Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1972401-Fart-torture-part-one-cammy-white
Rated: · Other · Erotica · #1972401
Cammy white let's loose her worst gas on an unwilling new slave
Cammy white and chun li's origin. Chun li and cammy started out as torturers at An American army prison camp during the Third World War they would get the prisoners to talk by gassing them between their massive thighs, her the story of their first victim. Gionni nuvachio was an Italian held prisoner by the us/Japanese alliance during world war three. He had vital info but he would tell no one, so America got the best torturer and Japan got theirs, lt. Cammy white the sexy voluptuous slaver from America and gen. Chun li a seductive prison lord from japan, they were told the details and got to work, they went on a two week diet of beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and other gassy foods, along with scent enhancers like eggs. They both enter gionni's cell walking slowly with devilish grins on their faces. "We hear you've been a bad boy, not giving away info." Cammy said slowly and seductivly. "Yeeah info that we find very important to our cause." Said chun li in an equally sexy voice. "Mmhummblerf!!" Gionni muttered as his mouth was gagged, "oh so you wanna talk back huh?" Cammy scowled. "I want first dibs cammy growled!" "Oh of course, I'd like to see him try and keep secrets with you gassing him" "and it's not like we're releasing him, chun so you'll get you turn soon enough, hehehe" Cammy straddled his head pushing his nose inbetween her massive plump asscheeks "uh, ou that's the spot right deep in there!" She moans "oh yeah this is comfy!" She moans again as she begins grinding his face, her deep crack moistening with sweat as she grinds furiously, squeezing his nose into her hole. "Just where I want you!" She moans as she lets loose a massive wet steamy fart stinking of eggs and cauliflower, an endless stream of gas blowing into his nostrils, he struggles but it's impossible to free himself from Cammy's massive powerful thighs. "Ah hahahahaha pathetic little man, there's is no escape from this Dutch oven!" "Urgh!" Cammy moans and pushes a wet one out, a silent but deadly moist gas attack on his nostrils! "Mmm tasty right? Hahaha" she seductivly moans as the gas floats around the room, "uh I'm gonna leave before I have to smell anymore of that cammy illness back for my turn" " oh I feel baad for you gionni, if this gas made chun leave, oh boy you must be enjoying yourself!" She continues grinding the horrendous cloud of egg in the poor mans darkest fears. "Oh I think you need some special treatment from my Japanese comrade, she smells worse than me on a good day, let's hope today is one!" To be continued..
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