Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1978122-Divine-Discords
by Lilyx*
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1978122
chapter two
Chapter two

Kayden stepped through the doors of Sempiternal, his favorite bar owned by his Uncle Ray. It was the only bar that didn't ask for his ID when he ordered an alcoholic drink. He never understood the point of there being a drinking age, people were going to drink no matter what age they were. The crisp smell of cooking food and beer drifted towards him. A few people sat at dark oak tables off to the right in the restaurant area talking amongst themselves. The color scheme of the bar consisted of dark brown, green, and a navy blue. Advertisements of various drinks were hung all around the scene of the bar. Green curtains hung around the few windows in the room blocking out most of the light. Kayden strode over to the bar and took a seat on one of the stools. A couple older men sat opposite of him conversing on politics. One of Kayden's least favorite subjects.
“Hey there, what can I get for you?” Max asked. The bartender's shaggy brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail hanging just below his neck. He wore a Guns And Roses t shirt and plain blue jeans that were a size to small.
“Surprise me.” Max nodded, getting busy filling a shot glass that looked like tequila. Kayden didn't feel like eating or really doing anything after the flashback. He told Nathan he would be home soon to keep his youngest brother from going into another speech about how the family never spent enough time together. It wasn't that he didn't want to spend time with them... it was just when he felt like this, he didn't want to spend time with anyone. He wanted to drink a couple drinks, maybe pick a fight or two and then go home and sleep off the nights events. That was the only way he knew of coping with the pain.
“Here you go.” Max slid the glass over to Kayden. He nodded his head at the bartender who went off serving other peoples needs. Instead of downing the shot right away, Kayden sighed taking the glass in his hands. He wondered how many people took advantage of the bitter tasting drink. It couldn't just be him who drank away his feelings.
“Aren't you a little young to be sitting at the bar?” A sweet voice that flowed with steadiness asked him. It was clearly a female's, young and vibrant.
“Aren't you?” Kayden glanced up from the glass to see the woman he was talking to. He blinked several times before realizing she was actually as beautiful as she appeared. She had a petite but full figure glazed over with pale skin. A thin line of black makeup brought out her deep Grey eyes. Shiny black hair just reached the top of her collarbone in perfect natural waves. Her face was angular and stunning as was the rest of her body. Her long legs were covered in dark lace tights that showed off the perfect amount of muscle and skin. She wore a long sleeved black dress that opened up at her shoulders and showed off enough cleavage that Kayden had to tell himself not to look twice. The dress looked velvet and ended mid thigh. Her nails were painted navy blue, and on two fingers she wore a gold ring topped off with a cross. She had a, what Kayden would describe it as, a bad ass look that she made sort of lovely. He straightened his posture smiling.
“I'm not the one whose drinking.” She gestured towards the shot glass in his hands. Kayden shrugged.
“The way I see it, I could drink here underage, or I could drink at home underage. It makes no difference to me.” A small grin touched her pink lips.
“You have a point.” She leaned onto the bar, her attention now cast elsewhere. Kayden didn't want the conversation to end though.
“Where do you go to school? I haven't seen you around here before.” It was true, he had never seen this girl in his life. If she had just moved to Daughtri, he would of heard about it.
“I don’t... go to school.” He would of laughed at her response if her face hadn't been so serious.
“How old are you?” She couldn't be more then his age, nineteen.
“I'm seventy eight.” The woman told him. Kayden sighed. She obviously wasn't too invested in talking to him and would rather lie then tell him how old she was. Unlike most girls, she paid no special attention to Kayden. She didn't bother looking him in the eye when she spoke, made no effort to seem interested in him at all.
“Well, aren't you full of surprises.” Kayden grabbed his shot glass and downed the tequila, the liquid burning his throat as it slid down to his stomach. A year ago he wouldn't of been able to get a shot of the horrible tasting drink past his mouth. That was before he knew how big of an effect it had on him.
“You have no idea.” She took a deep breath and stood up.
“I would like to have an idea.” But clearly that wasn't going to happen.
“Slow down there Romeo. There's more to me then just this face and the rest of it ain't so pretty”
“I doubt that.” Kayden teased. She tried hiding the smile as best as she could but the corners of her mouth still twitched up. She shook her head at the boy who just wouldn't give up. She was used to men flirting with her, but there was a way he looked at her that made her think twice about leaving him. That was the thing though, she couldn't think twice about him.
