Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1996479-A-Dream
by Bunny
Rated: 13+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #1996479
Another attempt at horror/thriller
"Welcom back." The shrink greeted me. "It's good to be back...I suppose." I said. "Today, I want you to go over that dream you have been telling me about. The one that has been haunting each night since you turned 18."

"Alright...I'll try. The dream doesn't seem to have an end nor a beginning. I feel as though I start off in the middle. I repeat the same parts over and over again. It begins with me in a hallway that is light by lights that flicker on the walls. I know, sounds like a bad set up for a horror movie. I walk this hall unknowing where I'm going. After a while I reach a dark red door. As I go for the knob a blood curdling scream fills the hall. i drop to my knees covering my ears. Does no good. It just gets louder. I soon pass out unable to take it anymore."

"When I come to I am in a room. I asume it's the one that the red door leads to. Only thing in here is a T.V. on the floor. It's nonthing but static at first, but then shows clips of that of the home movie type. To my surprize...the movies are about me when I was a child. I didn't have a rough life. my parents didn't get a divorce or fight. They always were happy. It mostly showed me playing with toys and smileing."

"It stops on the day of my tenth birthday. Right as I blow out the candles. It swicths to a back view of me wacthing this T.V. I slowly turned around. There stood a rainbow door. I dared not approach it thinking I would encounter another deafening scream. The door swings wide open and sucks me in. I hear it close be hide me. I know it vanishes into the rainbow painted walls. I realize the room right away. The drawer from a desser open with a sock hanging over the edge, toys scattered on the floor, a bed up against the window, this was my room when I was younger. Brings back so many memories. I saw it on the video and now I once again stand in it. An eerie light shines through the window and is the source of light for this room. I am over comed with an urge to look out it."

"I kneel on my bed and stare out the window. First thing I see is the lawn below my room. Then the street. Finally the house across us. Everything is normal...expect I notice something odd. Oppsite my view is a window at the other house. I focus...I see a silhouette. I jerked back abit from being shocked. It did the same. I moved my left hand up, it copied. It followed like my shadow. Exect movements as I did right as I did them. I was having some fun with this shadow 'til a hand reached out from the darkness be hide it and pulled it away. A chill ran down my sphine. Sweat started dripping. Afraid to turn around and afriad that if I didn't then what ever it was might get me. I mustered up the courge to face what ever it was...nonthing. Just my empty room. However, it changed. My drawer was closed and my toys made a trail leading out of my room. Had my door been ther? I don't recall if it was or not."

"I get up from my bed. Poke my head out to the left then quickly to the right. The hall is brightly light as though the lights were on, they weren't. The trail goes out my room, left, then down stairs. After I head down they go left into the living room. Another T.V. stands on the floor. No furniture any where. I'm compelled to sit. To wacth the T.V. Same as the last. Nonthing but snow for a while. It clicks back to showing me more videos of my life. This time as a teen. I was bullied almost everyday. Girls rejected me left and right. I only had one girlfriend in my teen years. This was...something I wanted to forget. You see, we had been going out for two years. Sadly I found out she was cheating on me from the start with some jerk. I was pissed. The day I learned the truth I yelled at her. How could she do this? I broke it. The next day I saw something on the news that made my story turn. Her dead body. Tears crept out omy eyes. I couldn't help it. Aparently that other guy didn't know about me. When she told him he got scaried hearing that she loved me and wanted to stop seeing him in order to get back with me. He became psycho. Grabing a kitchen knife, he thusted it into her stomache and pulled it upwards. The neighbors heard the crys for help. Which would lead to his arest. As they dragged him away he yelled out how he was going to gut me like he did her along with a ton of curse words. Later it was said he also had cut out her heart....and ate it. The T.V. went blank. My weeping picked up pace. Rolling down my cheeks and onto the carpet. All I saw stareing at was the reflection of myself on the T.V. However, it was not balling its eyes out like I was. Instead it leaned in and whispered, "It's not your fault." Then moved back into it's normal spot. This time actully reflecting me and my blood shot eyes. I felt...like a weight was lifted from me. I stopped crying after hearing that."

"Do you blame yourself for her death?" The shrink asked. "Yeah. She wouldn't had ened up dead if I didn't yell and leave her."

"How do you know that for sure?"

"I...." I paused.

"Even if you happened to be there during the attack, you could have ended up dead with her. And if you stayed with her after yelling there is no way to know if she wouldn't have been the one to leave. How knows...maybe either way she would have still visted the guy she was cheating on you with. Perhaps your subscious is telling you it truly isn't your fault."

I was silent. "Oh sorry. Please go on."

"I jumped due to a loud banging. Someone was knocking at the front door. Unfortunately the way I cam in was replaced by a solid wall. My only way was to go through the kitchen. Nothing was creepy about it. It was just the usually kitchen. No items missing or moved...exect the fridge being open. Distracted and intrigued by it, I ignored the sounds of the vister outside. There were no contents within it. I shrugged and began to close the door. When I looked back a jar was in the way back. It was filled with cloudy water and not to mention was kinda heavy. I turned it about in my hands investigating this strange object. I jumped again as the echoing knock scarred me once more. The jar fell from my hands and onto the hard tile floor. The fogy liquids spilled and relieved what was inside....a still beating human heart. I was terrorized. It lyed there....pulsing. It pumped out more of the dirty water with each beat. My heart, I could feel, was beating faster than that on the floor. The knocking countuined on. I gulped, turned, and ran to the door...bad chose. For when I opened it....there stood my ex who had died. Blood pouring out of her gut. Her face and body decayed like. One eye hanging out. She reachs out for me saying "Why...why..WHY!" I shut my eyes hoping it'll all got way. It does. I open them to see only a puddle of blood where she stood. I sigh and look out the door more."

" A thick fog surround everything. The roads are broken. I mean actually destroyed. The only ground is my house, the small section of street between my place and the one across from it, and said home. I carefully step around the blood of my former lover. Reaching the other house I open the door forgetting that scream from earlier. And that's it."

"Well, it seems like we a lot to discuss about this nightmare. Let me remind you that it is and always will be just a dream." The shrink said standing up He began walking backwards while his huge rat head is spinning counter-clockwise. "Yeah I know. Just a dream....a dream..."
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