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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1983463
A final exam entry for HSP's Building the Emotion and Sensuality class.
It was only the second time Lynne and James had argued and it was over the same person – Stephanie Wallace. Stephanie had been relentless in her desire to see James again and James secretly had obliged her. When Lynne found out she was beyond hurt…she was devastated. Lynne couldn’t believe James still had feelings for Stephanie. James called them loose ends…unresolved feelings that he just needed to work out if only Lynne would give him a little time. But with their wedding three months away Lynne was worried that they wouldn’t be getting married at all.

“I just need some time, Lynne. I just need a little space to work this out.”

“How much time and how much space?”

“A few days. I just want to be clear with Stephanie that our relationship is over. I want us to get married with a clean slate, Lynne. Please understand. I love you but I don’t want the what ifs of a relationship with Stephanie looming over our heads.”

“But what if you find that you still love Stephanie? Where does that leave us?”

“I don’t think that is going to happen. I love you too much. I want a life with you but I have to convince Stephanie to leave us alone once and for all. I’m not as confused as you think, Lynne. Please trust me on this, baby. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

Lynne finally acquiesced. Now would come the true test of their love for each other. Lynne was being forced to trust in that love and in the man that was the source of it. Still she was worried about what could happen. Little did she know however, that she would have a temptation of her own from her past to contend with.


James was not that confused. He knew that he loved Lynne but still wanted closure with Stephanie. The more time he spent with Stephanie lately he wondered how he came so close to marrying her. Now understand, Stephanie is a powerful woman. She’s worked hard to build her career and thus a very nice life for herself. But sometimes, Stephanie lets that power go to her head. She often treats the people around her like servants, feeling that her success in life makes her worthy of special treatment. That’s what makes her so different from Lynne. Lynne would never look down on the people she cares about and Lynne cares about everybody from the garbage man to the corporate CEO.

When Stephanie left him six years ago to pursue her career she left a gaping hole in James’ heart. A hole so big he thought it would never heal. It was Lynne’s friendship that helped him heal and that’s when he realized that she was the one for him, not Stephanie. But still, James had some strong feelings for Stephanie at one time. Now he would have to make sure that those feelings were behind him and that Stephanie understood that so that he and Lynne could build their life together.

James walked into the restaurant Stephanie told him to meet her at. The atmosphere was decidedly romantic and James knew right away Stephanie was up to something. He walked across the plush, burgundy carpet toward the bar where he thought he saw Stephanie waiting. He was right. There she sat trying her best to look seductive in her black, silk chemise that clung in all the right places. Her long, brown legs were crossed at the ankles and perched on the bar stool. James inhaled deeply. Stephanie was a beautiful sight but that was not why he was here. He was here to clear her from his mind once and for all and he wasn’t about to be sidetracked by those gorgeous hazel eyes. He walked over to Stephanie and greeted her.

“Hi Stephanie. I see you’ve pulled out all the stops.”

“Hi to you too James,” she sang as she swung around to greet him. “And don’t be silly. You act as if I’m up to something.”

“I’ve learned the hard way not to underestimate you. Shall we go to our table?”

“Oh, don’t be in such a hurry lover. Sit at the bar with me and have a drink.”

“I don’t have time for this Stephanie. I agreed to meet with you on the condition that there would be no games.”

“No games James. I just want to talk.”

James sighed and sat down on the bar stool next to Stephanie. Somehow he knew this was going to be a long night.

“So tell me how long you’ve been dating Lynne again.”

“One year, Stephanie.”

“And already the two of you are ready to get married…in three months right?”

“Stephanie, you and I both know that Lynne and I have been friends since our teens and that we’ve both been fortunate enough to learn that we love each other as more than just friends.”

“But there’s one thing I don’t get James. Lynne isn’t exactly your type. She’s a little plump for your standards isn’t she?”

James clenched his teeth to hide his irritation. Stephanie still knew how to push his buttons but he was determined not to let her get to him.

“Lynne is beautiful just the way she is. Plus, she’s not only physically beautiful, she has a beautiful spirit. I’ve learned a lot since we broke up Stephanie. Physical appearances just aren’t enough for me anymore.”

