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Why hasn't Katt written in ages, and how was the mission she was sent on
Sunday 15th June 2014

My room (school)

I know, I haven’t written in a while. But I do have a reason, I was still kinda shocked because of what happened. Basically, I had to kill the corrupt angel because me and medusa had to split to find him, and I was the one who found him. The angel’s name was Azrael, but he was also the man who I had thought was my dad the whole of my life, I didn’t want to kill him but he kept saying that I wouldn’t be able to do it and saying really mean stuff which I am not going to repeat here, while I was holding a knife to his heart (of course it was made of demonic materials that can cut anything, never brake and is like to angels as iron is to us. Poison.) I done it though I pushed on the knife. Hard. And it sank straight through his chest and heart, although he didn’t die straight away. Although this wasn’t before he attacked me with Iron swords and daggers and bullets, and he had made the room that he was in, like, demon proof, and covered it in iron- floors, walls, ceilings, door(so I was stuck once I entered)- so I was half dead by the time I found Medusa myself. We got back as soon as we could because of this, as we forgot our calamus’ (a thing which we can you to draw spells onto our backs that do whatever we want them to- only female hell creatures can use) but when we finally got back, I collapsed onto the kitchen floor, whacking my head in the table as I did, knocking myself out until yesterday, which is when I found ben and david sitting at my desk, on watch in case I woke up, you should have seen the looks on their faces when I woke up, especially since I heard half of our convosation which was about me and medusa and was a little bit awkward, and im guessing I wasn’t supposed to hear it, so I’m not going to repeat it, but I will say. No I won’t. Going know, lessons

Katt xxxxxxxxxx

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