Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1983728-Trying-to-Explain
Rated: E · Poetry · Mystery · #1983728
A poem about the great mystery: is there life elsewhere in the universe?
The most surreal and inconclusive mystery,
And one that has plagued humankind for centuries -
Is there life on other planets?
We can neither confirm nor deny this,
And the question poses a significant quandary.
For were we to believe in extraterrestrial life,
Our entire rationale and thinking would change
Upon connecting and communicating
With this alien race;
And upon establishing that no other lifeform exists,
We will have secured our sentinel
And primary position in the great, inter-galactic order
Of things.
But logic and nature dictate
That the most curious and noble species
In our neck of the woods,
Humanity, shall continue this
Emotionally-charged debate.

Until we come up
With some actual evidence
Or scientific leaning,
We must continue to offer empathy
To both sides
Of this speculative matter.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1983728-Trying-to-Explain