Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1995216-Prologue-Night-Terrors
Rated: E · Chapter · Supernatural · #1995216
The story of a young boy you can see the supernatural.
I never thought my life would end up like this. Me, the seemingly normal, and blatantly average student, graduated, just barely, with little to no people skills, or even regard for peoples well being in general. Yet here I am, literally risking my soul to protect them, and they don't even know it. I'm literally doing the one thing I never thought I would do; I am caring for the well being of others with no regards to myself, and expecting no reward out of it.

when the hell did this happen!?

I guess I understand, we need to go back to the beginning of it all. Back when I was just a little kid, barely eight years old, and when I actually thought that when you died, that was the end.

when I was 7, just a few months before my 8th birthday, my family moved into a duplex house in western Washington. It was small, but it was what we could afford, since my parents used all of their money simply to get us to Washington.I thought, this would be good. My mom just got divorced from my dad, my new step dad was nice to her, cared about me and my two brothers,and was willing to put everything behind him to provide for us. He left everything, and gave everything in return. We had a new life, and a new home to start over in.

that first night, I had a horrible nightmare. I don't remember it in detail, I just remember waking up in cold sweats, muscles tense and sore from being tightened and clenched for the past couple of hours while my subconscious battle itself. I told my mom, and she comforted me, like she normally did whenever I had a nightmare. But then the next night, it was the same. And the night after that. this process continued, every single night, until I was 12, when we moved away from that house, and all the nightmare stopped. I kept most of them to myself, so as not to be a burden, but I did come to notice one other thing. Every nightmare I had, wasn't just a nightmare. they were all linked together, like one giant horrible illusion cast over my mind. If I was to escape one part of the neighborhood in my dream, and get to a different part of the neighborhood, a different nightmare would start, each section of the street we lived on, a different, vivid, and painfully terrifying Night Terror, waiting for me to approach. The worst always occurred when I would start inside the house, because I knew escape was futile. on top of all of that, the only other person who seems to appear in my dreams, was my newborn baby brother, who when I woke up, was also screaming and crying. Whatever was harassing me, was doing the same to him, only he was an infant, still unable to walk or talk, and that was when I realized that not only was something, some outside influence, effecting both me and my brother, but it didn't care how are young and innocent he still was. Whatever was assailing our thoughts, knew it was causing harm, and cared very little.

as the years went on, I grew older, my parents have more children, and I realized that Lewis, my brother who was the infant I spoke of,was also the only one who could see things in a way others couldn't. he was born with nystagmus, an eye condition that causes ones point to focus to be reduced. clinically speaking, he was born too blind to be able to drive when he's older, but has enough sight that he can walk around on his own. Although his eyes don't really work as well as they could, she still seems to notice things that I didn't notice for another couple years. I wish I had believed him sooner.
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