Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1985382-To-Be-A-Weapon-Loki-X-Reader-Prolouge
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1985382
The Other and Thanos discover the Reader, and they can make her into ultimate weapon.
To Be A Weapon (Loki X Reader)


In the dead space between dimensions, the warlord, Thanos, stood silent, staring off into the void, caught up in his thoughts.

“Master Thanos…” Using his super speed, The Other approached his master from behind.

“What brings you to disturb my thoughts? Shall I assume it is of great importance…” He said, without turning to face The Other.

“My lord, we have discovered a being with powers that are nearly equal to that of the Tesseract. She can control all of nature, including the weather, plant life… As well as all the elements…”

His patience disintegrating, Thanos sharply turned to face The Other. “And your point is?”

“My lord… I believe if she fights for our cause… With her powers… We will take what is rightfully ours…”

With his eyes narrowing, Thanos spoke. “Did you not believe the same of Loki Laufeyson?” He frowned. “You may recall, he failed in his mission to retrieve the Tesseract which cost us countless Chitauri warriors… He thinks he has suffered? The son of Laufey will soon learn of a new kind of suffering… What makes you think this will be any different? And that this being you speak of, will not fail as well?”

“With our knowledge of the true power of the Tesseract… We can unleash its full force and make the being, this female, absorb its energy…”

A look of interest crossed Thanos’ face. “Go on…”

“With her abilities, combined with the powers of the Tesseract… She would be an indestructible weapon! A weapon of such immense power… Every world, every realm, every living thing, would be kneeling at your feet…”

Thanos gave a slight smirk. “I see some potential in this plan of yours… I may have underestimated you…” Then his eyes narrowed and his expression became stern and serious. “How do you suggest we control this being? This… female, to do my bidding?”

“Once the female’s mind is under the influence of the Tesseract… She will obey your every command without resistance…”

“Your plan is intruiging… With the exception of one small detail… We don’t have the Tesseract you idiot! Tell me, ‘Mister Other,’ do you have a plan to acquire the Tesseract?”

“My lord… As we speak, our best spies are in Asgard working to bring the Tesseract to its rightful place… In your hands… They will not fail…”

“Good… Because I will not accept another failure… You do not want to disappoint me again…”

“We will not fail you… On my life, you have my word, my lord…”

“Now… Tell me what you know of this being?”

“She resides in the realm of Midgard… She is a young woman, immortal and never-aging… She has the ability to make any living being immortal and forever-youthful… S.H.I.E.L.D. is not yet aware of her existence… She has no recollection of her past, which would give us an advantage over her… She only remembers her name and knows of her powers…”

“Interesting… And what is her name?”


“Good… I expect you to deliver her to me by the time the Tesseract is in my possession…”
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