“And that’s what impresses me most about you now, James. You do seem to have grown a lot since we were together and you know what, I’ve grown a lot too.”

“Have you really?”

“Yes. I know I was shallow when I was younger and maybe even a bit over ambitious. But relationships mean something to me now. I’ve done everything in my career that I care to do. I want to settle down and have a family too James.”

“It’s nice of you to finally discover the importance of people Stephanie but you’re a little too late this time. I love Lynne and I intend to build a life with her with the time we have left.”

“Oh James, can’t you give us just one more chance. Lynne’s a big girl. She should be able to handle a little competition. I know I can.”

“That’s the thing Stephanie. I don’t intend to put Lynne through anymore of your games. Our relationship is in the past now. I’m going home to my future wife. I wish you the best. Thanks for teaching me what love is not so that I could learn what love is.”

Stephanie grabbed James by the arm as he stood up to leave. She had one more trick up her sleeve and she wasn’t about to let him go until she had tried them all. She stood up next to him and leaned in close so he could smell the scent of her body mixed with her seductive perfume. That always used to drive him crazy. James shook his head firmly to clear his senses.

“No Stephanie,” he stepped away from her. “Not this time. Not anymore. Goodbye Stephanie.”

James turned and walked out of the restaurant leaving Stephanie standing by herself, pouting like a wounded child. Still James knew that was not the end of her but that would have to be the end for now. He was going home to the woman he loved.


Lynne sat nervously staring at the clock. James told her he was meeting Stephanie for dinner and she wondered what they were talking about. Lynne sighed pensively as she rested her head in her hands.

Stephanie is a very persuasive woman. What if James wants to date her again? Even worse, what if he wants to marry her again?

Tears rolled down Lynne’s cheeks forming pools of water on the table. She was miserable. How could she go on if he decides he still has feelings for Stephanie? Now that she and James have come so far in their relationship she just couldn’t bear losing him. They had committed to marry one another in three months but now she questioned that commitment. What does it all mean now that Stephanie is a part of the picture?

The chirpy ring of her cell phone brought her back to the moment.

It might be James, she thought as she snatched it up to answer it.

“Lynne,” a familiar voice that was not James’ rang in her ear?

“Yes, this is Lynne,” she answered a bit confused.

“It’s Paul Miller,” said the voice that was clear to her now.

“Paul. Oh, hi Paul. How are you?” Lynne asked surprised to hear from the man she herself had considered marrying at one time.

“I’m good, Lynne. It’s great to hear your voice. I’ve missed you.”

“Well Paul, so much has happened since we last talked.”

“I know. That’s why I’m calling. I heard you’re getting married soon. You know, I’m disappointed it’s not me you’re marrying.”

“Now, Paul. You know better. We left one another on good terms but we both know that we were not meant to be together. I thought we had settled all of that.”

“I know Lynne but the news of you getting married got me to thinking. What if it had been us? We were better together than both of us realize.”

“Maybe so. But I’m in love with someone else now and he’s the only man I can imagine being with for the rest of my life. Besides Paul, I was certain you had moved on by now.”

“I’ve dated some others but none have compared to you. Let me take you out for a drink and we’ll talk about it. Can you be ready in an hour?”

Lynne sat dazed for a moment. This was all happening too fast. Suddenly she knew what James had been going through wanting to tie up loose ends. She thought she had tied this part of her life up but now, hearing Paul’s voice she realized she had loose ends of her own. She had to think fast. It wouldn’t be a good idea to go out with Paul. She was certain her love for James could stand it but what would it prove? She wasn’t angry with Paul. They had mutually decided that a relationship was not what either of them wanted from the other. Why open that can of worms again now? Deep inside she knew that James was the man she wanted in her life and she couldn’t bring herself to do anything that would create doubts between them. No. She would not be going out with Paul tonight or any other night. This had to end now.

“No Paul. I can’t be ready in an hour or anytime for that matter. We had our opportunity. We need to respect our mutual decision to move on. Do you understand what I am telling you Paul?

“Yes, unfortunately I understand and I respect you Lynne but you know I will always wonder what could have been.”

“Well, we’ll just have to leave it at that. I know what I want now and I can’t do anything to jeopardize that. Thanks for understanding.”