“I've gotta go, it was nice talking to you angel face.” She pushed in the stool and started walking towards the door.
“Where do you have to go so fast?” Kayden turned around to look at her. He thought he saw her stop for a split second before continuing toward the doors.
“You didn't think I came in here just to see you, do ya?” She called over her shoulder, obvious amusement in her voice. Kayden rolled his eyes as she disappeared outside.
“How did that go for you?” Max asked taking the glass and refilling it.
“Dude, shes gorgeous. I had to try.”
“Yea, a lot of girls you bring in here are gorgeous. She was...” Max was at a loss for words.
“I did better then you could of.” Kayden remarked.
“Smart ass.” The bartender chuckled and turned away. The tequila didn't look as good as it had five minutes ago. Leaving a ten on the counter, he got up off his seat and decided to find another activity for the day.

* * *

The woman walked out of the bar still amused with the boy's words. A slight breeze blew her hair back sending goosebumps up the back of her neck. The sun was beautiful today, warming her skin until the goosebumps faded back into smooth skin.
“Hey, there you are.” A well-known voice said coming up behind her. She spun around and gave her long time friend a quick hug, his arms pulling her body against him. His blonde hair was gelled in spikes today adding to the biker look that he could certainly pull off. She smiled at his leather jacket and spiked boots. He always said he was going to do this with himself, she just never believed him.
“Sorry, I was talking to some boy in there...” She squinted her eyes in the harsh light staring up at him.
“My little social butterfly.” He put an arm around her shoulder and steered her towards the parking lot where his new motorcycle was parked. She had helped him pick it out a week ago and was surprised he hadn't crashed it yet. The bike was the darkest blue imaginable, glossy and dangerous. Perfect for Gabriel. Four people surrounded the bike talking his hushed tones . They were all acquaintances to her, and she didn't really care to make them anything more then that.
“Gabriel, what are they doing here?” She whispered. He dropped his arm from her shoulder as they approached the others. The three boys dressed like Gabriel gave her goofy smiles, one even winked at her. The redhead full of freckles gave her a nod and turned her attention to Gabe.
“Finally, we thought you'd never come out.” Redhead sounded annoyed and picked at her chipped red fingernails.
“I didn't know I was needed.” She asserted, narrowing her eyes with annoyance. Redhead opened her mouth to say something but was cut off.
“Ladies, ladies. We're not here to listen to you bitch.” The Tallest of the boys, Carter, commented. He crossed his arms over his chest waiting for one of them to say something nasty back. Neither of the girls let comments like those slip by.
“We're here because this is getting ridiculous. Guys, this is our fifth task in two years. Fifth.”
“It's not like we have a say in any of it though.” Redhead rolled her eyes at the girls comment. Brushing her black hair behind her ear she continued. “Really, what can we do?”
“Shes right. We have no control over this kind of stuff...”
“Yea, but this can't keep going on.”
“It's going to keep going on whether we like it or not.” Gabriel said firmly. He took the leadership role in this conversation, defending and steering everyone in the direction of the conversation that needed to be discussed.
“I just wish he would make up his damn mind. I don't see what other issues he has to take care of.” Blue eyes whined sounding a lot more like a twelve year old girl then a grown man. Usually Gabriel would of said something about his dis respectfulness, but even he was getting to the point of being feed up.
“When we get back maybe we can talk to someone with more authority.” Carter suggested.
“Anyone with more authority doesn't care. They're not the ones who don't have a choice.” Gabriel pointed out before the suggestion could become anything more.
“I know this is what we do and we are doing it for good purpose. It getting to be too much though. Whens the last time we had time to ourselves? We used to enjoy doing this, we used to like being who we are.” said Carter.
“It doesn't help that this is non-stop either.”
“It's bullshit.” Blue eyes stated
“It has been bullshit for a long time now. I don't see the point talking about it though. We can't do anything. You got that? We have no control on this topic.” She brushed her black hair behind her ear and pushed through the group of people to the bike. She hated getting worked up about this subject. There was no point in getting frustrated with something she couldn't control. Sure, she was getting sick of it all too. But she never let herself stop to think about it.
