however this London was barren of life. Neither could
believe what was happening, they believed that their wishes had come
true and that they were all alone in the world, together. It was so
good that neither truly believed what was happening was real. However
they did spend their time together during the dream discovering more
about the other, and as they did and as their love grew. As their
love grew the world filled with light. A cloudless world, a bright
world, a hopeful world.

They both agreed to meet in real life the next day even though neither
believed what was happening was real. They met during the day, atop a
hill. The woman was a beautiful maiden who served a tyrant lord. She
had managed to escape from her work for the day. The man was a
traveller, and a play writer. It was his last day in London until
starting up his play all over the country. They both agreed that in
real life their love would not be able to work as the tyrant lord
made sure he kept all his servants in check by keeping their entire
family as slaves, and if one were to go missing he would kill the
rest. The maiden feared this eventuality and the writer accepted this
as he would not wish for his love to grieve. They agreed that no
matter where the other is they would be together in their dream as
their world has entwined the pair together. This supernatural link
between the two lovers created a world of pure light, a dimension
with no corruption only peace. A world in which they could be

The pair spent their last and only day and night together atop the hill,
sleeping under a blanket of stars. That night as they slept, the
world in which their love created became true, full of life and joy.
The next morning they kissed goodbye as their real bodies would never
touch again, however the writer eased the maidens tears by saying
“This physical shell which keeps me from being with you keeps
within it a pure world where we can spend eternity together.”
They then parted, not to see each other, only in their dream world
could they be together. For over a year as the man circled the
country showing people his play, the pair kept their world in secret,
and they created a pure life-form together a complete being, they
both named them their ‘angels’. They created a utopia
from the flames of love they held for each other. They believed they
could be together forever as long as they never forgot each other.

However on a stormy night, whilst the destined pair spent their time in their
utopian copy of London, the maidens sister had fled the tyrant lord
she worked for. She had fled because she sought greater things than
be a maid, she sought to be an actress, and believed the lord was
bluffing when he said he would kill her family. It was a risk the
sister happily disregarded. The lord was no joker. He kept true to
his word. He had killed the maidens mother and two brothers out of a
drunken anger. His next victim was the destined woman. She was
blissfully unaware of her families massacre. As happy as she could be
in her utopia with the man she loved. She fell in the arms of the
writer, in the arms of her loved. Her real body had been stabbed
through the heart, the tyrant lord in a drunken state had killed her,
bloodied his knife with the blood of a woman in love. Her sleeping
body had been murdered. Inside the world her soul slowly faded into
the arms of the grief stricken writer. He cried as he saw the woman
he loved, the woman who he created an entire world with die, as a
hole appeared where her heart was. The entire world cracked through
the screams of the writer, world split into pieces.

However the woman's soul was in love when it died, this kept the world of
angels alive as a dimension created from the soul of a fair maiden,
who’s life was taken without warning. The man unaware of this
phenomenon destroyed his world, destroyed his utopia and filled it
with darkness and hate. The sky turned black like the pit of the
underworld. A storm drenched the crying man as he was on his knees in
a back London. The angels became corrupt and distorted. They were a
reflection of the man in his state of loathing. These creatures which
were created from his sorrow were dubbed ‘demons’.

When he awoke, he quickly, without hesitation departed for the manor house
in which his beloved lived. When he got there he met him. The man
responsible for the death of his love and her family. When he asked
what had become of his maiden the tyrant replied “She made
quite a mess on my knife, so I gave the dogs a nice meal.” He
said this with almost a smirk of pride along his face. The writer in
anger thrust his sword into the lord. The last thing the tyrant saw
was the hellish nightmare he had forced upon the world through the
eyes of the writer. With swift movement and precision the writer then
moved to kill the guards were protecting the tyrant. He felt no guilt
over their deaths because as he learnt of his beloved maidens fate
his heart filled with anger towards the living. His corrupt mind had
spread over to darkness in his dream world. It had broken and filled
with demons who could kill a man with ease. All he did at night, in
his dream world was weep, scream and distort his reality. He was then
known as a butcher play writer, he killed countless soldiers and
innocent through his grievous rage. Eventually during his circle of
madness and murder, during his sleep, during his dream in his corrupt
world a man had found him. This man was a victim of the butchers
rampage and sought revenge for his father. This night he took up the
butchers sword and as he slept in his dream world, plunged it into
his heart. Inside the corrupted nightmare world he felt himself
vanishing from his creation. However just as the world of light was
kept alive due to the love the maiden felt when she died, this world
was kept alive due to the butcher-writer’s hate and sorrow.

And so the two dimensions:
A world of pure light, created by the love
of a maiden
A world of pure darkness, created by the hate and
sorrow for the lost maiden were forever parallel to each other
© Copyright 2013 Dylan Faustus (dylan.evans at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1961439-The-Story-of-the-Realm