Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1986446-Unseen-Force
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #1986446
Experience of a haunting
Unseen Force

The house has come alive. It feels like a living, breathing, black hole of fear running rampant. Do the other people living upstairs know what is happening beneath their feet in their own basement? Do they hear the moaning and groaning I hear night after night? Since the people upstairs went on vacation it has enhanced the activity. Before when I heard footsteps I assumed it was always the people above me walking around, I know now that is not true. There is something else here with me I can feel it. When I sit there, I can feel this cold chill run through my body and it feels like I am being molested by an unseen force I can do nothing about. I didn't want to believe at first in ghosts or invisible ones living side by side with us every day. All my research has turned up some interesting information. The condition of our soul attracts a certain type spirit. I am not even sure what that means.

The activity is getting worse. I see things moving on their own accord. The dark shadows are moving like flashes out of the corner of my eye. Lights are being turned on and off randomly. When I arrive home at night the back porch light turns on just long enough for me to get out my keys and put the key in the lock then turns off; the light is not on any kind of timer or motion sensor. I hear the sound of marbles falling and then rolling across the floor. The scariest part is finding out that they can physically harm the living flesh. How am I supposed to protect myself from an invisible force? I was in the shower and my poor ass is burning when the water hit it. I looked to see why it hurt so much and this red M scratched on me, the only mark I have ever gotten from this nightmare. It even healed quickly within a day or two. I feel like I am in a battle for myself because the fear has taken over. This unseen force has marked me now and I am more terrified than ever. I cannot sleep with the light off anymore. There is the constant terror and when I do fall asleep I wake up bolting up and having problems breathing like I am having an asthma attack; reality is, I am not. Will this ever end it keeps getting worse and worse? Feels like a dead man walking, I never sleep. There are black bags under my eyes which I get asked constantly if I am ok. I tell them everything is good because if I told the truth, everyone would think I was crazy.

Last night, on one of the few nights where I did get some sleep a peculiar thing happened. I woke up startled and saw this white mist floating above my bed; it hovered there quite a while just floating not sure what it was. I have been learning that the soul is the connection to everything in this life and is the same in the spirit world. It is the soul this spirit or spirits are attracted to. I don't even know if there is one or more than one connected to me. Usually, I don't see them I just hear them. They are always there tormenting me. My room is their playground and I am their toy. The other day I started hearing this pinging sound over and over again. I can't stop it because I do not even know where it is coming from.

One of the most important things I have learned whether we like it or not we share this world with the spirit, they both exist side by side. Most would say these souls are dead. They are not dead I can assure they are very much alive. They are different from physical being of course, they are still here and we share this place with them.

I can feel something touching me, again. I can feel the icy cool prickly touch on my arms. There is no one here except me this invisible realm is making itself known more and more each day. Now, I can feel a tingling on my legs and my fear is ramping up so much that it is attracting the spirit more and more. The more scared I am the more intense my experience is, I cover myself with a blanket hoping that it will help; I do not feel it anymore. I am still scared. I have to do something. This cannot go on anymore. I have considered an exorcism. My research has shown they are dangerous. The one that has the possession can experience pain and torture from the spirit which can result in death. I think I will take my chances with what I have here. The flashes out of the corner of eye are more frequent. The pinging noise is back. Where is that coming from? I feel like I am going mad. Every day I wonder whether anyone else will find out and decide to lock me up in a psych ward. I can't take much more of this. I have this small tan purse big enough for your wallet and cell phone and it was sitting on the floor with the handle standing up. I was reading and just happened to look up and saw the handle moving on its own. The emotional pain racing through my body makes me feel like I want to die. Hours were spent experimenting with my purse. My conclusion is that someone or something had to move it and that someone was invisible. Freaky, I do not have to rent horror movies just go to my room for all the horror you want.

When I do fall asleep I have nightmares. I am in pure darkness. Everywhere I go in my sleep is black. So black, that I cannot see my hand or anything at all. At first I thought there has to wall or something somewhere; there is nothing except black everywhere. I was crouched down on all fours waving my arms around hoping I would feel something and all I felt was air. I cautiously moved forward a bit and then felt around the air again; still nothing. I began panicking and hyperventilating. This is where I am going to be for the rest of my life always in darkness. The fear then overtook me and I rolled up in a fetal position rocking back and forth not know what else to do. This is the worst place I have ever been in. I found out later that when you go to sleep you actually go to the spirit world. I was in the hells of the land of the spirits. I was never taught in my whole life anything about the soul and through my research and experimentation I have shown myself that this is true. I have shown myself how pain, torture, war, hate, and anger how they exist. There is a possibility of healing myself if I want it. This is why we have fear, anger, and pain running loose all over the world the influence of these spirits is in many of those actions. How will we defeat these spirits?

I will begin feeling how I feel in this moment. It is nighttime. I should be sleeping and of course I cannot. I am in fear of the darkness. It feels so huge to me that it will swallow me up if I allow it to felt. I feel it anyway. My body begins to tremble and there are noises outside my room. Sounds like something crashing to ground. The spirit knows what I am doing and is not happy. As I feel myself the true emotions then the fear will be released and the attraction will change. I can feel the room spinning or am I imagining it?

I know I am crazy. There can be no other explanation. There is nothing more dark or sinister than this very moment when the fear takes over. I have no control of my body. Why am I shaking? My hear feels like it is going to pound me to death. I am overwhelmed with so much pain; I wish in that moment that I would die. This is worse than being attacked by invisible beings. The sharp burning pain shooting through my body is more than I can bear. I am writhing on floor like someone possessed not sure who or what is in control of my body; I know it isn't me at the moment. This invisible force pushes through my body starting at me toes and works its way up towards my head. After this happens I feel different. Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel different now. Still a little shaky I get up off the floor and everything feels different. I get up and flop myself into bed and fell into the deepest slumber. The only thing I remember thinking is I do not want to repeat this nightmare ever again.

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