“Gabriel, lets go. We have more important shit to do than sit here talking about things that are out of our power.” She swung a leg graciously over one side of the bike. Her dress rose up another couple inches making blue eyes stare. Gabriel respired, giving in. He dropped his eyes to the ground and paced over to her.
“We'll talk later.” He dismissed, climbing onto the bike in front of her. They both slid a helmet over their heads, a bothersome law that both of them had come to obey.
“When's later?” Blue eyes asked. He was disappointed in the conversation.
“Whenever I call you.” Gabriel answered.
“It's not like we don't have all the time in the world.” She mumbled ending the conversation.
“Okay. Good bye Gabe.” Redhead spun around on her toes and walked off towards the bar. Her hair swayed from side to side with each step.
“I wonder what her problem is.” Carter wondered out loud. He wouldn't admit it but he had become fond of her in the past couple months.
“I don't think she likes me.” She admitted brushing the black hair evenly around the bottom of the helmet. Blue eyes grinned.
“How is it possible for someone not to like you?” He flirted.
“Nice try, but your not my type. Bye boys.” She said, her voice hinting that it was time to walk away.
“Later.” They all headed toward the bar not looking back.
“What's you problem? I thought you were pissed about the whole thing too?” Gabriel questioned her earlier behavior. He started the bike reviving up the engine.
“Discussing that shit is pointless.” She adjusted her hands around his waist. He didn't say anything back, just pulled the bike out of the driveway. The soothing sound of engines filled her ears, relaxing her tense body. She thought she saw the boy who was talking to her earlier but closed her eyes before she could confirm it was him. His green eyes burned at the back of her mind along the scars that ran along his knuckles, his endearing smile that brightened up his face like a light...
She pushed the boy out of her mind as quickly as he had slipped in.
There was also no point in thinking about something that could never be more than a thought.

* * *

“Kayden!” Alaric shouted stumbling out the front door. Kayden glanced up to see his brother angrily trekking towards him. He loosened his grip on the football and skidded to a halt yards away from the touchdown zone in his front yard.
Kayden was knock to the ground with what felt like a brick wall.
“Never loose concentration, you taught me that one yourself.” Bently said a little out of breath. He rolled off Kayden whose back ached from the sudden fall.
“Very good.” Kayden complimented, propping himself up on his elbows. The two brothers loved tackling each other whenever they got the chance. Leighton often wondered if it was football they enjoyed, or hurting each other.
“I'm gonna go inside. Alaric looks pretty pissed. If you want to get your ass kicked again afterward, come and get me.” Bently winked pulling himself up off the ground. Kayden suppressed a smile at the grass stains that covered his brothers Grey t shirt. He jogged towards the house passing Alaric on the way. He was going to have a hell of a time scrubbing those out after Leighton saw them.
“Can I ask you a question?” Alaric was now standing over him in the pose that indicated that he was indeed pissed.
“You just did.” Kayden answered casually although his mind was racing with all the reasons Alaric had to be angry with him.
“There was a car, a BMW, set on fire very early this morning. Would you like to explain yourself?”
“What's there to explain? I took my lighter, added a little gasoline...”
“You just can't pull stunts like that Kayden!” Alaric fumed, his voice raising an octave higher. How had he found out about this?
“I can when the people I pull them on deserve it.” Kayden stood up and brushed the grass off his shorts.
“What did he do that was so bad?”
“Do you know who he is?” Kayden emphasized the “he” making sure Alaric understood what he was asking. He often wondered if Alaric would ever understand anything he said. There was nothing worse than being misunderstood by the person who was supposed to know you better then anyone else.
“No, but that isn't the point. You need to know boundaries, limits. You need to know how to control yourself for god sakes! Just because some idiot calls you ugly or whatever other word he decides you use, does not mean you can...”
“He was Seth Dimanche. Are you going to tell me he didn't deserve it?” Kayden broke him off. Alaric shut up obviously surprised. He remembered what Seth had done to Leighton. Alaric sighed, the anger that was directed towards Kayden dissolving from his face.
“Are you?” Kayden questioned again not wanting Alaric to start up his speech again. Wind tumbled through the trees blowing both the boy's hair in different directions. They stood not speaking for what seemed like a very long time. Kayden huffed and turned to go back into the house. He wasn't going to be bitched at for having a damn good reason for his actions.
