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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1971073
Backstory/Prologue to a Fantasy/Sci-Fi series I've started


In the year 2114 A.D. a group of scientists made a discovery that changed the conditions of the war ravaged planet earth. The Scientific Researchers for Peace and Prosperity were made up of three of the greatest minds from every country that chose to participate in the U.N. peace talks.

Their one goal of creation was to find a way to solve the issues of dissipating resources, disease plaguing the world, and natural disaster that has caused many countries to leave their homes and claim new territories of their own. These scientists worked for over 50 years every day trying out different ways to produce artificial oils, foods, and to even stop the occurrence of some of the world's biggest disasters. After the 50th anniversary of their formation the countries were beginning to question the use of their own capital in funding this research. The United States had been split into 5 different provinces all warring for land, Russia had almost been completely wiped out by the leak of toxic chemical into their water supply, the major powers of Asia have blown each other's off the map and South Korea has claimed all of Asia aside from India as their territory. These partnered with the prospering military state that is now the republic of United Congonia, has caused the world to begin to lose faith in the intellectuals they once trusted with the fate of their world.

It was on the 5th day of May in the year 2114 that scientists Francois Crest of U.C., Timothy Funder of Northwest U.S., and Vincent Grayson of the European Union had made the greatest discovery that mankind had ever even touched on. It was the discovery of the boundary between what was then called the Milky Way, now referred to as the "Sector 0", and what we now call "Sector H", or "Funders Quarry". They discovered that with the newest models of spacecraft they could actually travel to new galaxies and search for new terrestrial planets. The discovery was first written off by the U.N. and the scientific community for lack of evidence and as a waste of the global budget. Then the American Timothy Funder and his American colleagues accompanied by Grayson and Crest decided to take a Prototype space craft ,that was also set aside due to budget reasons, and do their own personal exploration as this was not approved by the U.N. it was said that they would not have any support or assistance from earth and they wouldn't be assisted back if lost in space. Thus they continued, the spacecraft left the Indian U.N. space station October, 6 of 2114 carrying the 6 Scientist, 1 Volunteer Pilot, and the supplies they took from their own homes.

         As the world watched as they took off on their televisions no one expected to see them ever again. The group was claimed as lost in space after radio contact was lost. Then declared dead after large piece of what was believed to be their aircraft crashed off the shore of what was San Francisco. There was a memorial held globally in honor of their efforts and dedication to bettering our torn up planet.

It had been 3 years passed by and they had been forgotten, the TSRPP was on the verge of being shut down due to lack of finances and the now Dictator lead European Union was on the verge of attacking United Congonia. It seemed that the prospering state had something no other countries had, a newly found oil source deep in their jungles, it was said that it could last their demand for another 3000 years at their highest usage. The military state has then taken over the south east most provinces of Asia with the promises to the people of a better life. Their dictator Heathcliff Geehaan had cut all ties diplomatically to the other countries and sealed their borders to all outsiders. He had declared the missing scientist Crest and all of his disciples outlaws and traitors to the country.

In the west America was working on a treaty between the 5 provinces to ensure unity in time of war and domestic need. They had also halted their space program and had declared the group lost.

It wasn't until the 4th anniversary of their liftoff that the barely functioning space station in India received a permission to enter atmosphere signal. The men working the station were so taken back by the signal they assumed it had to be extra-terrestrials before they even thought twice about their lost comrades. But there it was, from the spacecraft labeled "Halfway Handy" they received a message. "This is Vincent ..... Grayson... of the European Union...Permission to land in your waters station". The scientists were completely shocked in a roar of claps they all also had to call their representatives from their homes to tell them of the news.

And there it was, the spacecraft that had taken off 4 years ago falling into the lake outside of the base. It wasn't like any great space excursion, there were no news crews, no presidents waiting to shake their hands, just a handful of scientists awaiting to see their colleagues and hear the scientific research they found. The craft fell into the water, being held afloat by the large buoy system set up for landings in the lake, before anyone knew it the large back gate to the craft opened. The scientific community awaited eagerly to see the seven wondrous survivors in all of their glory. But to everyone's surprise, emerging from the gate onto the platform set in the water, it was just two people, the European scientist Vincent Grayson, and the pilot. They walked from the platform down a long bridge towards the eager scientist. They also saw the pilot holding something wrapped into a blanket in his arms, perhaps a mineral from another planet, perhaps a other worldly plant. They approached, smiling and excited, but also they look worn out and fatigued to the point of sickness. They approach the gate separating them and the other scientist, steam blows from the side of the gate as it is opened by the hydraulic system under the bridge. They step through, it has finally happened they have returned. Not only have they returned but the small figure wrapped in the blanket isn't a specimen at all, but a human, a human infant.

In the coming weeks they reveal the tale of their journey to the scientific community, of their trip to the boundary, to the almost failure of the craft engines, and the impregnation of one of the American scientists. They reveal that not only had they found a new galaxy, but in the next galaxy there are a cluster of almost all life supporting earth sized planets that they had discovered. They had spent the last 3 months traveling back to earth to report it. They told stories of great bodies of fresh water and large rich fields they had used to sustain themselves. The others had wanted to stay back and continue their research on the planet system, they told of the greatness of all 13 planets in the galaxy and how they all have used the heat from the largest of the planets to sustain life and an atmosphere.

