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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #1964883
a young hero must rescue his best friend more in the series on the way
Zach brown was having a bad day and it was about to get worse. As he walked in to his house he knew some thing was wrong. he flipped the light switch and walked cautiously in to the living room were he found a letter and he knew his house had been broken in to he search the rest of the house to see if the person who broke in had left any thing else they had not so he went and read the note in side it was a business card for a bank Zach ran down to his under ground submarine landing dock and took it to his under water hide out were he kept all of his cool gadgets and stuff he used to fight crime and super evil villains when he arrived he heard a voice from above him "hey Zach something wrong?". it was Julia Owens Zach's best friend and partner in crime fighting she was sitting in the control deck looking at the crime monitors to see what was going on in the city they have access to every camera in the city they could see every body every day so they could spot a criminal any where and catch him when they were ready and thy were always ready just then the whole lab shook and then water started to fill the room as the glass protection shield blew inwards Zach looked around and found the scuba gear he took a deep breath just before the water came above his head he grabbed the gear and put it on and went to search for Julia he found her being put into a sub marine by three divers they got in and shot away so Zach turned in to a shark and chased the sub marine but it was just way to fast so when he lost sight of it he swam to the surface to find out who did this. Then he saw where he was and realized he was near his friend Wayne's place so he climbed out of the ocean and headed towards Main Street. Zach walked down the busy street to the large warehouse and stared at the size of it. He strolled in and up to the counter. "What do you want" asked the worker gruffly. "Well I want Wayne to give me my equipment I left here" answered Zach. "Oh wow Zach I didn't recognize you" Wayne said. Without another word Wayne pushed a button and a staircase opened leading down to a basement. They walked down and Zach was amazed by all the weapons swords axes bows and arrows and guns he went to the fish shaped table and grabbed his laser sword fish and his ninja throwing star fish along with his rocket powered grappling octopus and he also grabbed his spare back up costume that he needed to turn in to his secret identity super hero alter ego river shifter Zach left the warehouse, he headed to his backup base to do some research. Meanwhile back at the warehouse Wayne went down further into his lair and revealed a cage with Julia inside. "Your friend Zach stopped by to get some gadgets. Sorry he couldn't say hi but, after all you are a bit tied up right now" She stared at him super angrily wishing she was not gagged and could spit angry words at him through the bars on her cage, but she was forced to just sit there and look at him in angry silence as he went about setting up some evil death ray machine, she did not recognize.
Zach was a fish and following the heat trail that the sub marine left as it fled from the wrecked under water sea base that it had destroyed and then he saw it a large grouping of under water buildings surrounded by huge fish he had never seen be fore in his life he swam like a bullet and touched a fish so his powers would allow him to turn in to that fish so he would not look strange on the monitors then he swam to the dock and turned in to a decorator crab then he side stepped in to the building and snuck up on a henchman then he be came a jelly fish and stung the henchman then he turned back in to him self he put on the uniform of the guard and went about his movements a round the under water sea base he found the security room and looked at the screens then he found the cell block he disconnected the cameras so they looked exactly the same al ways no matter what happened then he headed to the cell block to bust out Julia but she was not there instead he found an entire army waiting for him at the cell blocks so he lunged at the first man he saw and hit him with the laser sword fish then he launched his rocket powered grappling octopus at the next man and threw him in to yet an other five then he used his ninja throwing star fish and took out the remaining ten then he tuned in to the smallest crab in the world and ran out of the room then he turned in to a shrimp and swam to wards home to find out where his friend was left he headed to his destroyed base to look for clues as to who had destroyed it and kidnapped his friend there he found a tiny little card that he realized he could find who bought it by going to the manufacturer and getting a list of people then looking for wrap sheets to see who was most likely to do some thing like this and then he would take them down he was talking on the phone with them when he was knocked out from behind then the attacker told the man on the phone he was done and hung up and then he dragged Zach away from the scene and shoved him in to a car then they drove away Zach a woke to the dripping of water in the room and then he heard a familiar voice behind him barking orders to feed both prisoners he assumed that meant him and Julia so he had found where she was being held and went about thinking up an escape plan that would rescue both him and Julia when the door opened he was untied by masked henchmen and had food thrown down in front of him it was pretty good food there was a steak candied carrots and sweet potatoes along with some garlic butter braised salmon it was very good then he heard groaning from the other end of the room he stood up and walked over there he found Julia and she was waking up "Julia, Julia wake up it is me come on wake up" he slapped her face gently and she came round "Zach did Wayne get you to?" she asked "wait what Wayne he did this to you?" he asked sounding surprised "yes he kidnapped me I was in the ware