“Kayden.” said Alaric waiting for him to stop walking. He turned around lifting his eyebrows. “Did you beat the shit out of him too?”
“Of course.”
“Good.” Alaric gave him a shy smile sticking his hands in his pockets. For a minute Kayden wondered if he should say anything but decided not to.
“Oh, I almost forgot to ask. I have to go to work in a hour and Nathan needs to be picked up from soccer in fifteen minutes. Would you mind getting him and then taking him to Eric’s house?”
“Na, I don't mind. Have fun at work.” Giving Alaric a simple wave, he trotted away. Alaric pursed his lips watching Kayden go. The disappointing feeling faded into a sense of pride towards the boy would do anything for his family even if he never showed it. Although he would never admit it, Alaric envied Kayden for his fearlessness.
Kayden shuffled upstairs to change into jeans and a black v-neck before picking up Nathan. He surveyed the mirror quickly for stray pieces of grass but fond none. He snatched his car keys from the top of his dresser and headed to the middle school where Nathan would just be finishing u[ soccer practice. When he pulled into the blacktop driveway Nathan was standing on the sidewalk with a couple other teammates laughing.
“I'll see you guys tomorrow!” He swung his bag into the back seat before climbing into the seat next to Kayden.
“How was practice?” Kayden asked as Nathan slammed the door shut.
“Good. The team split in two and scrimmaged against each other.” Nathan filled him in on his two hour long practice not leaving out a detail. Kayden listened throwing in comments and questions here and there. Soccer was one of the only things Nathan could talk about endlessly.
“Sounds like you guys are improving.” Kayden said turning onto the next street. Nathan smiled at the compliment clearly pleased with himself. He took out a blue bottle of Gatorade and gulped half of it down relieving his thirst. He twisted the cap back on and set the bottle in the cup holder. Splatters of raindrops started falling onto the windows surprising Kayden. Nathan was glad the rain had waited until after his practice. He hated slipping and sliding everywhere.
“I didn't know it was going to rain.” Kayden glanced up at the sky that was darkening with night and filled with Grey clouds.
“Me either. You know where we're going right?”
“Yea, Eric’s The one with the brick house... “
“You got it.” Nathan sat back into his seat and soon became familiar with his surroundings as they turned onto Eric's road.
“How far is it down again?” Kayden flicked the lights on higher slowing down the car.
“Three or four more houses. Keep going.” Seven houses later Kayden pulled up to a small brick house. Nathan thanked him for the ride, grabbed his bag, and promised to call in the morning. Another boy ran out of the house to greet his friend. They both disappeared inside before they could get soaked by the rain just as Kayden backed out. He was glad Nathan was back to his normal routine, playing soccer five days a week, spending time with friends, and getting out of the house. All of his siblings took his parent's death hard, but being eleven years old, Nathan took it the hardest.
Traffic wasn't bad compared to the buzz of motors that usually surrounded him. He focused on the radio skimming for a good song. Driving held no excitement for Kayden without music. He watched as the red light turned green giving his side of the intersection permission to accelerate forward. The gas pedal lost more distance with the floor as Kayden picked up the speed. He cruised at a steadily through the streets hes known all his life. A car passed him here and there but otherwise it was silent. The rain was still sprinkling down on the windshield, vanishing as the wipers came up and washed them away. Kayden faded into a state of ease for the first time in weeks. Playing football with Bently had helped but not the way it used to. Before his parents, all his problems were minuscule. They could be solved simply with things he enjoyed like playing football or being with his friends. Not anymore.
The past couple of weeks had been harder than usual. Alaric picked a fight with him every chance he got. Leighton and Ty spent most their free time planning they're big wedding. His best friend, Xander was out of town for the rest of summer leaving him to hang out with the other seven boys he didn't like nearly as much. Kayden had let go a lot of his friends after the accident. He broke up with his girlfriend of five months and cut himself off from his peers until he was able to get back to being Kayden. Xander was one of the only people he kept around.
