Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976342-Janus-the-slayer
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #1976342
The brief story of Janus against one of his many enemies.
The night was rife with the thundering sound of lightning. Rain dropping like tiny crystal meteors plummeting towards the earth. Our brave hero stands sentry over the cliff watching over his peaceful sleeping village. The villagers sleep soundly, although many have late work to do, and many make love to their wives, all carry out their respective duties ignorant of the constant danger that lurks all around their home every night. Their glorified guardian angel, Janus the slayer is his name, watched over their village for the past 300 years. Tonight is like any night, however, this particular night is fuelled with the rage of demons and the frenzy of ghouls, as a great demon lord has awakened and our brave hero will have to face this abominable monstrosity and its escorting scores of hapless and savage perversions of nature alone without any support. "I sense the stench of Belrot the Demon Master, its been so long since I fought my age old nemesis." says Janus. He jumps off the cliff diving towards the ground but at the last second decreases in speed and gracefully lands on his feet. Thunder lights up the black sky like the sun in short flashes, displaying the rolling black fields of the meadow that will be the chosen battlefield between those two ancient entities that refuse to bow down to history's clutches and lay to rest. Janus arrives, wielding his massive two-handed battleaxe with ease, hefting it and swinging it around experimentally bulging his great muscles at the somewhat herculean effort. His axe was forged by the masters of old in the fiery depths of Norendar. The axe's shaft is made of the oldest and strongest weirwood to support the gargantuan weight of its double-bladed, lava imbued, Steel plated, axe head. "Belrot you big piece of stinking rotten demon flesh come out and face me!" cries out Janus beckoning for his adversary to come. Janus braces for the onslaught as the first wave of marauding minions burst out of the heavily wooded areas bordering the meadow screaming and piercing the silent and still air with their shrill and frightening cries of blood lust and carnage. Eight of the misshapen goblin-like beings immediately fell ill of their quarry as Janus swung in a bloody arc cleaving their frames in two and showering the ground with blood, however, more started to gather and form a circle around Janus as he defends himself against their barrage of relentless attacks. A deformed monster with the head of a wolf and the body of an imp lunges at Janus's leg in an attempt to hamstring him but fails its mandate as Janus stomps on its head and crushes its innards to the dirt, two more jump on his back and start clawing at his shoulders.He dispatches the two demons with quick precision but with a few scratches in exchange and moves on to decapitate a humanoid demon that has three eyes instead of two and so goes on the slaughter until a huge circle of blood, flesh, and guts litter the ground around the Slayer. Janus sighed at the minor exertion of performing this artful massacre and elegant display of violence and as he prepares to further sate his blade's appetite for demons, a blood curdling scream drowns out the loud rage of the demons's devouring howls of insanity. Janus's eyes suddenly take an ignited spark of fire in them as he yearns to test his mettle against the menacing Belrot. "I see you have decided to show yourself now you bloody coward, come and fight me and lets be done with this farce, I have defeated you and your kind in ages past and I shall do so again." Screamed Janus at the top of his lungs, issuing an irrefutable challenge to the great demon lord. The demons slowly start to quiet down and begin to back away from Janus in fear of their master's approach, great booms are heard and tremors are felt as the evil abomination makes his entrance, slow steady breaths mark his calm unagitated approach. The beast easily towers over everything, standing at 12 feet tall, the massive behemoth was ready to pulverize everything into a pulp, its deep red eyes gauging at Janus's confidence and trying to tear away the layer of safety preventing his mind from breaking at the sight of the terrific beast. Its first noticeable feature is the rank stale smell of rancid meat that makes you want to retch. It has three sets of two eyes with great horns protruding from its head and from its back, its tail spiked at the end with spines making it a formidable mace, muscles line every part of its giant body including its massive wings of dark malignance, and with an intense hiss and a great bellow of steam, the beast opened its bulky mouth to speak. "Janus my arch-enemy of old and my duellist of now, It has been eons since we last fought and there is nothing I'd rather do than rip the man who has slain me to shreds." Said the demon and laughed a vicious laugh that would have made you hair stand on end. Janus chuckled "You are most welcome to try Belrot, you could not hope to defeat me before and now you don't stand a chance at all." He riposted and with a series of hand signs, he activated an ancient runic magic charm that he seldom uses except for really dangerous encounters, this spell turns him into one of his fabled legendary ancestors of old, the guardians. His fur clothes will be replaced with glistening white armour that radiates pure energy and his axe transforms into a massive two-handed sword as well as Janus would grow in height and size to match even the length of Belrot. Belrot watches with mixed emotions of concern and disbelief as the tiny crushable Janus turns into a god-like figure most resembling an angel. seeing the demon's expression made Janus laugh in amusement"I see I have alarmed you with my appearance eh? things have changed Belrot and you are ancient history, you do not belong to the present, you do not keep up and with my power I'll smite you down and cast you into oblivion." "Never!" Screamed the beast and lunged at Janus with surprising speed aiming to knock him down but with surprising swiftness, Janus sidestepped and drove an elbow on the demon's neck issuing a scream of pain from him. He turns around with hate in his eyes and inhales deeply and blows out a devouring fire but Janus rolls out of harm's way in the nick of time and jumps and swings his sword over Belrot's head, however, anticipating such a move, Belrot quickly knocks him away with a blow of his spiked tail. "I see your fighting skills have waned Janus or do my eyes deceive me?" "True, I haven't had a real enemy to keep my skills in top shape so I should thank you for putting my abilities to the test." And with a massive swing of his sword, he brings it down again on Belrot's head but Belrot dodged it and got his right wing sliced in half. Belrot screamed as great torrents of demon blood gushed from the wound. "Curse you human! I shall suffer your insolence no longer!" And with every last ounce of strength he has, he attacked Janus and shoulder charged him into the ground, Janus grunted at the impact and struggled to wrestle out of his disadvantageous position and he finally managed by digging a knee into Belrot's side granting him a moment's respite and seizing that moment, he heaved his enemy to his side and in juxtaposition to Belrot, he raised the sword over his head, aiming to stab him through the heart. "Any last words, demon master?" "You dirty weak mortal, it doesn't stop at me, my brethren will fill out my place and the brethren after them, you think you can defeat—". Without a second thought, Janus drives the sword through Belrot's rotten chest and pierces his heart and hold firm as the beast writhes in agony and screams and hisses shaking uncontrollably in its dying convulsions. "The beast is dead and I have achieved my goal for tonight, may the gods watch over the villages and its inhabitants." But Janus suddenly loses consciousness as he drops to the ground and shrinks and turns back to normal. Exhaustion overtook him as this spell taxes the user's vitality tremendously and only now has it taken its toll when Janus was sure the village was completely safe.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976342-Janus-the-slayer