This was a huge success for the scientific community, for the first time in mankind we have found a planet, or planets that we could successfully survive as a species on. The scientist spoke of ways they could begin to move their families out there and begin the research on the planets. It seemed as if this was the solution to all of the world's problems, we could start over, even separately. Every faction could carry reign on each planet and stay out of the issues of the others. This is exactly what all of the scientists proposed to the politicians of earth. It seemed almost too good to be true.

It took a total of 4 more years for the transportation of anyone besides Grayson and the pilot to begin. They had decided that they needed to take preparatory voyages to bring supplies to their new base planet and the rest of their crew. These shipments included animals to breed on the planet, food to grow, and medicine. These were necessary supplies that they declared were more necessary than more life.

It was the 4th year since the day of their return and the 8th year since the departure of their voyage. It was time for them to transition to bringing more life into the new galaxy. This voyage held the original pilot, two training pilots to learn how to make the trip, 5 of the world's superpower leaders, and of course the European scientist Grayson. The young boy from the first return was found out to be the son of the pilot and one of the American scientists, his name Gregory Lancing, would go down in history to be the Second Intergalactic Leader of Sector H.

He resided on the base planet that took the name Voyager 1, he was raised by his mother and father to be a scientist learning from the surrounding minds and taking away from the immense amount of knowledge that is being discovered in front of his eyes

This voyage was known as the diplomatic touchdown. They hauled on board of the new larger and more powerful spacecraft enough material to begin construction of a small town. This new aircraft was said to have been able to make the journey in less than a week as opposed to the 3 month trip before. They were relieved to have safely reached the planet but were discomforted when they weren't as welcomed as they had expected. They had been declared prisoners and were held tied to a post during the construction of the first buildings, they then were treated as slaves to the people of Voyager.

It was unknown to the people of earth that the American Scientist Timothy Funder had taken control of the galaxy as his own. During Funders rule of Sector H he successfully built the capital city of Crestwood, had brought in a loyal army that he named Gregory the commander of, and began mining operations of 6 of the planets. This earned the galaxy the name "Funders Quarry".

On earth they continued thinking one day that the whole population of the world would be able to travel to the new galaxy and flourish as they were told they would. Every country rallied around their new leaders to begin the transition but every time a leader attempted they failed ultimately when they were denied the right by Funder. It reached the 25th year of Funders Rule and he grew increasingly ill. He sought out a new leader, he had many colleagues on the planet but did not have faith in their ability to keep the galaxy secure from the dangers of the old one. He did not want the societies of earth tainting the place they found, with war, disease, and the stupidity of the middle class.

It wasn't until he named the new leader of sector H on his deathbed that the galaxy could reach its full potential.

Gregory Lancing, the son of the founding pilot, son of one of the leading astronomers, and commander of the Sector H's Peace Keeping Force. He was Timothy's first choice and had always been looked at in the highest esteem to everyone on Voyager. The population has grown to the hundreds and slaves have earned their freedom into being free laborers with fit shelter and freedom to have a family. He was declared the Second Intergalactic Leader of Sector H and had inherited everything Funder had. He ruled along with the council made up of the remaining original scientists and his brothers.

Lancing's rule was one of peace and prosperity, he sought to carry out the mission of the first Voyager crew and give the struggling people of Earth an opportunity to live a great life under his command.

Under the "Year 0 Pact" each of the 6 global superpowers; the newly reunited U.S, South Korea, Russia, European Union, U.C, and even the savages of the arctic, were given the opportunity to begin transitioning their people to the planet they are assigned by Lancing and his council. They could rule their planet as to their liking as long as they did not interfere in matters of other planets, voyage to the mining planets, and they could not bring modern technologies or weapons to the planets. These were also under the condition that they had to recognize that Lancing was their supreme ruler and was able to strip them of all rights to the planet if unable to comply with rules.

         It was accepted by the U.S, EU, and Russia without hesitation, South Koreas leader refused but was overthrown by a revolutionary group who wanted to accept the pact, the U.C has decided to claim earth as their own by default and the arctic savages have done nothing but attack at any chance to communicate with them.

         Lancing has succeeded in the mission that his superiors set out to do and is now ruling the galaxy into peace and prosperity it is now the year 25 A.P., standing for After Pact. He and his wife have ruled fairly and with nothing but love for their people. In their estate lives their only son, T.J. he is a young brave man who was born the year after his father was named Leader of Sector H. T.J. is training to be the next commander of his Fathers guard and is searching for a way to prove his worth, and the people of Voyager 1 have a special request for the young T.J.

         Deep in Sector H there lies an unexplored planet, the scientists call it the "The Mist" , though the surface is solid and it is made up of the same atmosphere as the other Sector H planets, it has a large cloud of purple mist surrounding it, the scientists that have dared to explore it haven't returned and it has been brushed under the table by the council.

This planet has been called cursed, toxic, and some even say that it has large amounts of riches and that is why no one returns from it. The only promise this planet gives is that those who enter may never leave. Though the leaders of the council have ignored this small mysterious place, the public of Voyager 1 are demanding answers on its inhabitants or lack thereof.

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