Out of the corner of his eye a familiar figure hurried along the shadows of the sidewalk. Her arms were carelessly swinging at her sides as she walked furiously in the cold night. The rain dampened her black hair, plastering some loose strands to the sides of her face. The dress she wore clung to her body with rain. It only took Kayden a split second to remember who the women was. He found himself wondering how she wasn't freezing in the cold rain, or why she was walking in the worse part of town. The part of town where the misfits and druggies came to hangout or buy from their dealers. He debated on whether to just keep going or to pull over and see if she needed a ride. He decided to go with the second option, knowing it was the right one. He wouldn't be able to go home safely knowing she was walking alone at night in a dangerous part of town with no protection. Not when he could help her. Kayden slowed the car just as he caught up to her. She looked behind her with Grey eyes that Kayden swore could see right into his soul.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked getting out of the car and jogging up to her. Her face held no amusement this time, only anger.
“I'm fine. Go home.” She ordered pointing to the black car a couple feet away.
“ This is the worst possible place in Daughtri you could be at night. What are you doing out here?” Kayden felt the little raindrops falling on him. He ignored their cold, wet sensation.
“I'm taking my nightly walk. Now if you would be so kind...”
“You're taking a walk in the dark, while it's raining, in a dress that looks like its made for anything but exercise? Try again.”
“Is it really any of your business?” She asked still frustrated with the conversation that took place earlier. Gabriel hadn't done much to make her feel better afterward. Arguing with her about how she needed to stop pretending that everything was okay and do something about what was obviously wrong. He had done a pretty shitty job at being her friend tonight. She had stormed out of his house before he could apologize, declining his offer to drive her home.
“It is now. Let me take you home. Its freezing out here and unless you want to get jumped or worse...” Kayden gave her a smile trying to convince her to let him take her home. It wasn't like he was asking her to sleep with him. He just wanted to make sure she was safe.
“I don't get in the car with strangers. Didn't your mom ever teach you that one?”
“I'm Kayden Rioyne, nice to meet you.” He stuck out his hand, dropping it after she made no move to shake it. He ran his fingers through his wet hair sighing.
“Look, I know your trying to do that right thing here, but I can walk myself home Hero.” She moved around him, roaming forward into the night. Kayden staggered after her trying to catch up. In the end, his long legs were faster then hers.
“At least tell me your name so I know who to report missing when you don't make it home tomorrow.” He thought he saw her face starting to break through before it recomposed back into frustration.
“Will you leave me alone if I tell you?”
“Yes I will.” She slowed her pace looking up at Kayden's hopeful eyes. After a moment of hesitation she told him.
“Annaleise Covette.”
“Annaleise.” He repeated to himself. He liked the way her name sounded on his lips.
“Yes, that's my name. Now as much fun as this has been, I believe you said you would leave after I told you my name. You now know my name, time to hold up your part.”
“I lied.” She stopped walking, narrowing her eyes.
“I really hate liars.”
“I really hate stubborn people.”
“Poor you.”
“ I know, I have it hard. Aren't you cold?” Kayden asked taking in Annaleise shivering shoulders. She shook her head. She looked fragile tonight, different from when they had n earlier. He pulled off his black jacket and held it out to her.
“I'm not cold.” Her trembling body said otherwise. Ignoring her protests, Kayden draped the jacket over her shoulders, his fingertips brushing her bare skin. The chilly air and cold rain hit his now exposed arms.
Annaleise glanced down at her feet secretly thankful for the jacket.
“Thanks.” She whispered barley audible.
“Anytime. Now, it's cold out here and I'm tired. You're obviously miserable and I want to go home. The problem with that is I can't go home until I know your home safely. If you won't get in the car, I will walk you to your destination if I have to. Walking takes a lot longer then driving though.” Kayden pointed out hoping she would rather drive then walk. Annaleise shook her head on the verge of giving in. She really didn't see any other choice then letting him take her home.
“How do I know your not one of the kids that hang around here at night?”
“Because if I was one of those kids, I wouldn't of asked you to get into the car.” Kayden flashed a smile. She shrugged.
“I guess your right.”
“I'm always right.”
“Look whose full of themselves.” Annaleise humored, a grin beginning to light up her face. She turned around and headed towards the car, Kayden following at her side.
“I like to think of it as self confidence.” They reached the car in seconds, each sliding in on separate sides. Kayden jammed the keys into the ignition and cranked the heat on high. The car was like heaven compared to the bitter air outside.
