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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Spiritual · #1984066
The storm. The struggle with the daily walk. Life.
Being within the midst is certainly the hardest thing to be in. Everyone struggles. Maybe more than others. Those that struggle and go through life oblivious as to why the struggle,need to understand that, there's something better. This 'better' doesn't cost anything at all.
You see, I'm a child of God, chosen by Grace-by Jesus Christ. This, in itself is not an easy walk. Those chosen, by Grace, have stronger attacks. Attacks? Yes, attacks. We are The ones that have to endure more temptation. We are the ones that have to fight The flesh.. As hard as it may seem, this walk, although hard; is honorable. All love. All consuming. All revealing. All real. You see--this is NOT a religion. What this is? A relationship. This has become a very personal mission of mine, to write about my spiritual walk and how temptation comes from wherever and on how amazing and forgiving our GoD is. Unless you want to make a change for yourself and you know who you serve; the flesh you walk in will overcome you; consume you and blind you. This walk is about freedom! If you still continue to walk in the flesh, then you are considered to be walking under the law.
No doubt about it, this walk will try you and test you. But, most importantly, your Character is the most important thing. Your chararter is your trademark, if you will. Wherever you go, what ever impression you leave behind is how they will remember you. Christ(GoD). There's so much I want to write. I've been saved for a few years now, but never took it as serious as info now. Recently, my time within the midst has tested my emotional status; my temper; my financial status as well as my medical status. There is nothing in this world; humanly that can love me, know me and provide for me like my God can. Eventually I will add more to this little story here. I just wanted to write down what has been yearning to come out. One' word of advise: in order to enter the kingdom of GoD, one must be born again(saved). Come as you are. Come with whatever situation you have.
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