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by hart
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #1994709
This is the first and last political essay I write .... l so despise politics.
6.4.14 Wed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This is the first and last political essay I write .... l so despise politics and those enthralled with it. I'm reminded of high school --- nothing ever changes --- everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten playground. High school, where the social suckups would pat you on the back looking for your vote in order to get in office and do nothing but look out for themselves. Meanwhile, while patting your back they're looking for the best place to stick the knife and leverage you into voting for them --- politics.                                                                                                                                                                          My name is Hart. Or just .... hart. I'm not a pundit, nor a thinktanker. I'm an everyday citizen making sense of the course of events around me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            If lefty stuff worked, I'd be a lefty, --- I'm practical like that. But, it doesn't, never has; just creates long line misery and apathy, in fact, at its worst, producing the most unimaginable horror --- absolute injustice with the complete absence of due process. Sort of reminds me of a guy lighting a match to check the level in his gasoline tank.                                                                                                                                  I'm not a democrat --- JFK was --- is --- a deeply felt hero to me, I frequently visit the eternal flame, remember and pray. I seem to have a lot of business at Arlington --- gardens of stone. I don't care about the sexual scandals, that's between him, his wife and his God. What I do care about is his wisdom, fortitude, character under severe pressure, his strategist abilities and his knack for being a tactician, he had a sweet tooth for the flanking maneuver --- he passes on all counts. Never forget this, and this is important, not to be overlooked or palmed off: with wounded, burned crew members, he swam out into shark infested waters at night, every night, with a lantern to signal a friendly vessel --- with no hope of success, he did it anyway, until it worked. That's Navy Cross.

Not since my youth and LBJ tried his corkscrew best to kill me better than anyone else; between, his laying his 'thing' on the table at the infamous cabinet meeting, saying Ho Chi Minh wasn't goin' get this and hanging up that poor Beagle by his ears, was he America's version of a Russian leader? Geez, he's from Texas not Stalingrad, I guess.

And Jimmy Carter tried to finish the job; but, slower --- the 'Great Malaise'. I'll never forget this: Ed Koch, mayor Ed Koch of New York City, a man I admired. He used to say, "I'm a liberal with common sense". And he backed it up. Once described how during the Iran hostage crisis, being invited to the White House and watching Jimmy Carter have a nervous breakdown right in front of him. Koch said, 'leaving the White House, I never felt so much despair in my life'. Do I believe him, was he making it up, a lifetime of Ed Koch --- I believe him.                                                                                                                                                      

I'm not a republican, I don't qualify, --- my parents were married. The blue blooders, countryclubbers: "I've got mine, Jack. Crowd." Even Rush disdains them. I do have my eye on the Tea Party. They show up for a 700,000 crowd in D.C. and pick up after themselves better than 50 lefties doing the same. That has got to say something, Nancy.                                                                                                                                  I am what we called back in school, --- a 'GDI', god damn independent. GDI's scorn peer pressure--- invites to frat pledging goes right into the garbage, legacy be damned --- we'll listen to a reasonable pitch; but, if you don't like my response, well, my folks started taking me to judo class when I was three, aikido at seven --- bullying is not an issue. They understood human nature and group dynamics and passed that knowledge along.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Human groups come together spontaneously to meet a real need. Natural leadership arises based on performance, --- all goes well for a time. Until, type A '*ssh*les' elbow their way to the center, takeover and run the group for the benefit of themselves and their cronies, throwing enough crumbs the rank-n-file way to keep them from quitting. Happens every time, from a school fraternity, to a trade union, to a church congregation, to a nation, --- count on it. It's human nature.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            So, I'm a GDI. I don't respond to peer pressure in predictable ways, --- that's a tactical ploy. I, too, like my hero, have a sweet tooth for flanking maneuvers.                                                                                                                                  
                                       The following --- what I am about to say --- gives me pain --- great pain --- to say this. Afterall, to serve in the United States military has no higher calling. There are some just as equal .... pediatric surgeon; a priest giving a departing soul comfort, last rites; an EMT rushing a wounded to ER, at personal risk --- there are so many. So many just as equal; but, none greater. God Bless them. God bless them all.                                                                                                              To serve our country, under arms,to serve..... when you take the oath, initially, maybe you realize, maybe you don't: but, soon you know, when you take that oath --- especially infantry, light infantry, you know that when you take that oath, you have sworn to take your orders even if that means unto your death ... you go anyway.                                                                                                                        To go anyway........ this is what pains me to say the following; but, it must be said. If I am wrong, God help me. If I am right, God help us all.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                So long as the appalling low grade quality of our nation's leaders is drain circling and sucking as much as it is, my advice to the nation's youth is do not volunteer for the armed services. It pains me --- deeply --- to say it. It must be said. I'll get to my reasons in a moment. A little profiling first.                                                                                                    

George W. is living proof, a moron can obtain an advanced degree from Harvard. Not that I'm surprised --- just amazed. A sad commentary on the state of higher education in this country. Where memorization is the keystone and socratic method has no more value than a holiday speech.          