“Where to?” He asked shifting the car into drive.
“Do you know where Juno's café is?”
“Yea who doesn't?”
“Its about half a mile past the café. I'll show you which house when we get there.”
“Yes ma'am.” He nodded turning the car around.
Annaleise stared out the window quietly. The cold seeped out of her as the warmth of the car found its way in. She snuggled into Kayden's jacket that smelled like soap and aftershave. Her mind dared to wonder if he smelled like that too. Well, of course he did, it was his jacket. Annaleise studied him, her eyes dancing to his shirt that outlined his muscular physique. He sat comfortably in his seat, not caring about his poor posture. His long lashes fluttered every time he closed his eyes to blink, reminding her of the mascara she had to use daily. There was something about him that just soothed Annaleise in a way no one else could.
“What are you staring at?” He asked clearing his throat.
“Nothing.” She cursed herself for letting her eyes linger that long on him.
“Am I really that good-looking?” Kayden raised his eyebrow trying to look serious to play off the joke.
“You wish.”
“Knew it.” He reached over and turned the radio on.
“We are not listening to this.” Annaleise said pointing out the heavy rock music pumping through the speakers. She leaned forward turning the tune button to the left side.
“Driver gets to pick the music.”
“The driver made me get into the car, therefore I get to pick what we listen to.”
“I didn't make you. Making you would be throwing you physically into the car.”
“It was either I deal with you for the twenty minute drive or the hour long walk. I picked the logical option.” Sarcasm dripped from her tone. Kayden patted the place where his heart beat in his chest.
“That really hurts, you know.”
“What happened to all that self confidence?”
“Your mean comments. I hope your happy.” He said.
“Its going to take a lot more then destroying your confidence to make me happy Kayden.” Her voice turned grim, her smile leaving her lips.
“What will make you happy?” He turned onto the next road that was a lot more bumpier then the one they had been on.
“If I told you, I'd have to kill you.”
“As intriguing as that sounds, I would like to live a few more years.”
“Smart choice.”
“Well, are you ever going to tell me what you were doing walking in the rain this late?” She bit her lip debating on telling him or not. A part of her ached to spill out everything to this boy, to tell him why she was so upset and angry. And then her brain turned on and reminded her that telling him everything would be the worse possible thing she could do. The aching part and her brain fought an internal war for a couple seconds until she decided to tell him. She would just leave out the important details that he couldn't know.
“I got into a disagreement with my friend Gabriel.”
“A disagreement?”
“A fight, a conflict, whatever you want to call it. So I stormed out of his house and decided to walk home to cool down.” Kayden nodded his head in understanding.
“What was the fight about?”
“Different outlooks on different situations. He wants to fix something that he knows is out of his power. I say just leave it the hell alone before he gets himself in trouble. He argues that I need to stand up for what I believe in. There’s no point in standing up for something that isn't yours to change.” Annaleise finished. She didn't know why she was telling him all this, it just seemed to flow right out of her. It was nice to talk to someone who didn't have the problems she had, who didn't know all the information that made her what she was.
“Do you think he's really going to try to change whatever you guys were fighting about?”
“I honestly don't know. I'm not going to waste my time stressing about it though.”
“Good. Don't get worked up about it, Anna. I'm sure he'll do that right thing in the end.” He smiled at her, glad she had opened up to him even if it was very vaguely.
“Did you just call me Anna?” She paused.
“You seem to have all these nicknames for me, I figured I would get one for you. Anna's shorter anyways. I like it.”
“I haven't had anyone call me that since...”
“Since when?” Anna smiled sadly remembering her best friend who was worlds away. Her heart longed to talk to her, to tell her everything that was going on.
“A long time. A good friend of mine, Grace, called me that.”
“And where is Grace now?” Kayden asked hoping she would tell him.
“Nope, you've gotten enough out of me for one night.”
“Well, wherever she is, you let her know she's not the only mastermind that came up with that one.” Anna giggled softly shaking her head.
“You just left out the last five letters of my name and shortened it. I don't think it takes a mastermind to come up with that one.”
“I'm sure Grace would disagree.”
“Oh, shut up.” Kayden made another turn, the café only minutes away.
“So, after the café, how far?”
“Maybe five minutes. Its the small suburban house on the left, the sixth one down I think.”