“No Lynne, thank you. Goodbye, love.”

“Goodbye Paul.”

Lynne hung up the phone and went to lie down on the sofa.

I wonder what James and Stephanie are doing now, she sighed as she drifted off to sleep.


James unlocked Lynne’s front door and walked inside to find her curled up on the sofa asleep. She looked so beautiful…so peaceful. Yes, he knew he had made the right decision. Lynne was definitely the woman he loved. He sat down on the edge of the sofa and stared at her for a long time before resting his head in her lap and falling asleep himself.

Lynne awoke startled to find James asleep on her lap. She shook him gently to awaken him.

“James. James.”

“Yeah…huh…oh hi baby,” he smiled. “I must have fallen asleep.”

“When did you get here and what happened with Stephanie?”

“Oh, I’ve been here awhile. You looked so peaceful when I came in I decided to join you.”

“But what happened with Stephanie,” Lynne asked anxious to know her status?

“I told her we were through. I told her I wanted to be with you and didn’t want her interfering anymore.”

“You did,” Lynne exclaimed sitting upright!

“You mean you chose to stay with me!”

“Of course. You didn’t really believe I would let someone like Stephanie come between us? I choose you now and forever. I love you, Lynne and if you let me I’ll shower you with my love and affection for the rest of our lives. I know we’re starting late in the game but with the time we have left together I’ll love you more than any man possibly could love a woman. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me. Everything about you is beautiful…your heart…your mind…your spirit. Just let me take care of you and you’ll never want for anything. I’ll be your strength…your rock in difficult times and your wings when you take flight toward your dreams. I’ll support your very being with all I have within me and I’ll make you happy, Lynne…so happy. Please tell me you agree with my desires.

“Oh James. I love you too and yes, I agree with your desires…and I have some desires of my own. I want to be your window to the world. I want to be everything that you find beautiful about life. Your dreams too are my dreams. I support your manhood and your status in this world and I know that you will be all that I dream you will be. You could never disappoint me James. I’ll follow your lead as we walk together through this life and I’ll never give up on you…ever. You will make me the happiest woman in the world by allowing me to be your wife. And if our union is ever blessed with children, adopted or natural born, our family will be a living example of God’s love and bounty.

“Baby, you make me so happy,” James said as he slid closer to Lynne and scooped her into his arms. They sat for a moment holding one another cheek to cheek before James found the delicacy that was Lynne’s mouth. He pressed a smoldering kiss to her lips, lingering there, tasting the sweetness that was her essence. Lynne parted her lips allowing James’ entry into her very soul. They teased one another with their tongues until James finally came up for air. He searched Lynne’s eyes for the love he felt in his heart and found all of his dreams come true.

James tenderly kissed Lynne’s cheeks as he laid her back on the sofa. He carefully undressed her, taking great pleasure in the sight of her bare skin as he peeled off each layer of clothing. He quickly undressed himself and lay down next to her. Laying there with Lynne, skin to skin, filled James with desire. He caressed her skin lovingly, enjoying the feel of its smooth texture. He planted soft kisses on her neck and shoulders. Lynne moaned and wrapped her arms and legs around James strong, lean body. They were a tangle of limbs as James suckled first one breast, then the other. He nibbled his way down past her stomach to the spot he treasured most. He nuzzled the space between her thighs, drinking in the musky scent of her desire. Lynne purred as James tasted her sweetness.

James slid himself back up until he was nestled between her thighs. The heat emanating from her body engulfed him, making him ravenous for her. He entered her hot, wet opening and began to thrust in and out. Lynne was a wild woman beneath him meeting each thrust by lifting her hips and pushing forward. James lost control of his senses as waves of pleasure undulated throughout his body from his head, to his fingertips, to his toes. James was high on Lynne’s love as he tried to hold out until she was satisfied first. He stroked feverishly until she finally cried out in ecstasy. Unable to contain himself any longer, he thrust one last time as he exploded into her. They lay wrapped up together, exhausted and unable to move. Remaining connected by the love that had just transpired between them, they both drifted into a deep and satisfying sleep. They were finally, totally and completely one, never to be separated again.

Word Count: 2,772
© Copyright 2014 ErinLynn (erinlynn1969 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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