Someone once said, 'democracy is the worst form of government in the world with the exception of all the others'. Spreading democracy as our nation's goal? Straighten out our own first. Who cares what others choose for themselves? Live and let live. Do business with us in peace, do us no harm --- you have nothing to fear from us. I can live with that.

If some other country is abusing their own people, that is that people's job to fix it. We did it for ourselves. Stop demanding we do it for you, then hate us for doing it. Folks have got to know rights only exist when you are strong enough to take them and hold onto them. No such thing as rights guaranteed --- that's privledges as defined, and can be rescinded at any time, on a whim. I don't buy the 'spread democracy' pitch. That's just spread the manure.                    

Going into a place that has been threatening us. Rolling them up. Yes, that's what our guys are good at. But, leave when the job is done. Once the bad guys are taken out, leave the rest of them to figure out what's next for themselves. If they continue to threaten us, just go back in. Like I said, that's what our guys are good at --- trained for. Keep doing that til the knuckleheads figure it out --- it's less expensive that way in blood and treasure. Enough of this 'nation building' mud squatters policy
. iYa Basta!

Leaving our guys as occupiers --- draining our blood and treasure --- our guys are not trained for that. Who is?                                                                                

What kind of leadership is that? Expending the lives of our young on fantasy and wishful thinking. Oh, that's right, leaders don't fight --- anymore. They pontificate and send messages. Once there was a time in human history when leaders forfeited their lives for serious failure of their people.                                                                                

There's more profiling coming. Donald Rumsfeld, the moron's chief hatchet man. Leaves our guys in place to traffic cop chaos, knowing their humvees are incredibly vulnerable to IEDs and their body armor so deficient, individual families had to buy and send their loved ones body armor that actually worked --- at their own expense. Sending our guys back into tours of combat duty, over and over again, til something really bad happens. Rumsfeld, all the while insisting that our guys 'leave a light bootprint on the ground'. This goes on for years til he resigns in disgrace. Disgrace? Disgrace! This miscreant should be made to sit over an IED, that can go off at anytime, for a time at least the length of a tour of duty. 'Yeah, Don, I see you're reporting to work this morning. Just go sit over there for the rest of the day. Try not to move too much --- keep a light buttprint.'                    

This whole 'nation building mud squatters' concept is taken up by the moron's successor with even more fervent mental disorder. A belief --- no, a need --- in making evil people like us. If only we apologize enough. Insist our guys' rules of engagement are suicidal enough to our own people to show our enemy how much we really care. Find a way and see to it solid tacticians like McChrystal and Petraeus are taken out of play. Obama is disgraceful as a president, dishonorable as a commander-in-chief. He does not deserve a salute from anyone in an American uniform --- just stroke the side of your neck.

Pull a tour yourself, Obama. Back yourself into a corner over Syria, did you? Well, now, hubris will do that, won't it. Not a single American should be standing with you --- except maybe squirrely John McCain. My advice to you Obama, how about another middle eastern "So Sorry" tour? The last one in '09 was such a success. Oh, and watch out, 'time wounds all heels'.                              

And squirrely John McCain. Substandard naval cadet, substandard naval officer, substandard naval aviator, outstanding prisoner-of-war. That in itself should speak volumes. Has dementia really set in? He seems to want to pick a fight with anyone and everyone, convinced we must fight FOR our enemy --- for the sake of democracy --- the Moslem brotherhood, islamist kind of 'democracy' [sic]. Consequences be damned.                                                                                                                        

Ask yourself this question, if our leaders are so concerned with the welfare of our troops as their empty speeches implore, then why does it take so much private contributions from donations to get our guys the rehab they need?

Why is there a VA scandal, where snakepit VA medical centers leave vets to languish .... some to die?          Bear in mind, this is the same crowd who will be bringing you your Obamacare.                                                            

So long as we have such despicable leaders, suffering such deep mental disorder --- borrowing vast sums from the Chinese, just to bleed it away into the sands of Sh*t-hole-istan --- my advice to the youth of our nation is, do not volunteer for duty in the armed services. Wait til the American people finally get the leaders we deserve.

Driving on Baghdad in armored columns like quicksilver, under fire, returning fire --- yes, absolutely. Getting blownup in tin can Humvees while policing mud squatters? Not on your life.


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