“I think I know where that it.”
“I knew it.” Anna crossed her arms sitting up straight.
“Knew what?” He asked slightly confused.
“You're a stalker!”She flailed her arms in the air melodramatically. “I can't believe I got into the car with some creep.” If it wasn't for her joking tone and funny smile, Kayden would of defended himself. He suppressed laughter that built up in his chest just from seeing her mess with him like she did. Anna's black hair fell into her eyes, hiding their twinkling beauty.
Returning his eyes to the road, Kayden swerved towards the yellow line. The car had found it's way towards the ditch lining the sidewalk. The old fashioned “open” sign flashed green at Juno's Cafe as they passed by.
“It's right up here.” Anna pointed to the mailbox coming up on the left. Kayden didn't take his eyes off the yellow line, afraid he would do something foolish. Maybe he would grab her face and kiss her or brush her hair out of her eyes. Who knew what the hell he was going to do. Mentally slapping himself for the thoughts, Kayden swung the car into a small drive way that ended as it reached a two story house built of Grey stone. Plush green bushes stuck out on both sides of the stairway leading up to the front door. The house looked cozy, not what Kayden was used to. He liked it though, the way one side slowly glided up to meet the other at an angled point. He couldn't help but wonder what the inside looked like.
The house was dark on the inside, no sign of life inhabiting it.
“Parents aren't home?” Kayden asked glancing at Anna.
“They're... out of town for a little while.”
“House to yourself, lucky you.” She shrugged.
“I guess. Being alone isn't really my thing though. Most nights I stay with Gabriel.” A small jab of what felt like jealousy pinched Kayden in the gut.
“Seems like you spend a lot of time together.”
“We do. He's a good friend. He doesn't like to be alone to much either so it works out good for both of us.”
“Sometimes being alone is good. I would love to have the house to myself. It doesn't happen often with five siblings.”
“Be grateful. Loneliness is the worse feeling. Thanks for the ride Kayden.” She reached for the handle, shoving the door open with her weight.
“See you later.” He said as she slipped out into the night. Before she could disappear, she ducked down into the car and laid his jacket on the seat. She smiled crookedly at him in a regretful way. Closing her eyes for a brief second, she told herself she had to say it.
“No, hero. There's no later...”
“Good bye Kayden.” She closed the door behind her, her silhouette gliding up to her house. It was better she say something now then let the poor boy think there could be anything after the car ride. That was the thing. It was a stupid twenty minute ride and she already wanted to be around him. She already talked to him about shit she would never dare tell anyone who wasn't like her. She had joked and laughed with him, teased and taunted him. There would be no more of him for her, no more contact at all. It wasn't right, it was too dangerous. And just talking to him in that twenty minutes, she knew she couldn't let him get hurt. She wouldn't.

* * *

The black mist swept the ground around him, blurring his vision in the dark night. Kayden shuddered at the dark feelings forming inside him. He felt cold, not just on the outside of his skin, but on the inside too. He couldn't see where he was going or knew where he was going. His feet just carried him forward, his gut clenching tighter with every step. His nostrils flared at the damp scent of swamp water, his skin crawled with the sounds of the insects humming nosily in his ears. Kayden shoved his hands into his sweatshirt pockets wishing he could will his feet to slow. His body carried him forward, controlled by an unknown source. Kayden felt like he was one of the players in a video game, not having a say in how you move or what you do. His moves were decided for him, the way his feet lifted to avoid a fallen tree, the way his hands helped him steady himself when the terrain became rough.
What the hell am I doing here? Kayden thought to himself, wanting to rip his fingers through his damp hair. The mist blurred his vision as he tried to look away from the path his body carried him on.
And then his ears filled with high pitch screams that clawed their way into Kayden's soul, eating him away until he was nothing at all.
Kayden bolted upright in his bed, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat. His breathing was heavy, uncontrollably heavy. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, relief sinking through the craters of his brain. It was just a dream. Just a dream. The feeling and the screams... they weren't real. None of it was real.
But it had felt real. The frigid cold that sank into his body, right past his skin and deep into his bones. The screams that melted straight to his core, the powerless feeling of not being able to control your own body. The bitter helplessness.

© Copyright 2014 Lilyx* (bella13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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