Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1966782-MrsAckerman
by Roxie
Rated: E · Essay · Adult · #1966782
True story of my life
Mrs. Ackerman

When we look back at life's journey most of us have memories of individuals that affected our lives in some way.  For me that person was Mrs. Ackerman my fourth grade teacher.  Back in 1934 most of the classes in Public School #5 had 40 to 50 pupils yet as difficult as it sounds, Mrs. Ackerman always commanded our attention and respect.  She knew each one of us by name, our background, our troubles and our needs.  She had long beautiful hair and each morning would roll it up into a ball on the back of her head.  At times she was as hard as nails but she would always listen to our problems.  She was like a wonderful grandmother to most of us. 

Early one morning, the last day before Christmas, Mrs. Ackerman announced she had a small gift for each one of us and for two of the students she had a special gift.  One for the best girl and one for the best boy of the day.  All gifts would be given out at the end of the day before the bell rang to go home.  She held up a nice doll for the girl's prize and then she held up the most wonderful prize for the best boy.  It was a toy silver Zeppelin that made sparks as it rolled on the desk.  Never, never in my whole life had I seen a gift like this, my mind spun with excitement and I decided that I would be the best darn kid in the class and the Zeppelin would be mine.

All day long I tried to be perfect.  I answered all the questions correctly when called upon, read my book when we were told to and if not busy I would sit up with my hands folded on the desk, back straight and eyes to the front.  As the day went by I wanted to look around the class to see how the other boys were doing, but this might count against me.  Close to noon I had to go to the bathroom, normal procedure was to raise your hand and ask to be excused but not this time I just sat there and held off till the lunch bell rang.  I wasn't taking any chances.  I had to win the prize.

As the day went by the pressure was almost unbearable. There on Mrs.Ackermans desk was my Zeppelin waiting for me to walk up and accept it as my very own.  My mom and dad would be so proud of me and I would have this wonderful Christmas present all to myself.  Mom and dad always tried to have some small present for us to open Christmas morning, but the depression and made it difficult for all of us.

Once, when we were told to open our books and read a chapter I almost fell asleep but caught myself just in time.  The magic hour was getting closer every second and I knew I was the best boy in the whole school that day.  All the rest of the kids in the class would be envious of me as I marched to the front of the room to be presented with my present.  Time was getting closer.  Any minute the winners would be announced.

This was the longest day of my life.  I know no one could have been better than me.  Finally, Mrs. Ackerman was moving around the class giving out a card and a box of hard candy to each of us.  There she goes to her desk. It will be any second now.  I'm so excited inside that I am shaking all over.  Why is she giving out the girls present first?  Let's get to my prize!!  When she calls my name I'll stand up and take my time walking to the front of the class.  I want to enjoy this moment the most.  Here it is, now is the time, Mrs. Ackerman looks over the class and calls out the winner. “Will Joey Cantrell come to my desk to receive his present?”  Wait, no that can't be right. How can it be?  My insides filled with the feeling of hurt as tears run down my cheeks.  What had I done wrong?  I tried hard to be the best all day, honest I did.  I tried to wipe the tears from my cheeks so no one would see but inside I was still crying.  I thought that this Christmas I would get a real present that I could keep forever.

Mrs. Ackerman stood by her desk and talked to us, telling how she enjoyed being our teacher and really loved each and every one of us.  She then wished us all a very merry Christmas.  As the school bell rang to end our day she said, "Wait just one moment, Bobby.  It will be necessary for you to stay after school for a while.  Class dismissed".

What had I done?  I tried to be the best, but somehow I must have failed.  Not only did I not receive my present but also now I had to stay after school for punishment.  No one will ever know how I felt inside. I was shaking all over and crying hard without the tears.  As the rest of the class left the room they all crowded around Joey to see his present and they all turned and looked back at me sitting alone and I died again and again.  I listen to the eraser squeak as Mrs. Ackerman clears the blackboard before she takes her seat at the desk.  I feel so alone as I sat at my desk remembering that my dad always said," Remember big boys do not cry ".

Finally Mrs. Ackerman asked me to come forward to her desk.  That was the longest walk of my life.  I tried to hold my head high but I couldn't, I was having a hard time fighting back the tears.  “Bobby, “Mrs. Ackerman said, "You have always been one of my favorite students and I know of the many problems you are facing every day of your life.  Today you have been more than the best boy in my class, so I kept you after school to give you some special gifts for Christmas from me."  She reached inside her desk and pulled out another Zeppelin and gave it to me.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was all mine.  The tears finally flowed down my cheeks.  Next she reached into her desk again and out came a new pair of shoes for me.  Not used, but a real spanking new pair of shoes, even in a shoebox.  She again wished me a happy holiday season and asked me to keep this as our little secret.  I thanked her and turned with my arms full and tears running down my cheeks but as I left the room I turned back and said, “I love you Mrs. Ackerman.”

Life for all of us moved on and as World War II started jobs became more plentiful and life got a little easier.  Never again did I wear someone’s worn out shoes; even the U.S. Navy gave me a new pair.  As time passed I could afford to buy many pairs of shoes but something inside always held me back and I never spent a lot of money on shoes.  I have never forgotten Mrs. Ackerman. 

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