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by kylan
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1984825
mermaids and their world
The call I had expected for many years finally came that morning while I getting ready for work. The phone rang several times before I looked at the caller id, seeing the number was my mother’s , I answered thinking that my mother was calling to say hello the way she did every so often. When I heard Sean’s voice instead of my mother this early in the morning my stomach hit the floor with a resounding thump. When at last, I got control of my senses, I asked how things were going hoping that he was just checking up on me. My fear was that he was calling to tell me that my mother had died in an accident of some sort. Death thankfully was not the reason for the call he was making to me but my luck was not so good that the call was a check up call either. The reason, Sean, my mother’s guy friend called was to tell me that my mother had left the State for a new beginning. I asked him where she had gone, he told me “she had not told him her location“. The only reply he could get from her before she left was that she wanted him to call me with her new phone number so that I might contact her before she left the state. In a confused state, I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone in order to phone my mother. I tried the number given to contact my mother but the only answer I got was a message telling me to meet her in Savannah in the next week at the Greyhound bus station. No other explanations or relies were given. I was further confused by the fact that she had asked me to meet her in Savannah when she had told Sean that she was going out of state when was Savannah out of state? But why should I have been surprised when mother hardly ever made any sense to me in what she did with her life. I calmly ended the call to my mother and called my employer so that I could tell him that I needed some days off because of a family emergency. I knew that I would get my days off because my employer was understanding and I didn’t ask for days off unless it was an emergency. I thanked Tim for my days off and hung up the phone to make other plans to see about my mother. I called the greyhound bus station to get times for buses going form Dublin to Savannah. Dublin being the closes town with a station .After I ended that call I started packing any clothing that I might need on my travels. The bus ticket was more money than I had counted on. While I went to town to get items I might need for the journey, I decided to get a small loan for an emergency. Thankfully, my credit was good and I could get my small loan. The night before my departure, I packed my clothing and other toiletries. I packed all my clothes in a hard pink suitcase which I had to end up forcing the top down. The bath products, I put in a medium sized, black cloth Zip up bag.
This city is like many others, busy, populated, with a mass of buildings and noise. Unlike other cities it was unique in where it was located and the population inhabiting it. This city is underwater and the people that populated the city are Merpeople. This story happens to take place mostly in the big city of Corral, though there are many others in the ocean as there many city on land. These cities are hidden deep within the depths of the oceans where no human can swim. Instead of using light bulbs the way people do on land they use floranct fish and electric eels. All merpersons have the ability to transform their tails into legs but only for the space of a month at a time. There are special persons who can stay on land longer with permission from the council and the powers of king or queen of that area. The age to transform for any length of time for a full merperson is during their puberty. Each ones timing is different as is ours to grow and change. All merpersons have the ability to change in case they are caught in a storm and get sighted by humans. Water will not cause them to transform back into their natural form. Ones that usual stay on land for great lengths of time are scientist, ambasstors, and government officials . The king or queen of a location is chosen because of their powers ability. This power is usually passed down from the family but not always. The powers surfaces at an early age, and once noted the child taught to harness their powers in the correct fashion. Not all children gifts are caught in time or by the right persons. The king or queen of the location must at least have the gifts of weather and transformation. They can depend on others for other gifts. Some of these gifts include healing, languages, and talents in the arts.

As long as I can remember, my mother told me stories of the sea. The beauty that lye waiting beyond the surf. She told detail stories of mermaids, legendary gold paths leading to the great cities below that could only begotten when the sun was setting or was rising on the ocean’s water. I always marveled at her stories. My mother has always been out of step with those around her, I thought that was just her way. Later in life, I also realize that her being accident prone was not a mistake due to nature. That there was a reason she was so much more coordinated in the water than on land.

I had never seen my mother’s father because I was told that he had gone on but I did not realize that he had gone to the depth of the ocean. It was not till recently that I found out that he was King of Corral. A lot of the trips to the ocean where to let my grandfather see his family. My parents did not tell me because they wanted me to have a normal childhood but they could not know that I had a unnatural pull toward any water. My ability to understand animals to the extent that I did puzzled most people. My mother expected this gift for it was common in all Mepeople (even half). My mother had this gifts , healing, longevity transformation, and the ability to control some localized weather. Because I was half mermaid, I may gift in transformation was being able to turn to a merperson for long lengths of time. I also had the ability to communicate with animals and some healing powers.
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