house when you came to get your equipment he taunted me and told me you were here as he went about setting up a death ray he thought I was asleep when he was telling his henchman what to do it is going to destroy the moon and send it crashing down to earth killing every one on half of the earth we have to stop him before he can set it off and level the planet" just as they said this the door was unlocking three of his henchmen came in and led them to a control room where they were attacked by odd creatures and killed but Zach and Julia were able to fight them off one bit Zach's wrist and broke his ropes so he untied Julia but then the floor gave way right under her and she was dragged down by the legs but Zach managed to hold her up while Julia kicked her attacker in the face until it let her legs go and she was able to climb out of the hole with Zach's help of course then the creatures disappeared and they were able to escape the room "what were those thing" cried Julia "I don't know but they were scary" responded Zach as he ran toward the door that was closing fast "but let's get out of here before the door shuts and we get trapped again" they just managed to jump through before it closed and they fell right in to the ocean Julia was knocked unconscious but Zach was ok he turned in to a dolphin and swam down to save her then they swam to the surface "well we know were he is now but how do we break in?" asked Julia after she got up and then she was up and ready to go "I have it you turn in to a shark and eat the under water controls to fry them then we can open the door and break in to destroy the death ray that will destroy the moon" Zach liked the idea and did as he was told then they opened the door it was hard but Zach turned in to an octopus to help pry it open with his eight arms and then they were met by robot duplicates of Wayne so they had to fight there way through it Zach was all over he had turned in to a puffer fish and sucked up a bunch of water from the ocean and sprayed the robots then he turned in to an electric eel and fried them then he turned in to a shark and bit the heads off of three of them and they ran wild hitting their own team mates which helped Zach and Julia then Julia was kicking but with hand to hand she seemed to be able to know what they would do "I am glad I am the one who helped Wayne design the robots he is using to fight us because now I can use my knowledge of their systems to destroy them" just as she said this she round house kicked one robot in the stomach in just the right spot that it bent for ward and knocked over an other after this Zach turned in to him self and used his weapons to destroy the rest he used his grappling octopus and tied three of them together and then used his laser sword fish to slice them to bits the last one then tried to run to the button that would set off the alarm and get them caught but Zach took him down and out with a few flying ninja star fish and then they ran down the passage ways to try and find the control room when they found it and ran in they slammed all of the doors which crushed several robots and blocked out the rest of them so Zach and Julia were able to run to the main room and find Wayne "well well well if it is not my favorite teen heroes Zach Brown and Julia Owens I hope you did not suspect your friend Wayne of the horrendous crimes that his robot counter parts have been performing on my orders" stated the masked stranger he was dressed in a long cloak almost a cape it was black which matched his suit and his mask which his mask was a tight black ski mask with big bug eyes and a large worm on the forehead "who are you" demanded Zach "I am the worm and I am your worst enemy you do all thing in the name of fish and fish eat worms so we are natural enemies and I must kill you to prove that worms are better than fish" the worm said in a crazy madman voice that said he meant business and was planning to kill them that was when they saw that not all the Wayne's in the room were doing stuff they saw one laying on the floor in a pool of blood and it was still wet that meant he might still be alive but they could not get to him they were blocked by hundreds of thousands of Wayne-bots that were more than likely programmed to kill them if they moved more than ten feet away from the centre of the room that they were in and they looked like they had lasers in their eyes based on the red glow in their eyes and then there were the small patches on the arms that that suggested that they had arm stationed missile launchers and the rocket boots made to catch them then the worm jumped down and ran at them with a blade in his hand but just as he was about to slice Julia's head off Zach lunged forward with his laser sword fish and blocked it so that Julia was not hurt the worm jumped back and got in to a fighting stance Zach ran forward and flipped over him so Zach was now behind the worm and then he lunged at the worm with his laser sword fish but the worm jumped up on to a passing rocket powered moving platform it was attached to the ceiling and the rockets by thin wires that Zach could only just see but it was enough he threw a few of his flying ninja starfish at the wires they hit cutting the wires and sending the platform plummeting to the ground but the worm was too fast he was all ready on the control deck but Zach was fast too and just as Zach saw him he was so fast that his rocket powered octopus launcher was already fired and on its way to ward the worm and he was tied up with in moments so that he was un able to move but then he had a knife in his hand and he had freed him self that was all that they needed but then the worm hit a switch that sent them flying in to space but they had left the death ray that was supposed to destroy the moon so Zach turned in to a giant squid and tore it apart now their work was done "too bad they got away huh Zach" asked Julia "yep but at least we stopped him from destroying the planet" and we can always catch him
© Copyright 2013 Abe Harmala (jaharmala at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964883-River-shifter-part-one